The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

Then you forget to turn off the lights


Been watching Caleb City?


Is there any option to report an user? Because this guy @Borch1234 goes insane with his spams. Had to ignore him still he opens old outdated topics.

Edit: So I flagged his every off-topic post. At some points it looks like having a bot on the server.


Sorry, everyone. I was busy.

@Borch1234 is not a bot. I have talked to him. I think he is a very young, inexperienced forum user that doesnā€™t know how things work so they need guidance. You flagging his post taught him another lesson as he isnā€™t posting anything right now. So I will be deleting those post you flagged. Just give me time.

@Borch1234 , you need to just read the most recent posts and you will find free games.

Hereā€™s a site that changes every week and they give free games awayā€¦

And another oneā€¦

Tomorrow Epic Game Store will be coming out with a NEW free game or maybe 2. It dependsā€¦

There are other free game posts.

Just look hereā€¦

If you need help, askā€¦


So! The place I ā€œworkā€ had this little 5 minute activity for us.

They gave us a pencil and paper and told us to draw a tree.

I didnā€™t really take it seriously so I drew a tree trunk. I had extra time, so I spent the rest drawing a bunch of roots. Here is a quick redraw.

So I drew a tree trunk and roots.

Little did I know it was this thing called the Baum Test.

Great. I am being psychoanalyzed without my knowledge.

So everyone turns in their papers. The person starts talking about the papers explaining what the trunk means, the branches, the meaning of fruits, the size of leaves, etc. etc.

We finish the activity and leave.

I know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. They didnā€™t talk about my drawing.

How much trouble am I in?


First of all, I donā€™t see how this could get u in trouble, lol, though I personally feel this is some dumb BS and pretty funny. That being said, if we were to go look into it, the only thing they would be able to say about you is that this " indicates self-confidence," ā€œindicates straightforwardness and liveliness,ā€ and ā€œindicates stabilityā€ so only positive shit basically. So if anything, they didnā€™t discuss yours cuz they were like, holy shit, this guy should be the CEO.


Iā€™m pretty sure almost every test like this is complete pseudo-science and speaks more about the interpreter than it does the subject. Ask if theyā€™re going to bring in a phrenologist later, maybe you could get a Scientologist in and measure your thetan levels while theyā€™re at it.

Iā€™m pretty sure this is actually illegal for them to do covertly, particularly if they intend to in any way act upon the information gathered. Iā€™d say you should probably document and keep backups of any communications regarding shifts in personnel for the next 6 months to make sure if youā€™re passed over for promotions, raises or get let go that you can bring this to light when confronted.

Do not accept tasks given verbally. I donā€™t know what you do for work or how things normally runs, but anyone want to assign you something to do ask them to send the request in an e-mail ā€œso you donā€™t forgetā€. This would let you prove later that you did the task as instructed and eliminates an easy way to claim youā€™re not doing what is being asked of you.

Set up your phone to quickly and easily record things if you get suddenly called into meetings for no apparent reason. Essentially do whatever you can to cover your arse, better to have a lot of pointless evidence youā€™ll never use than find yourself in a hostile work environment with people trying to find ways to push you out having nothing to defend yourself with.


I think maybe the bossā€™s kid is doing a science fair project and picked this for their topic, didnā€™t know how to get people to respond to their question, so your bossā€™s first thought is, everyone at work can be 1/n and just turn it in. Pretty sure a lot of science fair projects are done with significant ā€œhelpā€ from parents these days.

I donā€™t think you are being actually psychoanalyzed in anyway. In addition, this doesnā€™t prove anything, this not a test thatā€™s been proven time and again to be useful or effective. I do not think thereā€™s going to be any kind of repercussions, not to mention that if they do use it against you in some way, you can probably get them into legal trouble. At the end of the day, what you actually do at work, focused on your role and your tasks, will determine your stability at your own position, rather than some random garbage item like this.


Thanks guys.

If this turns out to be nothing serious, that would be good.

Just in case, Iā€™ll start keeping records.

More to stress about.


Jeeze. Donā€™t they have anything better to do? Thatā€™s pretty sneaky, if you ask me.



Back in the day we used to ferment, smoke and salt things as a form of preservation, this allowed us to store food for months if not years to ensure survival. Today we primarily do these things because we now enjoy enjoy the flavours, but I do find myself wondering why it is that when I buy myself a good chunk of ham that has not only been well smoked but also refrigerated and vacuum packed it supposedly only has a shelf life of about 2 weeks unopened, mere days once package is breached.

I know best before dates only indicate optimal quality window, not that itā€™ll rot and become inedible on the stroke of midnight. But still, youā€™d think these things ought to be quite a bit wider for most foodstuff.


I can think of a two main things off the top of my head, some of which may apply more than others as certainly different companies are doing things differently.

First as you say, the date isnā€™t when it goes bad. In fact itā€™s not even an optimal quality window! The date is generally when the flavor/texture changes, quite simply. For some products like milk, when the flavor changes itā€™s not for the better. For other products like meats, the flavor and texture may actually improve with age, but the date is still when it changes.

Second, the curing is not always as thorough when there are other preservation methods like vacuum sealing and refrigeration in play. This could be done for cost (fully curing something takes time, sometimes a lot of time), flavor, texture, or health (like lower salt) reasons. Some companies may just be adding liquid smoke and vacuum sealing their meats.


This. IME the ā€œsmokedā€ stuff spoils as quickly as the unsmoked stuff from the same company, and is often way too juicy to have been normally smoked.


My dad had a smoke house in our backyard. We had venison, beef, pork and even fish smoked. Each item took time and space which companies these days donā€™t want to deal with. It may say ā€œsmokedā€ on the package but Itā€™s not the same as what was done in the past.


Yes, you have to cure and smoke until you reach a really low water percentage. This takes longer time and reduces the remaining weight of the produce.

One old timey way to keep meats for longer is to store it in a salt brine, keeps the bacteria away. Not suitable for dried meats though.


Your girl there reminds me of Quistis from Final Fantasy 8.




:musical_note: Oh Iā€™d like to visit to the moon
On a rocketship high in the air ā€¦ :musical_note:



looooool, finally theyā€™re starting to wake up a little bit from their fever dream