The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

Good ol twitch. :rofl:


Going to have to go check out the strip tease section of twitch later.

Though in all seriousness I think this is probably a good thing, there should be spaces online for soft core porn and plain eroticism.

The usual counter argument to why you shouldnā€™t allow sexual content on twitch, or anywhere for that matter, tends to be ā€œif you want porn, just go watch porn then!ā€. Which fails to take into account that there is both a market and a value to eroticism outside of pornography. Since the media landscape of today imposes such a hard separation between ā€œpornā€ and ā€œnot pornā€ there is very little exploration of the forms of expression that lays in between. If twitch becomes a place where people can actually experiment with different forms of ā€œadult entertainmentā€ we might see some truly unique art be created.

I mean, I know itā€™s mostly going to be the laziest possible attention grabbing shtick repeated over and over but maybe, just maybe someone out there will try to do something interesting.


I donā€™t think those places should be the same where kids come to watch video games thoughā€¦

and even thereā€™s plenty of adults the world over who donā€™t want to be confronted with that kind of shit either, me included. Like, Iā€™m serious, I go to twitch for games, wtf is wrong with those ppl that they absolutely have to include shit like that or gambling etc.

like, a few days ago, this guy was playing a game, first time being on his channel just seeing what itā€™s about, and heā€™s describing in detail how he once hooked up with another guy and what the guyā€™s ā€¦ tasted like. Why is that a thing??? It didnā€™t even say it was a mature stream or anything. I donā€™t care but I donā€™t want my kids to hear that dude like wtf (and not even his stick okay, no, the stuff that comes out of it, like wtf). I know kids nowadays see all kind of shit online anyways but thereā€™s a reason my youngest kids still donā€™t have phones yetā€¦

at the very least, I feel if they absolutely need to have it, they should keep it in its own section and not advertize it on the main pages you know, where ppl who donā€™t want to see it are also confronted by a still image of that stream as well.

(and i donā€™t have any problem whatsoever with that guy living his life the way he wants to either, not even sharing it with the world [his stream was labeled gay and lgbtq or I dont know what the exact initials were but yeah, like Iā€™m saying, I have no problem with that at all, clearly, as I was watching], but then there should at least be a disclaimer if he wants to share details like that, lol, as Iā€™m pretty sure Twitch does request to do; thereā€™s literally an option you can tick for that afaik)



sry for going on a bit of a rant here, but just like ppl should have the freedom to see all they want to see, ppl should also have the freedom to be able to choose not to be confronted with it if they donā€™t want to, and the subject is especially close to my heart now that I myself stream on twitch and hence kinda guide my kids towards twitch even more than i already was by constantly watching it myself; but thereā€™s millions, if not billions, of ppl that will share my feelings the world over, and not just in the third world, also in the West.


I think this is where the greatest gain for yourself lies in this TOS change because this is precisely what they claim to be doing, no longer will they need to try to skirt TOS while mixing in with all other content. They can now create that content and label it accurately so that twitch can filter it out for those who shouldnā€™t be seeing it.

The past decade of twitch is enough evidence that it doesnā€™t matter what your TOS says, people are going to try their best to do adult oriented content even if they know that they will eventually get banned for it. Your own anecdotes show that Twitch of last week was not safe for children to peruse unsupervised, but this change might make twitch of next week better suited for your video game streaming needs.


I donā€™t think this type of content should be allowed, period. All of it should be banned off Twitch. The more they ease the TOS the worse itā€™s going to get. People will continue to find exploits to circumvent the rules and will continue to push the boundaries. It probably makes Twitch a ton of money, but if they want to make money off that kind of content they should make a separate website. This is very much a frog in the hot pot situation. Twitchā€™s integrity is slowly diminishing.

This type of content is perfectly fine to exist, just keep it off Twitch. Twitch started as gaming only when they moved away from justintv where justintv was about all content. Theyā€™re just repeating history. Eventually there will be another gaming only streaming platform and Twitch will be the next justintv. I realize others have tried and failed, but there will be one that will succeed, itā€™s inevitable. The more Twitch does changes like this, the more it opens the door for a new site.


Fully agree but itā€™s too late now. They shouldā€™ve just kept the door shut from the beginning and be firm on their rules and thatā€™s it. But once you enter a path like this thereā€™s probably no going back from it ever.


Sad, but true.


Itā€™s a very slippery slope to full adult content being allowedā€¦you could say itā€™s coated in lube. :joy:

Sorry, couldnā€™t help myselfā€¦Iā€™ll see myself outā€¦


It had to come to one side or another eventually, either theyā€™d have to allow the adult content and find a way to work with it. Or ban it outright and actually enforce that ban harshly and uniformly, show that thereā€™s no playing around with balancing acts around the lines of TOS. They have shown that they are not willing to do this and so they wound up taking the path they did.

Now the only ā€œbreachā€ that currently produced content can commit is to mislabel themselves in an attempt to not be hidden away from the front page. I assume some will still try this, but this system gives Twitch a very easy recourse in simply applying the label on offending streams as they are detected. Since having the ā€œadultā€ label attached to your stream is far less harsh a punishment, than an outright account ban, it can be assigned with less consideration and more automation with a greater margin of error.

As long as people follow the rules thereā€™s no reason why both types of content couldnā€™t exist on the same site and with space being made for such content there is no longer any legitimate reasons as to why the rules wouldnā€™t be followed.

I say ā€œlegitimateā€, I mean we all know that the reason this content exists is because it makes money and that is all it is to the vast majority of producers. Not being promoted on the front page is a hindrance to making money, so obviously those people are not going to be happy just expressing their artistic visions hidden away behind closed doors with an 18+ limitation.

I have no qualms about those people at first being firmly carolled into the appropriate areas, upon repeat ā€œmistakesā€ one could give them a forced 18+ label for a period of time and if at the end of that they manually disable their 18+ label and keep misbehaving then they are clearly deserving a ban.

With that whole process mostly taking place off the front page, all in all I really do believe this will make twitch better than it was. Especially from a non-adult content consumerā€™s perspective.


thereā€™s like 7.5 million ppl streaming on twitch though, lol. How many ppl actually get on the front page? Whoever is basing their strategy on something akin to winning the lottery isnā€™t rly thinking straight, I feel.

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Such depravity!


Iā€™ve been learning the basics of twerking for educational purposes. High quality twitch content!


Looks like twitch is rolling back some changes. ā€œUpon reflection, we have decided that we went too far with this change.ā€ - Twitch 2023

Sexual Content Policy Update (


Par for the course of the twitch management, never thinking anything through or having any sort of idea of what their actions really entail. Making sweeping changes on a whim, backpedaling immediately rather than giving things a moment to calm down and see what lies beyond the immediate knee jerk reactions.

Itā€™s sad to see, not just because I will miss the ā€œpornā€, but because this just goes to show that no matter who helms the site it will never manage to accomplish anything but to slowly die out.


They literally donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing or what they even actually want to do. That being said, Iā€™m happy they are backstepping a bit though.


going live in 10 min with 60 min of WRC Moments into SnowRunner


Lily always with the grounded takes.


I think I might finally get my first payout from Twitch next month, not sure yet, but I think so, being four months in now. I will then provide a detailed breakdown on how much Iā€™ve earned per hour as I imagine that might be interesting insight for everyone. Itā€™s insane, rofl.


Whoever said, ā€˜when life gives u lemons, make lemonade,ā€™ obviously didnā€™t take into consideration that if you had the sugar or the honey needed to make the lemonade actually sweet, you wouldnā€™t be complaining about the lemons to begin with.

Itā€™s basically the equivalent of ā€œlet them eat cake.ā€

(and everyone knows the cake is a lie :rofl:)


Whoever said, ā€˜when life gives u lemons, donā€™t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I donā€™t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see lifeā€™s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? Iā€™m the man whoā€™s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! Iā€™m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!",ā€™ obviously didnā€™t take into consideration that if you had the engineers or the capital needed to make the lemons actually combustible, you wouldnā€™t be complaining about the lemons to begin with.