The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

WOW! Wait a second, you’re streaming on Twitch? Hit me with the link buddy and I’ll follow! Maybe I already knew this and already followed, but I don’t remember it at least. :sweat_smile: either way, congratz on streaming, hopefully you take the world by storm some day!

Also, as for the Twitch stuf… yeah, I agree, it shouldn’t be on there. Especially when children can access it so easily and parents have no idea that this content is on there. I know a child could just google it, but that’s different. It’s like having Nickalodeon streaming site for 20yrs and then suddenly they allow pornographic content to be streamed there. There should be more than “Are you 18+?” check boxes. They need to start legally requiring age verification for adult content like this.

As for the front page…the TOS change makes it so that the lewd ones can no longer be on the front page. I don’t know if that counts for the art stuff, but the physical boobie streamers or pole dancers or whatever else, cannot be on the front page anymore and they have to be properly tagged or else you’re suspended or even banned.

So while it shouldn’t be there in the first place, they are at least taking away incentives in some way for these adult pornographic streamers to use Twitch. Maybe it’ll cause their decline in the long run.


Christmas dinner is just a few hours away over here and we’re idling away the time with ancient TV shows, some reading and coffee.

I wish everyone on the Chrono forum a happy holiday!


God Jul everyone.
Hope you’re able eat yourself into a coma and imbibe irresponsibly, as the good lords of Asgard would have you do.


Happy holidays @Fraggles ^^. Get yourself the best of cake!


Merry Christmas, folks, and I hope you can have some great moments with your family and friends. :christmas_tree:


yo, it suddenly did appear for me on game pass wtf!!!

I only noticed it by accident as I was looking for

rip my internet this month (gonna have to renew after 2 weeks iso 3 i guess, lol)


High on Life was on Game Pass on day of its realease, even when you could obtain Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for PC for only 1€. Watched some gameplays of it. Visually looks cool, but its gameplay didnt catch my attention to ever give it a try. Renmant is completely different kind of an awesome game.
That data traffic is worth it! Have fun! Have a nice stream :slight_smile:


I’m talking about Remnant.

It (Remnant) suddenly did appear … as I was looking for [High on Life].

Remnant did not release for me (as well as Philippines and other countries) on Game Pass when it released for the rest of the world on Game Pass, but now suddenly it’s there, without any notification or anything, same as Gotham Knights is still not available for me on Game Pass though it surely is for you.



Kinda p!ssed, if you can excuse the language.

My work keeps convientently forgetting to, oops, pay me. This has happened four times now, not back to back for most, but enough. The first time it happened two times in a row, it really got me behind on bills. It SUCKED. Now it is happening again! I even worked extra hours to help with the holiday season. Now I’m behind on two huge bills that will penalize me for being late!

Anyway, sorry for the rant, just really annoyed right now. :face_exhaling:


Remind them that not paying you is against the law (federal I believe).

You could take them to small claims court but any legal action would be you get your money and they get the equivalent of a “Stern talking to”. Yay 'murka…


Yeah, they claimed their systems get behind during the holidays and that I’ll get what was delayed next time, but it sure it annoying as hell to have happen. lol

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:fireworks: Happy 2024! :fireworks:

May every dream be well planned and executed. :heart:

:sparkler: purr :sparkler:


A bit early, eh? Still 2023 for 25 more hours where I’m at.


Yeah. I early myrr. Blushes fiercely. Anxiety kinda warping my time sense.

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yo first vid that makes it past 200 views :nerd_face:


Oh joy…another year. -sigh-


I’d like to wish my fellow Chronies a Happy 2024, and that the next year be a little less somber for all of us! :heart:


I hope y’all have a good new year! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lol. Man, what great deals!