Winter Sale

picked up the swapper, recommended by a few people on Chrono as i recall, and reaching a high 85% discount, -seemed something not to pass up this time around

and a couple of tomb raider games too, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Tomb Raider Legend, Tomb raider Anniversary and Tomb Raider Underworld
(underworld and anniversary) reaching a new best discount according to steamdb

and “finished” my collection with Lostwinds 2, to (eventually) get the full cute experience

(can get 1+2 in a package for 3 bucks instead of 2 for each, but since i already had the first my hand was “forced”. But yay new discount :smiley:)

also picked up Perils of Man and Ankh by way of @coralinecastell bringing them to my attention, cheers :+1: :hugs:
-which also lead me to grab Black Sails - The Ghost Ship
hoping to get my point 'n click groove back on to relax and de-stress, and maybe steal some attention back away from GD :blush:

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The Swapper is one of my favorite atmospheric games. It is utterly haunting and very memorable. There’s a piano piece in it – I’ll leave you to find it out, instead of linking to it beforehand – that took my breath away with how poignant and desolating it was. The Swapper gives you the feeling of utter isolation while still feeding your curiosity and your hope to continue onward. The level designs are ingenious – with the exception of two levels that got me enraged – and the story blends the right amount of riddles and answers.

I think that is how being alone in space must feel like. I hope you pack enough astronaut food before undertaking your journey into the stars and into yourself.

PS: Do yourself a favor, hunt for the achievements. Just… trust me on this one. Use a guide for the locations, they’re impossible to find without one. I’ll say no more.

So glad to hear of all this! Hope you enjoy yourself. Let me know if you ever need any more Point n’ Click games – I’ll recommend you a ton of fantastic ones. :butterfly:

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Fraggles mentioned metroidvanias
and i thought it might be worth noting that Odallus: The Dark Call is currently [u]79cents[/u] on Fanatical(previously known as Bundlestars), for 24hours or as long as supply lasts, -just and fyi to those that don’t already own it ofc
game steam link:
another link to the star deal: Odallus: The Dark Call | Fanatical


Somehow, I’ve managed to acquire three copies of Odallus in my short time as a PC gamer. Kept one and gave away/traded the others. Definitely reminds me more of the classic NES Castlevania games than more modern Metroidvanias. Still a great value for 79 cents… but not as good as that 99 cent Fez :wink:

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I didn’t like Fez much. It made me feel incredibly stupid… :frowning:

Thus far in the Steam Sale I have gained 8 Steam Levels. That’s pretty much it.


also picked up


with a nice brand spanking new(according to steamdb) 90% discount seemed like 3 bucks worth “gambling”, even if i’m not so sure as to how good these games actually are/will be, when i get around to them
looks positively gorgeous tho

i hear ya, if only i could get through idling 20+some games to get remaining bonus cards/badges/levels while the event lasts…(cursed 8+hour bug)

-pickings have been “slim”, but somewhat fairly cheap ones, and did manage to knock 2or3 off the wishlist too, so that’s something at least
really looking forward to giving Domina a go :smiley:


Been playing mostly GOG games for the past couple of months but the other day I play a couple of hours of 100% Orange juice with @Truly and now my exploration queue is stuffed full of anime games. Now I do enjoy anime and many games of the style, but there is unmistakably an awful lot of absolute shite out there, and steam thinks I might want it all!

It’s just kind of funny how huge changes the steam recommendation algorithm goes through with small amounts of input.


If I weren’t about to dump $50 on a brand new mic, I’d probably have bought ELEX by now:

If you’re not interested in what seems to be Pirahna Bytes’ big break and finally hitting the mark, you can also pick up Fortnite’s Founder Pack at a discounted price at the moment on either Green Man Gaming or the Epic Games Launcher. I’ve been having a lot of fun with this game in co-op recently, beyond the Battle Royale mode that (rightly) gets plenty of attention the PvE campaign has a lot of content as well as a great sense of humor and mechanical polish. The building system is absolutely incredible in Fortnite, and allows for a lot of creativity. Aside from co-op, it also allows you to place down Defender Pads and call in survivors that you rescue on the map… okay, it’s basically Metal Gear Survive, no dodging that… but is that a bad thing?

My sole issue is that the early stages don’t encourage base-building as well as they could as the difficulty takes a few stages to really start off. I’m absolutely loving the game so far though, and 50% off isn’t bad for what you’re getting.

You can also buy a “Battle Pass” for the already-free PvP Battle Royale mode, which will grant additional rewards for leveling up compared to a free player (all cosmetic of course), but this is only 950 V-Bucks (basically $9.50). I’m emphasizing the fact that it uses an in-game currency (though this will be changed later) because I paid the entire price of the Battle Pass using V-Bucks earned from the PvE mode through quests and base expansions. It’ll probably go back up to $20’s worth of currency soon, though.

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You’re very welcome


Just count yourself lucky. Mine is stuffed full of “free to play” crap because I get weekly buffs and free chests that can only be activated from within the game.from a few games I got DLC from GGOTD. Mama Mia!

Full of bell bottoms, gogo boots and mullets…What were we thinking?


Steam-chan just wants to be noticed, senpai


I think I’ve fallen victim to steam profiling too as I seem to be getting a hell of a lot of pixel art, RTS’ and Indie games in my queue…probably going to have to set Idlemaster to manually “idle” some games for me.

Also what level have you got your Winter Awards 2017 badge up to? I’m at level 4 at the moment…should make 5 on Sunday all things being equal.

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my badge is only lvl 3
-but haven’t traded any of my dupes yet, and got so many already i think i can make 3-4 more badges just off those

“busy” atm trying to get remaining regular badges finished, but seem’s like i’m exhausting 1:1 bots left and right lol :joy:

also, if someone wants to not increase their bullcrap “steam profiling suggestion algorythmatics” -don’t “card idle” the freebies or cheap asset flip and whatnots that’s tossed around certain places :rofl: -boy do i regret that

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I’ve only just today gotten a full set to craft the first level badge. I keep getting duplicates, how did you guys manage to get so many levels? Just lucky with the rolls or are you getting an awful lot of cards from somewhere?

If anyone want to trade duplicates at some point I’d be happy to do so.


I think we all regret that…although possibly the cards are an even trade. Luckily you don’t need a game installed to fake idle it manually so the balance can be redressed.

(Double post)

I saved 15 badges to craft for the sale - ergo 15 extra Winter Awards cards. I’ve also traded to create a couple more since then.

Fraggles I think you’re in desperate need of this site (if you don’t already use it).


i mean the cards “can” ofc be worth it,
i’m just not sure if the steam algorithm changes after idling, are worth the cards/“profit” to sift through all those new spam suggestions :smile:

Jim Sterling made reviewing those games into a profit stream…it’s all about perspective! :wink:


Sorry to change the subject, but…

Is this game any good? I’ve seen it mentioned here a number of times. I’m tempted to buy it because I enjoy board games (like Gremlins Inc. and Armello) and it’s currently selling for only $1.74. I have no clue what Orange Juice is (aside from the beverage) or who any of these characters are… does that matter?

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@DanosaurJr I’ve played it over a few years (close to 500 hours apparently) and I still like it. It’s fun and easy to get into, it does get slightly deeper when you learn a few strategies. And you will hate each and everyone at times like with any board game.
You don’t need to know anything about the characters, they’re from other games by Orange Juice and while it’s fun to know about them it doesn’t affect your enjoyment of the game.