What Have You Picked This Steam Sale?

it’s 49cents… stop thinking and push the button! :smile_cat:


But that button is red…


Stop making me jealous @Gnuffi, meanwhile Steam send this to me every single day, feel like blackmail :sob:


hehe i still have plenty games on wishlist that is on sale too (132 “reminder” earlier today i think),
and i had to ignore both emails and store frontpage with all it’s wishlist “reminders/suggestions” lol
(as i’m now technically slightly over budget, woopsie)


Steam kindly remember me this, daily…


I picked DOOM up this time around, thought that’d be it but I ended up with Shadows of Mordor and Insurgency as well after TB’s recommendations.

Would have liked to buy Pillars of Eternity as well, been waiting for that game and it’s expansions to come down to a good price. But they’ve been getting more expensive lately, with a price hike right before the sale so no thanks. I think they were the cheapest the week before Torment: Tides of Numenera released then a week after when it became clear everyone was really disappointed in that title the price of Pillars went up. Cheeky bastards.

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Are those Paradox Interactive games?

Pillars of Eternity is, yes.
It looks like they’ve gone and raised all their prices across the board from what I’m hearing. Tides of Numenera is not

Sounds like they’ve noticed a certain level of disgruntlement though.

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I watched (or rather heard) this guy talked about them. Apparently the company doesn’t believe in deflation of digital goods so the prices for their games never go down, only up.

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Yeah, the whole bit about ‘everyone adjusts their prices’ is kind BS, for all the reasons SidAlpha lays out. Paradox enjoys a position in the games industry as providers of very unique titles, there’s not really a lot of choices if you want to play a grand strategy and all the choices available are Paradox titles. With that in mind it’s understandable if they chose to not let their titles devalue, that’s their choice and I can respect that.

That said though they have through that course of action put themselves in the position where currency fluctuations and inflation is having an impact on the profitability of their titles. No other publisher has this concern because their titles devalues at a rate far greater than inflation. So I can see where they’re come from, but I can’t say I’m pleased about it and I’m not likely to support them for it.

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@Madway @Fraggles “no worries” - Paradox CEO has assured “us” that the prices will return to normal, and they will not pull this stunt again with old titles, (only new), but only after Steam sale, because; “reasons”, about it being unpossibro during sale/right now
also reassured “us” there was no conspiracy in the form of price hike relations in going public nor having Tencent buy a chunk of the company being anyway connected to it
but do expect Paradox games to not be as “cheap” on launch anymore as they previous had been

and can i say how honored i am about this?
not only does living in the EU already means on average our games are by far the most expensive with over 10%,
but to be a part of such “stable” and “rich” countries with “economies evolving and soaring” to such “high” points, that it’s no longer a problem to gouge the common folk an extra extra 10-20% on top of that already, -bravo!
“sits back and lights 50yo virgin cigar with 500€ bill -because living in the EU” :ghost:


[quote=“Truly, post:8, topic:4923, full:true”]
I’ve only bought Extreme-G 2 and Shadow of Mordor so far.I’ll probably pick up some more stuff like Snake Pass later in the month.[/quote]
Picked up Transistor and Transformers: Devastation too

Wait… there are people that don’t benefit financially from their countries being considered richer??? Say it ain’t so!!!

I might have to decide between Transistor and Tomb Raider (2013).


i haven’t played Transistor yet so can’t say anything about that (other than people seem to glowingly recommend it ofc)
Tomb Raider 2013 however i did play, and quite liked it too, if into that sort of gameplay, (since the 2games are kinda very different in that aspect)
if you’re into “aaa” 3rd person shooter “adventure” action, like an “Uncharted-lite” then go for Tomb Raider, (however if you aren’t into that sort, it will get old fast)
the “better” game might, to many, be Transistor, if that’s the type of game one prefers, and might be i’d like it more than Tomb Raider too, but since i haven’t played it yet i can’t say which i prefer of the two,
just that neither is bad for the money for sure
maybe watch some slight “unspoilerrific” vids and see what you recon you would prefer

(but until i do try Transistor and could make a direct “comparison”/recommendation, i do give Tomb Raider a good recommendation for a 3rd person shooter action “adventure” game that is, just don’t expect it to be as good as Uncharted storywise tho)

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I only have a vague idea of what Transistor is like, but I do like Tomb Raider. I hear the only issue with it is that the game is so linear.

But I do like that style.

I got the Witcher 3 season pass ($12.49) and Insurgency ($1.49). Both great games.

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You will probably get more hours of enjoyment out of Tomb Raider, but a greater sense of novelty out of Transistor.

The combat system in Transistor got a bit tiresome to me after a while, especially towards the end. For the most part I played the game because I found the world and the story intriguing but once I saw where the story was headed and the reasons for everything started to become clear I couldn’t be arsed to get through the final slog of combat encounters and never finished it. I’m told the game has great replay value and that new game+ is good as you keep leveling your combat abilities up, so if you’re the new game+ kind of gamer and you indeed find the mechanics entertaining then Transistor is probably a great pickup.

The core game play loop of Tomb Raider however never got boring, the jumping, running and shooting was itself enjoyable enough that I had no qualms with returning to earlier areas to hunt for secrets and collectibles I had missed the first time through.

If your budget wont allow to pick them both up I couldn’t really recommend one over the other as what you’d get out of them depends entirely on what you want out of a game and how you enjoy what the games have to offer. Tomb Raider might be the safer bet, though.

Don’t bother with the GOTY version, the 1e extra is all multiplayer weapon skins and map packs that is of no value what so ever.

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I’d take Transistor. TR2013 has nothing to do with the franchise, if anything it’s a Rogue Trooper remake starring literally the whiniest protagonist I have ever seen. It’s a standout game where I hate every single one of the characters (except Grim, you glorious bastard) simply because instead of properly developing characters, Crystal Dynamics thoguht it would be best to simply pause the gameplay every ten seconds to have ANOTHER scene where a certain cycle takes place.

  • Awful thing happens.
  • Lara falls.
  • Lara is horribly wounded and starts screaming, very loudly.
  • Another awful thing happens.
  • Somehow she screams louder than last time. rip headphone users

Want to play TR2013? Go buy Rogue Trooper or the upcoming remaster. Same gameplay, but replace whiny and horribly paced reboot written by a bunch of torture-obsessed creeps for an awesome but underrated sci-fi comic book universe.

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I hear Transistor is good. I bought it already during this sale, but I haven’t played it quite yet with Vanquish and Tron 2.0 also being there.

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