Will there ever be Coin Shop games worth spending coins on?

4.5k sounds promising!


Maybe you will finally spend some of those 20k coins? :stuck_out_tongue:

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That’s what I’m hoping but probably not :smiley:

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Technically that’s full price, you can’t judge games that have had good sales as being full price, so cut those prices atleast in half, so while I understand his argument and it does make sense, I see nothing but rebundled many time games mostly being listed and it does get annoying when all your points seem to do is gather dust, but also it will really devalue the game as well, so both sides have valid points.

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So, I assume you’ve read the thread in its entirety since you commented on arguments of both Gnuffi and Nintendude and even after all of it you complain about the quality. You might know more than us. How exactly do you get better games in the shop without ruining the business at hand? How do you get new, unbundled games for the low, low cost of nothing in the shop? Or are you saying Chrono is supposed to buy newly released games for us for simply clicking a coin?
If you think that your coins are collecting virtual dust, since you find nothing to spend them on, why bother with the streak? Just quit and earn real money for real work and get yourself the games you feel are worth your investment.

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I doubt it! In fact, I call TROLL!


actually listing full price/current retail price is completely valid, because that’s what you would have to pay to get them now/most of the time, vs the free offer
deep discounts doesn’t “reset” the price of a game, unless it’s actually discounted often enough to make it valid (otherwise you could argue one should use g2a prices as perma listings, which just, no, get out),
nor does bundling a game, since that’s not just a special offer, in most cases it’s a 1 time offer that doesn’t happen again, and if so, very rarely, even more so than the discounts

not to mention you would have to wait, which adds uncertainty because you don’t know when/what discount it gets next

current retail price(at time of free offer), even if old, or “wrong because once discounted X” is all that matters for comparison in such case, since some games are older than others, have had bigger discounts and more frequent once that others, not to mention where purchasing them from (nor are we counting in inflation, currency or trends because that’s just getting silly)
note that if finding using retail price for old games unfair (most which have/get permanently reduced retail price with time vs release btw), then the argument doesn’t get better, because that would just make the new/newer games even more precious/valuable in price thus even more audacious to “ask” for for free

Almost no giveaways give new games, few give high monetary value games, and one thing those that do have in common, they certainly don’t stock up with the same frequent interval as Chrono does or anywhere close to it

also, if a persons points/coins is gathering dust, there can only be 3 possibilities
1; a game sold out, you have my sympathy
2; you own either so many games that you can’t expect or demand any type of giveaway to reasonably be able to cater to you (talking about those (x)00+games owners),
or you were just lucky/unlucky depending on pov enough to already own these, which again is no fault of Chrono’s, since given how quick they sold out, a ton of people didn’t already own them, and if you already owned it probably means it was good enough for you, so both those are on you
3; no games had any appeal/worth to you, which is 100% on you, and i’ll point back up top to my game snobbery comment
(using “you” as in plural/indirect form)

and i will repeat once more, not all giveaways have something for everyone every time, nor should they or have any obligation to
this is where you get to weigh if the effort is worth the reward, again i’ll mention “other” giveaways, which is why i stopped following those, reddit, etc. exactly because there was just no reward for the constant checking up, waiting or even the hoops some made you jump through (at least no reward imo compared to game worth vs “effort” made into following up)
and the more games you already own, also means you need to consider your possible servings get less, so you don’t get to be as upset just because there wasn’t something in the bag for you this time, even if it’s still annoying
(“what do you give the person who has everything”)

do consider the possible entitlement and nerve in asking for certain games for free,
price, age, quality, popularity, taken into account, before positing the thought and the “reasonability” in such

and also, no one owes you anything for free to begin with, much less the exact thing(s) you want


Sigh. Didn’t we see Bug Butcher up there before? I guess it’s almost impressive, despite the typos in its trailers (“Winner: The Big Inide Pitch” ???). I might have to consider that one though. :open_mouth: Then spend that $8 on SOMA or something via Humble instead :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Don’t know, have we? :smiley:

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Bug Butcher hasn’t been in the coin shop before. Might have been a daily deal… not sure. Perhaps you are thinking of Cosmochoria?

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was a daily deal like a year ago,
but was part of a limited (user created, i think) giveaway very recently somewhere (possibly indiegala) i think, so that might be it too

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on a side note related to Bug Butcher i stumbled on this (old) article

Australia is always good with a laugh on game censorship :joy_cat:


Got home to find that i’d missed out again… :frowning:

wait can i play it then?
I am australian

Yes, they changed the ‘speed’ drug to ‘boost juice’ and it was reclassified to M15

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yea it’s fine, you just get the “censored” version (tho the hilarity still ensues over how minor a change was made to call it a “censored” version just to satisfy the Aussie ratings board)
i love how some countries (AU in particular) function with their ratings board,
Germany we know is all weird with their “cleansing” and denial of anything nazi related,
but sometimes a game still get banned or weirdly rated just because of hilariously weird or prude or uptight local country rules
"won’t somebody please think of the children!!!:joy_cat:

I think Guru Larry(at least i think it was him) posted a couple of vids long ago about old games getting censored for weird or stupid reasons, that made the situation sorta hilarious
(tho don’t quote me on that, memory is getting old and slow, but i know i definitely saw some vids of it that wasn’t the usual Mortal Kombat/GTA/Manhunt censor related topic)

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There is no difference between the Australian version of Bug Butcher and international ones, when they were denied classification in Australia they were afraid they would be rejected elsewhere so just changed it in all versions. In the wiki link above you can see what games are censored in Australia but not in other countries and which were changed worldwide like outlast 2.

Interesting note that Postal and Postal 2 were both refused classification but are available on Steam in Australia.

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i totally get that, i didn’t mean “only you/AU” get censored version, just that you got a “censored” version if you got it/bought it from the shop (hence the “quotes”, since i think calling it censored is hilarious, but hey, if it satisfies the AU ratings board :smile_cat:)

what even more interesting is Postal is apparently still available in AU 3 years later after that article
dono why or how it got around that, seems odd if “nobody” has noticed for so long lol
but sorta just illustrates how silly the whole ratings thing is at times, because if it doesn’t work/isn’t adhered to “strictly” what’s the point anyway, other than to satisfy some old grump or prissy prude sitting in a couch never touching games anyway :ghost:

oh btw we have a 18+ rating for games now so far less games get banned thanks for the info though

No one would ever call Philip Ruddock an old grump (at one time federal attorney-general who requested two games have their ratings appealed and were then refused classification)

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