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So there’s a dedicated Japanese/Asian market near where I live (I moved, I might make a post sometime)

Not as exciting as @Fraggles trip, but I found a few things to try out and a few I knew were good. I will note there were a lot of things there I had no idea what they were because my knowledge of Japanese is almost nonexistent.


I wanted to try Umaibo, but I could only find them in those big packages you’ve got there, or bigger. Wasn’t interested in 10-20 of the same flavour ones so I didn’t bother.

Dorayaki are pretty alright, depending on what they’re filled with. The “pancake” itself is a lot chewier than one might have expected. In fact that’s something of a recurring thing in japan, here in the west we tend to hold tenderness as a quality to aspire towards, Japan does not. The regional specialty chicken of Akita, Hinai jidori, is prized because of it’s rich flavour but almost as much because the meat is chewy, or tough as we might also describe it. From what I could gather about it they like it because the more you got to chew a thing the more of it’s flavour you can enjoy, which I suppose makes some sense.

Azuki is a standard filling, I do enjoy it but it’s still very clearly a bean paste even if it’s lightly sweet. The mental association of the texture and flavour of beans with dessert takes a little getting around to.


If it wouldn’t cost a bunch, I would ship you a couple (it would probably be cheaper to order them off EU Amazon)

It’s kinda sounding like I made a mistake on the Dorayaki. Suppose I’ll find out. I was really hoping to find some fluffy pancakes, frozen or something.

Edit: Dorayaki is disappointing…


After checking out Dragon’s Dogma 2’s regional pre-order price, finding out it has Denuvo as well and from the looks of it, microtransactions…

This man totally gets how things work, these greedy companies don’t.

While I love DD and was excited for the sequel, I’m not going to support this anytime soon, hope they enjoy leeching out the community


You can’t trust those corpos with anything those days. Give then an inch…

Anyway, you’ll bet I’ll skip this crap. :-1:

And I approve of Heartbound’s dev decision towards our country, so much that I added his game to my wishlist. :+1:


*Streams 6 days a week from 4am to 12pm EST. I have been enjoying his content and insight into the industry for the last couple of months.


was excited to see Remnant 2 launched on game pass, immediate went to install it:




Yeah, the wonders of modern technology.

Anyway, now you see why mostly streamers don’t allow politics, religion and even soccer to be discussed on their respective channels: it’s disruptive and can lead to flaming wars if let out of control. It basically becomes Twitter in chat form.

So next time, avoid talking about such stuff, okay ? So you won’t attract crazy people like that tommy guy.


I mean, personally I’m fine talking 5 min about it and allowing ppl to give their opinion. Once I see there’s no benefit and it will just turn into a stupid yes-no discussion I’ll just ask ppl to move on. There’s a reason I don’t have a rule that says politics and religion are off-limit. I don’t want to have that same mind set that absolutely nothing like that can ever be brought up or discussed.

However, I’m just expressing what my intention was when starting my stream and what it still is so far. There’s 100% the possibility that I might end up concluding you are right about it and there’s just no way to make it work. And then I’ll also adapt the rules and apply those in that manner.

That being said, I also do want to make clear that I’m giving you guys, the mods, the autonomy to intervene in chat whenever you guys feel you should. That has also been my intention from the start. So you do have the power to step in when you feel you should and to warn someone or time them out or whatever, or even ban them if such becomes necessary. And if I ever disagree with such action in a particular case then I’ll also just say so.

Of course once I as the streamer tell someone in chat they should move on and they don’t, then they’ll be asking for it for sure. That guy was unhinged for sure, lol, and I guess he must’ve been drunk too, but he did move on when I told him too so I’m fine with it, but yeah, I wouldn’t want it to annoy the viewers so that’s where sometimes you guys might have to just put your foot down cuz also you might be able to judge that better than me, cuz im “in” the situation while you guys are seeing it unfold, so that definitely will give you a better perspective on things than me sometimes.

And I also appreciate your advice to me btw, both here and in chat.


Yeah, I was tempted to step in and be like “Okay, boys, time to cool off”, and time him out. However I didn’t want to be unfair and be seen as a dictatorial mod so I let it happen. But once it went down to a literal fight I’d intervein and ban him.

Thankfully it didn’t get worse but it serves as a lesson to be very careful with specific topics like that since people can get very, and I mean very passionate about it, turning into a literal generalized pub fight like you see in the movies and real life as well. Then trolls and haters join the fun, and what would be another nice and chill stream becomes a living hell to go through to everyone, and then the streamer and the mods have to clean up the mess afterwards.

This is awful, especially if you’re having a bad day or just want to watch something after a busy day of work.

Anyway, I’ll be watching if it happens again but hopefully this was only an isolated case.


The guardian, hard hitting important journalism fully justifying their pay gate.


what pay gate? I don’t pay shit. For me they just now and then have a pop-up asking for voluntary donations.

r u sure there’s an actual pay gate?

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Didn’t get one this time around, pretty sure there used to be one, maybe they backtracked on that.

Well bugger, now you’ve tricked me into giving the guardian traffic!


yeah, I don’t think so. Been using the guardian every single day for the last 10 years or so for free. The only thing they do now and then is there’s a pop-up that offers you to do a monthly donation if u want.

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I stand corrected then, I thought Delenn was handing out gift subscriptions to it here from time to time, but that turns out to have been Washington post.

I did find an article from the Financial Times about how The Guardian were planning to run a paywall test on their mobile platform, which fittingly enough is behind a paywall.


yeah, there’s the washington post, and the wall street journal who very annoyingly do that


Well my sub for WAPO expired December 1st and not renewing it. A friend offered to renew it and I said no.

I have found something interesting and it’s done everything I have thrown at it so far, including NYT, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail and others. is a time capsule for web pages. It takes a ‘snapshot’ of a webpage that will always be online even if the original page disappears. It saves a text and a graphical copy of the page for better accuracy and provides a short and reliable link to an unalterable record of the web page.

If the page has NOT been ARCHIVED, it will be VERY SLOW because it is archiving it for the first time. The only drawback is…It’s slow when archiving.




Been briefly re-educating myself on the state of the current hardware market and looking at what’s available and I hesitate to say “affordable” but I try to aim at the high mid or low high tier when I buy computer hardware. What I also considered, particularly for the CPU and GPU is that they appear to be some of the more energy efficient options available.

If anyone have any opinions or thoughts on the topic they’d like to share, I’d love to hear them. Here’s my first draft shopping cart for now:

Never mind the motherboard, it’s a micro ATX with only 2 DIMM slots. Picked it out due to having a pretty good discount and looked to be slightly better in every aspect than the MSI board I was looking at first.

