The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

damn, never even realized Robocop came with an additional discount for me:



So sad. Something I thought I had on hand might, likely have been thrown away. Put a grinding halt to my organization plans

wilted ears


Never throw out anything, never know when that ps/2 to USB comes in handy.


Yeah I hardly throw out certain things, think someone else did.

Finally found a possible replacement online. Cables are always a keep though.


The Latest PSA from Canada:

So things have slowed down and i actually have some time to myself at times now. His treatments are over and his side effects have mostly subsided. I donā€™t miss being up at 2AM and checking through a list of side effects for like 5 different types of drugs to see which one was causing this or that and what to do about it. He still itches at times and gets tired very quickly and sleeps a lot. I have a new appreciation of caregivers and cancer patients. I have seen and heard things I canā€™t unsee or unhear. I just thank God every day he didnā€™t have to do radiation.

We talk to the lung surgeon Tues so we will know more then as to what is happening.

Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Christmas/Holiday and New Year. He basically slept through them both. I have missed ya! :revolving_hearts:


Hi, @delenn13! Long time no see. :blush:

Our beginning of the year has been busy and rough as well but I hope things will get better along the year.


May God reward you with good and heal him fully.


@delenn13 Starting the New Year with a turn for the better. Great to hear. Hope you get some sleep while he sleeps too. :people_hugging: :heart:


I just had to call the police on a freak who stalks me everyday, 'cause he followed me (again) shouting after me. Sure is fun to be a woman with the constant fear walking out of your own homeā€¦ :unamused:


Pfft. Hope they sort him out. Not interested. Not hard to understand.


Thanks Everyone! :hugs:



Like me when I cheer for someone in game and their crafting task fails. :sob:

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Well, I finally got my first Twitch payout, woohoo :nerd_face:

As I said, I was going to give a quick breakdown of it so ppl here might get an idea of what thatā€™s like for a beginning streamer:

I started about 5 months ago (wow, time flies like crazy). Iā€™ve streamed a total of 685 hours. And my first payout is a gross total of $128.55, which means Iā€™ve been earning $0.187 per hour :sweat_smile: (and itā€™s actually less than that because about $31 of that were gifted subs i gifted myself, lol, so that should actually even be deducted from it as well).

To make matters even worse, Iā€™m actually in the top 3.55% of Twitch streamers, and for a few weeks, I was even in the top 1.75%, meaning that for 96.45% (or arguably even 98.25%) of streamers, 7+ million ppl, itā€™s even worse.

(the reason average viewership is inflated here is it only tracks streams that have 5+ viewers to begin with, so take that average viewership with a ton of salt, lol; average viewership for this past month stands at 4.3 atm, though for these past 2 weeks itā€™s even lower)

That being said, I do love it, but I also have to admit it is quite tiresome to consistently keep up with, especially while working a full-time job (and even a bit more than that).


are these good news? were your expectations similar?
your consistency must have been in the top percentile as well

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I honestly had no expectations whatsoever. Iā€™d say this exceeded my expectations for sure, especially being in the top 5% like that. I never expected that but thatā€™s also because I had no idea whatsoever about these numbers. This really does show that 95% of streamers have 0 to 1 viewers only, and as soon as you go above that youā€™re in the top 5%. So although being in the top 5%, even reaching the top 2% for a while exceeded my expectations by far, the truth is that that doesnā€™t rly mean anything at all and that in order to make this viable youā€™d have to be in the top 0.5% or so.

So on the one hand itā€™s great news; on the other hand it doesnā€™t rly mean anything unless some growth takes place, and it doesnā€™t look like thatā€™s on the horizon atm, and the problem is still that to keep doing it the way Iā€™m doing it demands a huge time investment as well as the fact that it does take a lot of time away that Iā€™d be spending with my family instead (I used to game 1 to 2 hours a day, on average, and not even every day) and it is very hard to keep doing while working full-time.

I do love it though, and Iā€™m gonna try and keep up with it for a while more and hope that something happens. Iā€™m not looking to be a ā€œhugeā€ streamer or anything like that but itā€™d be nice ofc to have somewhat of a consistent viewership and a somewhat lively chat etc. but again, the truth is that this has exceeded expectations for sure, and so just by that metric itā€™s been a success on a personal level.

It is also a success just by the fact that Iā€™ll never have the feeling of regret that ā€œI should have tried,ā€ which can be toxic in itself, and that Iā€™ve learned a few things along the way as well, not only about streaming and people in general but also about myself.


damn boooooooooooyyyyyy XD



By the way, how much is the fish?


Easy - Ā£1