Name the Game

I remember Spartan Total Warrior being pretty hard…I finished it, but it was a near thing…in fact the Archimedes escort mission still gives me nightmares and no other escort mission has ever comes close to being so terrible for me (bad checkpoints…yep, stupid escort AI…yep, lack of health replenishment…yep). I seem to recall the end being pretty hard too. I love hated it at the time but would never consider going back to it again…it was certainly no God of War.


psychedelic is too right of a word

Once upon a time, there were 7 Vampire lords, including our master who had forgone martyrdom for his own selfish desires and my 5 brothers, we ruled the lands of man fairly, I would say, but maybe that was just my dwelling, 'fore one day my brothers saw it fit to blemish my honour, because I had evolved beyond them and they were jealous, they ripped my wings in front of our master, and tossed me into the pit of souls, where I had an epiphany, I saw god, but until the next game which ruined the story I would not know he was a false prophet.

there you go hope you’re happy, I didn’t really think about anyone getting it I just made one of a game from my youth, have fun, make sure to @ me I’m not around that much recently got a lot going on, was nice to write one though. blame @harith he nominated me.


I am pretty sure I know this one. Again a game I have never played but know about. I will let others guess it unless it isn’t guessed in a day or so.


there are a lot of clues in there now I look at it, I could go on for ages talking about this, by the time someone gets it right I want want to have worked out if there are any books on this series.

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I too have a pretty good idea of which game this might be. But I guess I’ll queue up behind @PeteMcc to also allow someone else to have a go first.


No there aren’t, but there appear to be several comics based upon events from the series.


yeah i saw the same thing,seems like a few of us are on the same line


seems like yr all sniffing the same lines yeah

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Jesus, I am really bad at this or I’ve not played that much page. I barely know any game with Vampires in them. Vampire: The Masquerade I’ve heard of but I’ve not played and it doesn’t seem to contain any ‘lords’ :slight_smile:

And it can’t be the Diablo games.


HA! I know this oneeee :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

@xist I didn’t know about the comics tho :o Is this canon btw?


@Rilover if you know it you should guess it and let me go divert my attention elsewhere xD

@Terzom sorry it is not :slight_smile:

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Wait, hold on, its NOT Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines or the other Vampire the Masquerade game?


Aaaaagh I need to think of one first > <


No, it is not.
It smells very much like VTM, but the details aren’t right.


no it is not xD gotchya haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never even heard of vampire masquerade I’ll have to look it up, maybe I should go add some more lore for clues? but once I’ve added those I’d have thought it’d get too easy, especially if I add things you can just google.

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I think is waaaaay to easy as is, you don’t even need to play that game at all, just pop It in, and you have everything.


fair enough brother have at thee :smiley:

I will tell you because It would be mean to not tell you, this game I am describing is the third in the series, (technically) but I never played the other two so I know nothing about them, but I know a lot about the lore in general, and I had a quick google last night to refresh my memory.

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Oh ok I think I have it now, the start fit VTM but I think I understand which series this is


good man, thought you would :wink:

you seem of the cultured kind.

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Really? :thinking::thinking:

I mean It’s Legacy of Kain, you are free man, fly! Fly!! but Soul Reaver is the second one right?