Winter Sale

BioMutant looks like a interesting game will have to see how it is when it comes out, thanks for bringing attention to some of these games


I need just one more card for TheSteam badge of 12 set. I hav lots of dupes. I have 2 profiles on steam (Because one I am making up for a buddy in town here- selling whole PC with steam to him). I have mobile authent…on Thor Green 2 (Thor2) Canada level 22 I guess…I have lots of cards and want to trade…Mostly for me takes 15 days Hold…I am Delenn from Ontario’s friend Philip from sask. I won’t worry about steam badge its other cards. I am Not crafting til sale over, as I will get badge anyway…and Now I will not get discount game coupon just one card for The Steam badge. Or should I be doing something else. Maybe only buy 1 game in sale yet…Or should I be buying now???

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@darkshadow Yeah, I’ve been looking at BioMutant ever since it announced. I absolutely loved Just Cause 2, so JC3 (which was made by a new division in New York) was a huge slap in the face… just a terrible game all around that ruined everything both presentation and gameplay-wise about Just Cause to make paragliding destruction feel monotonous. Installation 101 is made of a bunch of former Avalanche Studios (Sweden) members that left to form their own company, and as we’ve seen with some of the recent THQ Nordic titles, they seem to strike a good line between funding their developers and standing back a bit. Besides, Just Cause’s developers without SquareEnix? Count me in!

Both BioMutant and Darksiders III seem to be progressing quite well judging by the footage we’ve seen of both, though Darksiders was looking pretty rough in the initial trailers (probably because they rushed to make an official announcement after an Amazon listing leaked the game’s existence). In both cases, you can really see both decent gameplay mechanics and some beautiful artistic design.

I’m REALLY hyped up for 2018 with some of the games that are coming out, and there’s no smoke and mirrors here as we’ve been seeing plenty of alpha/prealpha footage with a clear forward line of progress.


Hey Phillip, Which card you need? As you know, I am NOT versed in the level stuff, so can’t help you there.

P.S. We just got our 55 inch UHD TV so we been playing around with it and getting the Android box set up. Trying to get rid of cable. Between the antenna(we get 33 channels-US and CA)) and the Android box we should be able to. Now we are looking at laptops.


I picked up these games in the last few days from the sale:

Enter the Gungeon

Portal 1 & 2 Bundle


Oh my that bundle is so cheap. Good catch! :slight_smile: :butterfly:


Gaben decided that for the rest of the sale I shall get only the “No Apologies” trading card. Well, thanks… will put the five of them to good use.


For me they’ve decided I shall not under any circumstances be allowed the “Haunts my dreams” card,


I’m getting lots of love, I’ve had 9 of that damn thing


You’re not alone in that. Of the four cards I got today, three of them were Labour of Love.


Well, at least is seems like ONE of us is getting the Chrono “Crazy in Love” badge soon, then. Seems like I was wrong before.


quick mafs told me i would have to like 1000 posts… seemed like a bit much work for a badge :wink:,
but who knows, might just get it anyway, -if not just to have DownwardConcept and Amarylis /everyone comment on my like spam, again :smile:


Since I have a spare $4 USD of steam credit left are there any games that i can get with that I should have a look at?


Blasted if I can get it to show the black box link


I would recommend Primordia. :butterfly:

edit: also, @LordAo, just paste the link and believe in some entity or other. Said entity blesses you and it works every time.


I just notice that you can get 3 trading cards from daily discovery queue. Pls someone end me

@acb234 A few

+1 on Mark of the Ninja, the others I haven’t played. :laughing:


Thanks for the suggestions im thinking of mark of the ninja as antichamber didnt do it for me.

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but but but… you’ve been able to do that for both summer/winter event, -for several years


I know, but I wasn’t even thinking this time around, I never use that thing until there’s cards involved. It’s a great way to start your year, isn’t?