The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

ever get that, you call to cancel an appointment because you can’t come in in person, and the secretary say, “oh but that was changed to telephonic appointment, weren’t you informed?”… no… :pensive:
frickin glad i hadn’t waltzed up in person to find out then… :confounded:


aaaaand my prescription just came in…
aaand ofc it’s wrong…
and ofc it’s 12mins past secretary phone hours…



is there someone you can call even after hours to get your prescription changed?


nop, has to go through specialist unfortunately so i’ll have to wait and scold them tomorrow to redo it, not that it’s “in a rush”, just… ugh… annoy :persevere:

-how hard is it to listen to what i say and not what the doctor previously wrote :rofl:


I honestly am tired of doing all things by telecom.


Uff, work has been strange lately.

Last month , a year ago heh , i got moved to new building which is adjacent to one i’ve worked for the past year. There seven of us worked in around 150 square meters area and now i’m alone here in more than 200 square meters . And i’m only one moved here so far because my tools/machinery takes up most space so it was logical for me to move in here first and setup my stuff.

So from being cramped often to a point of infuriation now i’m kind of lonely here with all that space and no-one to socialize with. Ofc i can always go to the old building, it’s literally next door but you know , not going to constantly walk from one place to another.

It’s also pretty chilly here and with every unnecessary business closed it’s very hard to buy any heaters or get a technician to fix one which is present here but is not working too well.

On a bright side i go to work , still got it , even got a little raise recently . That makes me luckier than a lot of people currently. So nothing to complain about i guess. Just felt like i need to share :slight_smile:


using the power of math to bring forth a PS5!


And they said that SLI is dead…


Microsoft stock plummeted to 10000%


This is what “That Silly Squirrel” does when she isn’t on Chrono…:crazy_face::dizzy:


I actually wonder what Rockport, Michigan is like…


He played the sax on Turn the Page(One of my Favs) and Old Time Rock and Roll.


cs go operations have always turned a profit for me (just the fact that they pay for themselves is more than worth it, I feel), but I think this time the profit is quite big and clear-cut.

Operation costs $15 to participate, started over a month ago, and is already 1/3 in, but you can retroactively do all the missions to get the rewards regardless, I participated 8 days ago and already made $12.64 by consistently choosing the operation crate as reward and selling those on Steam market. I would have made more had I participated from the beginning. If the price remains stable, which it probably will, since rewards are limited so ppl can only get 3 crates per week as it stands, then in the end I’ll have made $39.5 (after Steam tax), which is a $24.5 net profit, which is nuts.


Are the rewards crates based on performance or are they just handed out for participation? Is there a luck element involved, are all items desired on the market or is there a selection of crap that I’d undoubtedly be stuck with? How big is the time investment and is the content actually enjoyable?


i never knew this, it sounds absurd :no_mouth:


participation though ofc the performance will affect how long it takes one to complete the missions (some require no skill at all, like just earning in-game money while playing games, some require getting a number of kills with certain weapons etc.)


you get stars for completing missions, and with those stars you can buy a bunch of cosmetic shit from store, like operators, or stickers etc. or you can just buy crates, which is what i do, and just sell those on market

From what I’ve seen, someone who would have started at the beginning could easily do all missions (necessary to get the maximum stars you can get per mission; there is a cap, so while there are, for example, 4 missions per week, you only need to complete 2 to get the maximum number of stars, except for week 1, where you can earn 10) by playing only 2-3 hours per week. I’ve caught up with 5 weeks of missions in just 1 week, but i’ve been playing a lot this week.

well, i pay $15 (I still had, and still have, a bunch of backgrounds lying around from back when i did steam market trading, so i just sold a bunch to quickly get $15), but I make more than double back on this one :man_shrugging: and I know for a fact I’ve always made profit on these

@Fraggles example of weekly missions:



my point is, in a pay to play game, they have paid timed leagues - which is sorta like “dlc on timer” - which i find kinda egregious
being able to potentially “profit” off it relying solely on the existence of a fluctuating community market, doesn’t change that i’d find that concept disgusting


news flash :joy:


it’s still technically pay to play tho, since no one gets CSGO to play against bots



cs go is 100% free to play dude :joy: