The shaders for this game is AMAZING.
Obviois proof of quantum teleportation on a large scale.
Nioh 2, Kingdom Hearts and yea, nerd stuff.
@Pylinaer you were simply moving so fast that you were vibrating your molecules at an atomic level, allowing you to pass through solid objects. What game is that, by the way? Graphically amazing, scene wise.
Dirt Rally 2.0
that cart come for other universe where the power of speed is normal defeated the barriage of sound easily .
I’m trying Bannerlord again. It really hasn’t changed much at all. Everything I’m achieving right now is from mods. Yep. The game is heavily modded to even be decent. What a disappointment.
Warband is so superior it is ridiculous. A shame we couldn’t get a basic Warband 2.0.
Mass Effect. The journey so far, from ME1 to ME2. I haven’t completed ME2 yet, but nearly there. Need those achievements. Sorry, as usual, it always uploads out of order.
Well here is a part of a screenshot as the rest isn’t important (from rocket league)
It took way too many hours to get there but oh well, its been fun doing it.
congrats man, quite impressive
I’ve been playing a few things in my down time. Mostly it has been FFXIV. That’s been addictive, and a great stress release for me at the end of the day. I’m thankful I’ve got it.
This girl got that Yuna outfit. xD
T-T these siblings are so adorable
I was confused for this part. Found out later re-birth is a thing for the Au Ra…and this guy is keeping women around him trying to find his old wife. lol it was a little creepy at first, then sad. xD
The time that the 2 tanks died and I, a glass cannon DPS, tanked the boss while 234239032782390 other Healers healed me. lol it was crazy. I was in a constant state of heal.
I’ll get this guy yet!
This cool race that doesn’t actually show up again…
Just chillin’…ya know?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
Diablos fight. It was epic. And he was cool af!
OH MY GOSH, MORE FF6 REFERENCES?! War of Magi? This hurts more knowing the Pixel Remasters look the way that they do. I’m so soul-crushed.
My apartment in game…showing my love of Papalymo and Yda. May they live forever in our hearts.
I’ve also been playing World of Warcraft. One of my friends wanted me to join them. I’m struggling to learn this game, and had to watch a 40 minute introductory video on the game’s lore because the developers are so terrible at story telling the game’s story…in the actual game. I then have to watch 9 more videos chalk full of lore, that they sell outside of WoW. lol
Check out muh boy Haurchéfant y’all. He’s a bad ass Demon Hunting elf, with glorious red locks and strange antenna eye brows. lol
I’ve been playing Grim Dawn too, but not quite as much as I still have monthly time on FFXIV and WoW, so I want to use that up first. Make the most of it. Grim Dawn has been really fun, if not confusing. I’m liking it a lot. Enough, actually, to keep an eye out on other aRPGs! xD
Again sorry this is a gif. Not my best but it felt super clean.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a lot of fun!
I tested the PC demo and the Switch demo for a few hours to determine which version to get. Switch version ran so bad I got severe motion sickness…which sucks! Because I REALLY wanted it on Switch. At least it’s fun, unlike Monster Hunter Rise, which is unbearable right now. I bought it and cannot play it, because it runs even worse than Stories 2. Which is a shame, because it’s more like Monster Hunter World–which I loved.
The people behind mini metro went and released a new game, mini motorways. So now that I’ve resolved my game buying issues I had to grab this one. What you quickly learn is what American city planners seem to not figure out, the more capacity you provide the more demand is created. There’s no winning in building bigger, wider, faster roads, not that you “won” in mini metro either.
Just a first attempt of course, so I’m betting anyone who tries will beat it. Who will do it?
Edit: The first game had a very pleasant sort of expanding noise scape based on what was going on, different trains made different sounds and it all came together beautifully. Not so much the case in this title, the same idea is present but the execution is a failure. It got annoying quickly and even worse any time you pause the game the sound doesn’t stop, it just freezes and continues to play whatever tone was playing at that moment.
Just picked up the game, still don’t understand how to not have the city devolve into an absolute disaster.
Looks like all of your yellow cars were stuck in a traffic jam by the traffic lights crossing. Was highway 2 a fairly recent addition?
One problem I run into myself is that it takes a LOT of time for an attempted fix to actually work and most of the time it’s already too late. In mini metro you could throw an extra train on a line or toss another carriage or two at a troublesome station and get a little leeway to figure out a more sustainable solution. Even massive redraws of your lines were possible to be accomplished in very little effective time. But in this game you have to prevent a problem before it is a problem.
Absolute disaster is the unavoidable end state.