Will there ever be Coin Shop games worth spending coins on?

last few weeks haven’t been too great admittedly, but Lethal League and Tower of Guns wasn’t that long ago. I think it’s fair to be miffed if the quality of games went immediately from Brigador on release (to draw in huge hype) to like, Poop In My Soup and State of Anarchy and never returned - then it’d feel like a bait and switch. but have some faith. they can’t give out $10-20 games all the time.


Forgot to link the previous thread. Similar topic, same conversation, different day

While i agree that our gnomish friend was trying to build a moral high ground out of “what if’s” and speculation, your coming across as rather confrontational and condescending. The two of you going at each other wont solve shit and will only work to deter the chrono crew from listening to their audience. Now while i appreciate your taste in shit talking, this discussion doesn’t come across as the right place to put it. And the whole “precious coins” argument? Really? Your gonna accuse one of the guys who’s stance is that better coin shop games are unreasonable, of “white knighting” for more coins? Not only does that come across as conspiratory, but also makes the chrono crew sound like shady peddlers. Now i know someones gonna call me condescending and yes i absolutely am. But how about chrono just take everyone’s wishlist games and try to line up those games as daily deals, we get the games we want, they profit, everyone’s happy. (Some people might recognize me as that weirdo that opens all those debate threads, and this thread is a good example of why i refuse to make the coin shop a thread topic) Now can everyone please quit whining about a virtual currency that has less monetary value than gold in most MMO’s? We don’t even work for our coins, we just open our browsers once a day. It’s like the old saying goes, When you get something you didn’t work for, you wont understand it’s value, you will only feel entitled.

Sorry for all the venting, just sick of seeing people try to build the biggest high ground out of shit.

Now can’t we all just play games and be friends? Steam: GoodyearTires (if multiple pop up, mine will be the fucker using geralt of rivia as my profile pic)

Have a nice day :smile_cat:


sigh… :rolling_eyes:

seems i’ve reached my allotted word max this week so i’m not gonna continue on, and on and on--------------------------

i will take the kibble tho :+1:
(oh noes, i’m turning into a cat too :scream_cat:)

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…Just another small joke within my verrry sarcastic response. :stuck_out_tongue: I wouldn’t genuinely suspect it. However, based on your need to rebutt it… :wink:

BUTT ANNIE WHEY. From the start of this thread, even, I mostly exaggerate my thoughts and character in order to amuse myself. S’pose that might explain my reputation. <_> People keep telling me to stop introducing myself as the most randumb and obnoxious side, on dating sites or otherwise. Yet, I figure, if they’re worth talking to at all in the first place, they’re at least capable of matching my most absurd nature. Why wait ‘n’ wade through any period of pretending and dull small talk to find out?

S’pose that’s a’new-ther topic altogether, though.

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Gonna be honest @nintendude794 when I read your reply to @Gnuffi I wasn’t sure whether you were trying to be funny or be really confrontational, different sections of it came across as both.

I waited to see how things panned out before making a reply. I guess sarcasm doesn’t always come across well in written text.

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This is why i don’t do online dating, it just makes everyone look like an asshole :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

At least you keep the mood light when throwing shit :poop:

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[quote=“nintendude794, post:46, topic:5221”]
I try to meet new people by being as obnoxious as possible
(paraphrased) [/quote]


Hahaha, primarily, opening with “Yo’hoy thar!” and “Greetings, earthling!” and “Howdy!” and the like. Maybe not necessarily obnoxious… Jus’ silly ‘n’ randumb.

What did you expect. The guys behind chrono dont owe you anything. If you want them to put their hands in their pockets and offer you expensive indie games like SOMA then first start buying daily deals. I don’t think they are rich or willing to make gifts and even if they did they’d gift their friends not random ungrateful children on the internet.

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I’ve spent $67.00 on Daily Deals thus far. How 'bout you?


Pics or didn’t happen


You seem to forget this is a business, these arent your pals, if they wan’t to keep people coming back they have to offer things people want.

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By the rate games have sold out every other week I would say they appear to have done pretty well in that respect.

It’s only poop in my soup and this last week’s batch that have been anomalous. The most common complaint has been that the game sells out too fast.

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I’ve spent $68.50 with today’s purchase.

Considering that’s something like 20 games, I’m not disappointed.


You seem to forget this is a business, they do offer things people want to make them come back, they are on the front page every 24 hrs for a cheap price because that’s how the business makes money to stay afloat. The coin shop is something which they either use as a loss leader or bank on the generosity of devs to run and they cant always cater to everyone’s tastes everytime.


Three “Coming Soon” games (3k, 3.5k, 4.5k) in the coin shop got me thinking of this thread. Nice spread of prices and cool to see three games instead of the usual two. Let’s hope there’s something worth spending coins on for everyone!


On the subject of the coin shop, I happened to notice that they seem to be pushing their self-imposed two-week deadline just a bit further with each new batch. Not complaining, just thought I’d point it out. :slight_smile:

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I have a good feeling about these upcoming games. I think they are going to be the best ones ever!