Steam Friends?

Thank you to everyone who has added me on steam from here!

Im always open to play vidgur games with just so long as I have the game!

Im very open I just don’t message people first cause is shy.

thanks again!


Just gonna drop my URL in here too- late to the party but always open to a new add. Feel free to get in touch if you fancy playing any of my games with me. Bit busy at the moment (hence so quiet on here) but should have plenty of time in a couple weeks :).

Edit: adding my URL would be good :joy:


Let’s play Chronicon together!

Oh, right, there are no plans for multiplayer in that game for now.


can we not work out what we should play together though? :o no one ever seems to message anyone on steam xD

also who here is getting DBFZ? thats gonna be game of the year for me.

also holy shit a Kifflom reference not heard about the Kifflom program in ages…


i’m very quiet on steam, usually unless “prompted” to i don’t “speak”, but i’ll always chat back
-nor do i do much/many mp games these days (and i have almost an aversion towards fighting games, particular DBZ too from much trauma off a friend “torturing” me on ps2 years back :joy:)
that being said, if i own a game, and are propositioned, i’ll get sorta “coerced” to get in the mood for X/Y games at times -(unless it’s a game i really despise, eg. i’m not touching Reign of Kings for instance, for any reason, anymore lol)
-but it’s very rare that i’m the one proposing a co-op/mp session to any, steam friend or otherwise


Yeah I’m pretty much the same. I always feel like I’ll be getting in the way of someone’s life constantly asking to play games. just because I’m a no life loser bum with no job doesn’t mean I should drag everyone else down with me. (and Im sorry to hear that :confused: I was probably the instigator of a few of those hatreds, I’m naturally good at those kind of games so I’ve always enjoyed them, and you know how kids are:/ )

and I don’t blame you for not liking games like that, I have Rust and I’ve only played it once Im pretty sure. and I won’t play certain games either, rocket league as an example I hate that concept.


You think you are the only shy one? Think again!

I will get DBFZ, but not on launch or anything near, I don’t have my main rig with me so it won’t run on this laptop. heh


Im running it on a laptop its all I’ve got due to a processing error.

I was meant to get a copy of my £200 laptop, and got a £800 one with an I7 and Nvidea 660


wait, they messed up and you got lucky with no extra charge? or you just misclicked your order and got a (much) larger bill than expected? :thinking:
'cooos if it’s the former, -where do you get your rabbits feet?


yep, the former haha :blush:

it was broken and we had warranty, and they told us to send it them, in Germany.

and they called one day and said “oh we sorry we could not fix laptop, we send new one” I said “okay cool beans”

I wait a month and a brand new twice the size, quadruple the price and octuple the graphics power laptop appears cooing on my doorstep.

I’ve never been happier, treated this baby with the utmost care and love. only minor ■■■ burns and ash marks ha ha xD

it just censored our colloquialism for cigarette. I wasn’t calling anybody anything.


Tell me exactly where you live, I need some of that too. :thinking:


well, mines a bit different and in fact a little more fortunate xD

because my warranty still existed :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah strangely similar.

I wouldn’t upgrade this because I don’t know how xD I have opened up this bad boy never and I hope I ever have to xD I don’t want to ruin whatever luck this is by tampering with it xD

plus why do people say “overclock”? that, to me, has an extremely negative connotation attached to it xD it sounds bad to overclock something haha.

plus mines a laptop so this monitor came with it and is also lovely :stuck_out_tongue: 1336 resolution.
and the original problem that sent it to the “shop” was the screen went blank, BUT everything still worked, I could still log in. and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it, I guess they felt guilty? so they sent me a quadrupally good laptop as a return.


and Enki, buy your next laptop from Aldi and see what happens xD 'cause thats where I got this one from, its a Medion Akoya something something. I know its an Akoya, because the last one was ALSO an akoya, so maybe they got that mixed up I dunno, but this one was literally twice the size. so it can’t be that easy to mix them up xD but you type Akoya in and get like 40 different models.


oh shit, I also got it wrong, its not a 600 series Nvidea chip, its a 900 series :open_mouth:

I thought lemme post the specs see how much I got for free haha




well… why bother doing that at all? it sounds like a lot of bullshit I don’t understand for a lot of “only slightly better performance”? I guess I’d like a comparison between two laptops that are the same, except ones overclocked. I can see relative differences better than someone telling me them in a non laymans terminology xD


this is designed to be a gaming laptop, and Im not gonna potentiall mess up my laptop for a “few” frames, I get enough frames as it is :wink:

look at my specs up there

I can play shit like Xenoverse 2 at 70 FPS

“yes I know max is 60, I broke the game and now I get more frames than I should haha”


yea laptops can have “risky” cooling, so oc’ing (most) of them is usually ill advised :wink:
but for desktops, with oc components (like any intel cpu with a k or x mark) it’s “silly” to not at least do the basic core unlock/make sure the throttling is off -otherwise, basically wasting money and might as well have bought other variants :smile:
“why buy a “ferrari” just to have it sit in the driveway” :thinking:
-oh i know, to have the rest of us be (more) jealous af! :triumph:


i <3 u




Primal? as in that game with the rock chick going to another world and a gargoyle guy?