They are called “Kahunas”.
Damn! Here was me thinking that was a Burger Joint.
Do you have a place where you can see some of your work?
Plus you can check the wish list. This is a very good reason to be FRIENDS…
I guess so , I have a DeviantArt account, but it’s been a long time since I uploaded anything to it so is no longer a reference to what I do right now, and I wasn’t that much of an active user to begin with (I tried but…).
Nice work. I am no art critic nor artist but I like the way you shade(not sure if that’s the term) things. Your gem/jewels are very pretty.
The stones are really nice. For the jewel itself, you can achieve that translucent effect with some fractals in overlay/multiply. The more fractals, the better
Here’s a quick test.
And don’t be too harsh with yourself. Being critic of your own work is good, but always remember: there are no mistakes, only happy accidents.
aw man, bob ross reference, so good knew it without even clicking, but had to see it again, somehow that man is just hilarious and relaxing all in one
-i think you just made my morning with that
I mostly lurk on here but WTH…
One of us…One of us…
Welcome…do stick around and join in the conversation.
Glad to see you.
@delenn13 Thanks, it’s shading, but whatever gets the idea across works for me
@WikiTora Those are, in fact, the first digital draws I ever did, some really old stuff, but I still will do it by hand like I did then, I’ll change the design thou, it doesn’t fit the stone theme I was going for now that I look at it.
I didn’t knew a lot of stuff back then, nothing like practice to improve such things I guess.
Those fractals look nice, but all of the stuff I do is by hand so I have never used those tools (I don’t even know if I have them to be honest), the more tinkering I’ve done to an image is color correction, brightness adjust and such, I’m more of a traditional artist in that regard, thanks for the tip thou, very much apreciated.
Nice reference BTW, I used to watch that dude when I was little
Thank you to everyone who has added me on steam from here!
Im always open to play vidgur games with just so long as I have the game!
Im very open I just don’t message people first cause is shy.
thanks again!
Just gonna drop my URL in here too- late to the party but always open to a new add. Feel free to get in touch if you fancy playing any of my games with me. Bit busy at the moment (hence so quiet on here) but should have plenty of time in a couple weeks :).
Edit: adding my URL would be good
Let’s play Chronicon together!
Oh, right, there are no plans for multiplayer in that game for now.
can we not work out what we should play together though? :o no one ever seems to message anyone on steam xD
also who here is getting DBFZ? thats gonna be game of the year for me.
also holy shit a Kifflom reference not heard about the Kifflom program in ages…
i’m very quiet on steam, usually unless “prompted” to i don’t “speak”, but i’ll always chat back
-nor do i do much/many mp games these days (and i have almost an aversion towards fighting games, particular DBZ too from much trauma off a friend “torturing” me on ps2 years back )
that being said, if i own a game, and are propositioned, i’ll get sorta “coerced” to get in the mood for X/Y games at times -(unless it’s a game i really despise, eg. i’m not touching Reign of Kings for instance, for any reason, anymore lol)
-but it’s very rare that i’m the one proposing a co-op/mp session to any, steam friend or otherwise
Yeah I’m pretty much the same. I always feel like I’ll be getting in the way of someone’s life constantly asking to play games. just because I’m a no life loser bum with no job doesn’t mean I should drag everyone else down with me. (and Im sorry to hear that I was probably the instigator of a few of those hatreds, I’m naturally good at those kind of games so I’ve always enjoyed them, and you know how kids are:/ )
and I don’t blame you for not liking games like that, I have Rust and I’ve only played it once Im pretty sure. and I won’t play certain games either, rocket league as an example I hate that concept.