What Have You Picked This Steam Sale?

You will probably get more hours of enjoyment out of Tomb Raider, but a greater sense of novelty out of Transistor.

The combat system in Transistor got a bit tiresome to me after a while, especially towards the end. For the most part I played the game because I found the world and the story intriguing but once I saw where the story was headed and the reasons for everything started to become clear I couldn’t be arsed to get through the final slog of combat encounters and never finished it. I’m told the game has great replay value and that new game+ is good as you keep leveling your combat abilities up, so if you’re the new game+ kind of gamer and you indeed find the mechanics entertaining then Transistor is probably a great pickup.

The core game play loop of Tomb Raider however never got boring, the jumping, running and shooting was itself enjoyable enough that I had no qualms with returning to earlier areas to hunt for secrets and collectibles I had missed the first time through.

If your budget wont allow to pick them both up I couldn’t really recommend one over the other as what you’d get out of them depends entirely on what you want out of a game and how you enjoy what the games have to offer. Tomb Raider might be the safer bet, though.

Don’t bother with the GOTY version, the 1e extra is all multiplayer weapon skins and map packs that is of no value what so ever.

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I’d take Transistor. TR2013 has nothing to do with the franchise, if anything it’s a Rogue Trooper remake starring literally the whiniest protagonist I have ever seen. It’s a standout game where I hate every single one of the characters (except Grim, you glorious bastard) simply because instead of properly developing characters, Crystal Dynamics thoguht it would be best to simply pause the gameplay every ten seconds to have ANOTHER scene where a certain cycle takes place.

  • Awful thing happens.
  • Lara falls.
  • Lara is horribly wounded and starts screaming, very loudly.
  • Another awful thing happens.
  • Somehow she screams louder than last time. rip headphone users

Want to play TR2013? Go buy Rogue Trooper or the upcoming remaster. Same gameplay, but replace whiny and horribly paced reboot written by a bunch of torture-obsessed creeps for an awesome but underrated sci-fi comic book universe.

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I hear Transistor is good. I bought it already during this sale, but I haven’t played it quite yet with Vanquish and Tron 2.0 also being there.

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Rust, Stardew Valley, Broforce, Castle Crashers, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Fallout: New Vegas, Just Cause 2, and Wallpaper Engine. I returned Castle Crashers, Stardew Valley, and Shadow of Mordor. I didn’t want to return SoM, but I had to because it was too intensive for my laptop. :frowning:

Why did you return Stardew? Not your thing?


Calling the moderation of this forum, this person right here commited a crime.

+1 @Truly


But yeah seriously I do think it’s one of the best games on steam so I’m genuinely curious what he didn’t like about it.

Castle Crashers or Stardew Valley?

“why I don’t own Stardew Valley yet”: it involves a farm,
and after seeing the whole Farmville debacle,
and how it was the true cause of all disasters ranging from the global financial crisis, to the earthquake in haiti+iceland erupting volcano and other global disasters, an influx in therapy and psych and rehab patients and prescriptions,
I rationally, logically and reasonably, fastened my foil hat, and decided to stay away from anything related to growing crops, even more so when involving pixels at the same time!
recipe for catastrophe i tells ya! :ghost:


I’d have to say stardew valley personally.
It’s a very lovely little game. Don’t trust anyone who tells you it’s a calm and casual affair though. I mean I suppose you could waste your time and resources by being slow and aimless but that’s not how you get results! and you could play COD with the intention of collecting bullets with your face but you’re kind of missing the point of the exercise.

[quote=“Madway, post:66, topic:4923, full:true”]
Castle Crashers or Stardew Valley?[/quote]
I love relaxing games like Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, so it’s right up my alley.
There’s a ton to do and I can build up my harem, there’s not much I would change about it.


yeah i couldnt bring myself to enjoy meeting villagers. :stuck_out_tongue:

I returned Castle Crashers because multiplayer was meh and co-op is only fun with friends and nobody plays it lul and I returned Stardew Valley because it jusn’t wasn’t my type of game.

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Castle Crashers isn’t good now, for what it’s worth. No one in multiplayer, so you always end up playing with random people from the forum. Stardew Valley, on the other hand, is played by lots of people but no multiplayer as promised by devs.

They said they were working on multiplayer on their latest announcement, but I’m new to the game so I don’t really know if it’s true or just a inside joke? But I’ve seen a makeshift multiplayer mod, not sure how it works too.

Too many games ;w;

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Dark Quest 2
Lost Castle
Risk Factions
Sky Rogue
Sub Level Zero
3d Chess

No particular big name games here, but i already own most big titles i’ve been interested in, so it’s largely been indy stuff. Looking at it, theres a bit of a rogue-like/rogue-lite procedural generation thing going on here too :slight_smile:

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Multiplayer has been in the plans since launch, I do hope it comes out someday though.

It took me over 120 hours to do everything I wanted, I’d say that’s pretty good value for the 8 euro it costs now. I will probably still go back and play more someday, especially if multiplayer comes out.

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Good job for having the patience I didn’t have.:thumbsup: @Truly

I got FTL, Crypt of the Necrodancer, and Enter the Gungeon.

Started playing Gungeon and having a blast! It’s really hard, but not unfair.