It's 2024 - Time to Hype New Releases or something

Red Baron callback. Pretty cool.

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Alone in the Dark on Steam i think dont buy jajaja but i share


Ooh thanks! The pixel version of the first game scares me silly. Have a soft spot for this series.

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Looks interesting, and hopefully much better than the 2008 version. Whenever I remember of that game I always also remember from the review below.


*Avaliable on March’s Game Vault 2024.


The one in the series that I universally heard was bad is Illumination.

Edit. Ah the notorious camera of evil. Just like the first DMC. No lie, the pain.


A new release from 10 years ago

It’s finally out of early access, if anyone else were keeping an eye on this one.
I fear that it’s long languishing in early access has left it a game made for a time that has long passed and very few people are particularly interested in RPG maker titles anymore, even if this turns out to be one of the best among them.


Never heard of this one before, pretty cool looking. I will wishlist for now, thanks!


Looking good. It has a demo as I see.


Master Meowski is interested and the lovely @mediiiiiiii sees a demo. Looking forward to hearing of your exploits. XD


I played the demo for a bit. Overall I have to say I rather like the style of the artwork and the music. The game definitely invokes the 90s SNES and Sega Genesis vibes, though with modern “retro” artwork and animations. Think Cross Code.

The combat using your shield and sword works fine except for trying to block flying creatures (the bee so far is the only one I have encountered.) There’s very little wiggle room. If you and the bee isn’t lined up on the same few pixels, then it just dives and goes by you. I wish they would widen that, though maybe that wouldn’t be good also, b/c it would expand the hitbox in general. Not really an issue with ground critters.

I don’t know if down the road the walking/movement gets a bit faster, but it just feels a bit slow to me. I think that’s just a personal preference. I do wish to have (and maybe it’s in there) a way to sprint.

Combat is like Zelda/Secret of Mana, action RPG style.

You gain skill points for leveling up from battles, and you can use that to learn/upgrade passive or active skills/abilities. I haven’t played around with this very much.

The game currently only works with Xbox controller, doesn’t recognize or work with playstation controllers unless you map it over. Not a huge nuisance, but this is something I haven’t had to do with Steam games in the last couple of years. So I do think they should upgrade that.

The game’s name is Secrets of "Grind"ea. so you can have an idea that it’s going to be a time-consuming grind. The first city you enter away from your starting village is called Evergrind, further extending this expectation. There are different ways to grind in games, and I hope it’s done well. I will find out from the demo if I play it to the end, but I already have a feeling that I will be fine with it if I have to spend some extra time doing some grinding. I am kind of stuck in a dilemma of whether or not to grind the demo to the end, or to just get the game later and play it. I am fine with a bit of a grind, but if I have to redo all of it from square 1, I am not a huge fan.

This is for sure a game that’s been a long time in the making and looks well-made, well-loved, and I will definitely pick it up at some point when I am ready to tackle it head on, or if it makes it into a bundle I guess.

There are two game modes, Story and Arcade. Story is an RPG, with a lot of NPCs, quests, etc. And the demo has limited playable time. You get one boss moving from the starting town to the EverGrind and after you finish that quest, you are done. The combat feels more suitable once you get going with it.

As for movement things I mentioned, there are some abilities that you can obtain to basically zip around a bit faster with the cost of energy points, which regenerate with time. You can also gain and upgrade magic. (Though still doesn’t feel so fluid like Cross Code.)

(Overall this game is deep)

Plus the Arcade mode is randomized individual rooms/enemy spawns and you have to take care of them with the dungeon-diving rogue-lite style, where each run ears you some coins and you can also use that to buildup/upgrade your base/load zone. You get quests from NPCs also.

We are basically looking at a simplified version of Enter the Gungeon or Binding of Isaac (I don’t know how deep the actual game goes, since I am sure the demo is quite limited especially with enemy types/boss fights.)

Overall the demo does show you what the game has to offer, I am thinking it’s gonna be quite good overall. (I don’t plan to grind the arcade mode much more on demo mode, since I already know what to expect. I think that’s where most of the grinding is going to be actually.)

I won’t buy it right away, going to probably wait for a bundle just because my back log is so long.


Yeah backlog must be petted.

It does sound good. I loved Secret of Mana but never finished it. I expect tons of grinding next to the letters RPG especially the SNES style ones.

Sounds like it could use a bit of tweaking and balancing. The shield but reminds me of Phantom Hourglass and the slightly awkward hit boxes.

Still, it sounds like you had fun :blush:


@Danacscott For you
@delenn13 For your family and
@M00 For your children.


Aw. Ty ty. Snufkin so cute. The monsters in Zoria cute too. ^^


I defo got that Snufkin game on my wishlist, but got enough games on to play at the moment. Will check it out later.


If there is a unique game in 2024, its this:

Imagine having a gun or modern weapons in medieval age of battle between 2 largy armies that is far beyond the limit of Bannerlord.
Had to wacth the trailer like 5 times now, rewatching it each time it appears on facebook or youtube :slight_smile:


This looks completely ridiculous and possibly like a lot of fun.


Wow. M00 is not allowed. He’d have way too much fun.


Someone gifted me this and it has positive reviews…


I remember seeing this game on a Reddit ad. Looks very promising.

And Tchia finally arrives on Steam: