tuesdays tryin’ to act like it’s monday
Already all out of energy and Wednesday『Worst Day』is still tomorrow
I feel like that every Monday morning…
Good ol’ Article 13. Typical of Europe, always screwing around. World War 1 - Europe screwing around. World War 2 - Europe screwing around. I can’t find the TV remote - Europe screwing around.
Luckily, I live in Australia. If It all goes to pot, I shall meme in your honour.
I love Wednesday memes and I should probably wait til next Wednesday to post this but I only saw your post now and it’s stronger than me:
God, I should have realized that hidden arrow was a trap.
…dat’s not how i remember Wednesday
No traps here, genuine article.
Gnuffi says it best
I see what you did there.
i mean, i’m flesh and blood, not saying i object if that was “my” Wednesday
just sayin that’s not “exactly” how “i member” Wednesday
Thanksgiving + Wednesday:
I think the most amusing scene now in hind sight might be.
Because it was pretty prophetic, any role I can remember her playing she’s been a victim. But then I mostly remember her as “Harmony” in Buffy TVS.