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The Day Before reminds me of a lesson we always keep forgetting, both devs and gamers alike.


Oh shit, the developer is actually Hello Games

Remember No Man’s Sky.

They are promising gold again. “Who will be the first to explore ‘things’?” Bots, people with no life, not you.

I remember NMS procedural stuff. It got boring after about 2 hours. Oh look it’s a horse with 8 legs. Next planet, it’s a horse with flippers.

It ran like ass. This game probably will too considering certain recent AAA games.

This is very much a “I’ll believe it when it gets delivered on launch day.”

I just hope they give themselves some actual time this go around to finish the game…you know, and extra 3-4 years.



I fully agree btw, as you can see in my tweet from 2 days ago XD


If you were thinking on buying Starfield for the mods, scratch that idea.


After GTA 6, we got another game leaked this year:

Another one bites the dust, but this time they deserved it.

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So just on steam, according to howlongtobeat, my backlog is

11,257.3 Hours. That’s 1.28 years of continuous gaming.

That doesn’t include a handful of games that are dead, VR, CS:GO, or didn’t have a time listed. Adding in the non listed games at a discretionary 15 or 25 hours each (mean and average) results in

11,574.3 Hours.

Biggest time offenders are
Black Desert - 795
Europa Universalis IV - 346
Elite Dangerous - 232

Still looking at over 10K hours though if you remove those and that doesn’t include GoG, Switch, 3DS, or itch.


Games Exceeding Patience Expectancy.


k, ngl, kinda proud of this one:


There’s so much nontroversy stirred up around this game it’s just sad. Why is this game getting such an extremely hateful reception from a tiny population of twitter? They’re literally grasping at straws trying to find any sort of reason to hate on it. People with absolutely no understanding of copyright law coming to the valiant defense of poor little Nintendo, one of the most litigious companies in gaming who if they really had the standing to bring a copyright claim on this game would have done so two hours after their trailer dropped several years ago.

Oh but if they’re not in legal trouble then for sure they had to have used generative AI to create things. Oh the game was well into beta before the all the AI stuff blew up? Oh well we can’t quite pinpoint WHAT they’ve done wrong but we just KNOW they must have done something bad! Cancel them! Threaten them! Report, silence and ban them some how, some way!



Heh. As a PoGo player, and fan of the older versions, I can see some similarity in the Pal designs, but they aren’t the same. It’s not like they use the template and recolour it and call a new monster

Side eye, right @Pylinaer


Of course not.

This is definitely not inspired by Lucario at all


It just is based on Egyptian god Anubis (assumed). Nevermind that Lucario was also based on Egyptian god Anubis. A happy coinincidence.

But for real, Pokemon would’ve sued this into the ground immediately if they could.


Don’t mind me, just a silly sloth


Yeah, it’s just Twitter/X/whatever being the nuclear toxic shit-hole it always was, which’s why I don’t visit it that often. It’s a place of where everyone hates everything, including me and you. If they don’t have a reason to hate you rest assured they’ll find something to take you on.

Nintendo didn’t do anything back then when this was announced, and won’t do nothing after the game has exploded on popularity.
This reminds me of how Capcom tried to monopolize the fighting games genre back in the 90’s and how it failed miserably. Nintendo probably knows about the story and decided to not try the same with the monster collecting genre for obvious reasons.


Even if you could copyright ideas like that, which you can’t, Pokemon was far from the first game with monster collection features. Some people cite Shin megami tensei, the predecessor to the Persona games, but I’d suspect some actual research into the topic might find earlier examples.


Yeah, mostly people say that Atlus’ franchise started it first with the Digital Devil Saga, and by extent its spinoff called Last Bible, which lasted for four games.
But doing a little search I found a game way early than this who did the same thing. Its name is Cosmic Soldier, and it was released on 1985, two years prior Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei.

Perhaps the most notable feature of Cosmic Soldier is the possibility to recruit allies among your foes, a concept that will become a staple later on in the Megami Tensei franchise. Not all enemies can be approached (in particular not Empire soldiers and wild beasts), and selecting specific races doesn’t make much of a difference since most of the actual attack/defense power depends on their equipment, which can be easily purchased in towns. Recruited characters must be assigned a nickname, and since dead characters cannot be resurrected, new ones must be constantly recruited.

Some even say that it was actually Pokémon who ripped people off first, with people drawing attention to how Gamefreak copied monster designs from the Dragon Quest franchise.


Dragon Quest. I think the Dragon Warrior Monsters I played was the same game. You could breed monsters and the egg results could be :astonished: :pensive: :sweat: :joy: and WTH.


Yeah, the first one came in the same year as Pokémon Yellow.

But I’m mostly fond of the Joker series. I’ve managed to beat the first and second one on DraStic, a NDS emulator for Android. They are really fun games.


Here it is, the first “AAAA” $70 game