The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

Thanks! Yes, big fan of the original trilogy and wanted to start off with something that could be simplified down to one hand. By the end of the playlist though, The Japanese Alphabet Road is probably near the edge of my abilities for now.


yo, this is actually my sonā€™s vid. It hit 49K views :eyes:


A short follow up to my piano post.

I got a headphone volume controller to allow for higher volume to be piped into the PC. Picked a few of the tunes to record with a higher-quality recording arrangement and different instruments for a bit of fun.



I donā€™t care what anyone says. Asian food culture concerning animals and the treating of animals is one of the most vile and evil things a person can do. Just the thought of how animals are slaughtered, sometimes even cooked alive, in Asian cultures makes me wish humanity was never a thing, or for a meteor to just smack down center Earth.

Sorry for vent. Needed to get it off my chest. Really pisses me off and makes me sick to my stomach. :rage:

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@Enki If that is poor, then what is this.???

Good luck, @Rhyagelle :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Lotsa :hugs:

Thatā€™s awesome, @BlivetWidget. I used to play years ago but the arthritis set inā€¦

So how do you "fixā€™ the audio @M00?


I think by disabling Discordā€™s noise suppression, but i havenā€™t tested it yet :man_shrugging:


Is that this study?

I understand i could, you know, click the link. However, Iā€™ve never heard of mint as a news company before and i donā€™t like to click on random links.


I donā€™t know, and Iā€™ve never heard of mint as a news company either but I felt there was no point in linking to a Bloomberg article given itā€™s behind a paywall

so thatā€™s literally the only reason i linked to that other article

Iā€™m sure everyoneā€™s heard of Bloomberg though :nerd_face:


Bloomberg cites

Which looks like the full article of what I referenced from NIH


Sometimes the cure can be worse than the disease. I saw it close up and personal with the chemo and the immunotherapy. Thank God he didnā€™t have to do the radiation. But he gained weight. He was always hungry. The doc was surprised.

Another example, If you get a cut and it gets infected and you can take a couple of pills or a shot of penicillin and you are better in a few days. I am deadly allergic it to it. Almost died the first time they gave it to me. Canā€™t take any of the mycins or tetracyclines either. So I have to be very careful. I can take sulfa drugs but they take a long time to take care of the problem. EVERY person is different and they react to meds in different ways.

When the doctors and scientist worked on the vaccine, they were working against time and for mankind. They had no time for real testing. In Canada they started with 3 vaccines and had a clinic working on another that never ended up being made. They had Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. People started dying from the AstraZeneca so they discontinued it. I think they did a fine job. Are the vaccine s for everyone? Probably not. But with what was going on it was all they had to offer.

With me being allergic to penicillin, I was scared to death to take the first one but I did. Had no side effects except the usual tiredness and soreness at the access point.

I see commercials all the time for drugs ā€œto talk to your doctor aboutā€ on TV that have a Grocery list of side effects including heart attacks and death. Itā€™s no worse than those.


yay, unless u live in Egypt, that isā€¦


Nuts. That reeks. You woulda had loads of fun with Zombonies.


Sucks that it is only on Xbox though, only option for PC is cloud gaming :frowning:


wait, itā€™s only on Xbox? but game pass is on pc though

ok, yeah, i looked into it, weird, i guess then it makes sense i have no access too lol. Great job on GameSpot not even mentioning that in their article.


Yeah many articles written about Game pass do that, they dont list console or PC which is quite annoying. Honestly I am done with gamepass, when my sub ends in 2 months I will not reactivate it. Most of the games run like crap compared to the Steam versions or they arenā€™t on the same updated version. They also just keep removing benefits, my biggest complaint is removing the 5 PC limit and reducing it to only 2 PCs online at the same time. It also seems as they have cancelled their plans to roll out the family share plan, so yeah just done with their service.



Now I am going to make dinnerā€¦ :joy:

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It means you have a big heart for gaming :heart:


Never used custom keycaps before, but saw a set I liked and decided to give some a try. Welcome to the 70s. Iā€™m not going back.


Iā€™ve never been so offended in my entire life, canā€™t even chill in peace anymore :angry:
Iā€™ll teach them a lesson once I get down from this tree