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I’ve been to Greece and Thailand, granted I did not go looking for office furniture at the time. I wasn’t expecting you to get a Herman Miller or anything, but if I were running an office where I didn’t have to care about my “human resources” I’d still care about money spent on office equipment. Buying shit things that snap in 2 months is not a very sound business strategy.

Even then if you have access to amazon anyway then just avoid the gaming chairs in the future and look at good office furniture instead.

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well, here you go dude, this is the chair that i bought of which the back snapped clean off

are you going to tell me this does not qualify as something that looks like good office furniture???

the real issue is that the chair i got delivered is almost certainly also not the original chair that is being sold in the West, which is the real issue here, same with this “gaming” chair now, hence why it broke.

and good luck finding offices here that seat their employees on something like that ok. Only the lucky ones here get to sit on something like this at best:

and this is what most will be sitting on:

(notice how this last one isn’t even a swivel office chair nor has an adjustable headrest nor even a frikkin headrest to begin with :rofl: and then u have an idea of how shit works here)

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Looks like, maybe. But evidenced by the fact that you broke it in 2 months, it clearly wasn’t.

I’d still take the headrestless unswivable swivel chair over a “gaming chair” though.

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FWIW this is the best chair I have every owned:

As someone who lives without air conditioning and eats a lot of beans, the mesh bottom both prevents swamp ass and doesn’t hold on to farts like a foam cushion does. And while it does lose a bit of its tautness over time, it doesn’t lose its support the way foam cushions do when they age.


Ooh, that seems like a nice chair. I have a similar one but it has a foam insert in the front of the seat and it keeps popping out, but I can’t just leave it out because the seat is the wrong shape without it. A chair designed without such an insert hopefully wouldn’t have these issues.


well, i ended up ordering something from Ikea, which ofc i knew was an option from the start, but the reason i didnt want that is because although ikea is generally perceived as pretty cheap though lesser quality stuff, it’s super super super expensive here (again, cuz imported) and is considered pretty much luxury just cuz of how expensive it is and also cuz honestly it’s always “pretty decent” stuff and “decent” stuff is rly rly hard to come buy here

and the thing that rly pushed me over the line is they offer 10 years warranty, and though warranty means practically nothing here and is rarely actually applied, the same as insurance, I have to imagine ikea will actually enforce their warranty, hopefully, if that was necessary, though i rly hope that won’t be the case

i just want to chill (work all the time, and try to stream as well, as well as catch some streams here and there) in a good chair

this is twice the price of the “gaming” chair i ordered and returned, and 3 times the price of the chair that broke (it’s also months of rent btw … i’m not joking when i call things “expensive”)

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But it is guaranteed to last you 120 months, which is 60 times what that last chair lasted. so over time it’s very cheap in comparison.


the price is CRAZY i just thought yeah okay expensive, everythings feels expensive for me too but this chair is like 80% more expensive for you than for me
i hope it will serve you well for a long time
mine is from ikea as well, a tad cheaper model but it is getting close to that 10 year mark and i can’t complain

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let’s go


3 rly cool, rly good indie games i’ve played recently, along with my VODs for each:


Where are the burgers in that first game?
Looks cool, reminds me a bit of arcade racers from the amiga.


I must admit I ate them all before even getting behind the wheel of the cars.



holy shit, just got a key for CYGNI, which in itself is not that crazy, i guess, though I’m still pretty amazed that I’m actually starting to get free keys to begin with (though I am requesting them myself; it’s not that anyone’s reaching out, lol) but to me it’s more surprising cuz it’s a Konami game, and Konami’s a big studio, which I was not expecting at all. Like, getting a few keys from small indie games is one thing, getting a Konami key is another, lol.


Gratz you cool alien cow you :two_hearts: XD


this is nuts


got a key for this too, so should be streaming this tonight hopefully:


Spent the day at the hospital thinking I had merely twisted my foot a little. Several x-rays and some modern high tech scanning donut thing that wasn’t an MRI later and it seems it was a little more than a sprain.


damn dude, God cure you and hope you get better asap and without any lasting consequences


Thanks, but if Odin was going to involve himself in my affairs I’d prefer it he’d take a preventative stance rather than leave it to Eir once damage been already done.