Thought that this might be interesting/fun. Think of a game, and describe it in an oblique way until someone guesses the game you’re describing. It’s then their turn to describe a game…and so on. So to kick things off lets go mega easy -
Laconic gentleman has an incredibly bad day at work, where all sorts of things go wrong and throw his workplace into disarray. We follow him on his journey, as he tries to get home only to find himself propelled even further from where he wants to be in order to resolve all the problems that have occurred. Fortunately for him, once he’s finished he gets offered a new job.
Part 2 and the episodes are worth playing, but are not the second coming of gaming everyone claims them to be. Also, and no offence to Gnuffi, babysitting that Gnome was GRRRRRRRRRRR!
A school gets attacked. Our hero saves his teacher and proceeds with heavy-handed revenge, tracking down their enemies. Turns out the teacher was bad and caused the attack through his actions. Finally, our hero has to make a final choice…
the words school and teacher are open to interpretation; they are not to be taken literally but are encompassing (cuz otherwise i could as well straight tell u the name of the game…)
which i hope falls within the boundaries of the game
yeah, I didn’t like the use of the word oblique, how can you ask questions or state something in a slanted way? xD oh I suppose by avoiding it’s main point… but I’ve only heard it used in mathematics so…
also, I knew that already I just wasn’t gonna say it out loud and ruin it for anyone else >.>
I just wanted to make a “I wouldn’t save my teacher” joke xD