Gaming News Thread

But this whole situation has shown clearly that whatever the case may be today, it can change at any time in the future. Will they change the requirements of Ghost of Tsushima tomorrow? Next week? or at all?
We can’t know, there are no warranties granted that the game will remain playable without a PSN account.
Sony can not be trusted.


Yup none of them can be trusted, thats why I cancelled my Game Pass subscription too since Microsoft lies and changes stuff whenever they feel like it to remove benefits. Plus their file system sucks so far to many games are terrible compared to the Steam versions or just out of date.


Hopefully, it doesn’t come down to that.

And hopefully, they don’t make last-minute changes like this again.


Yeah, sorry for bringing you here. It’s just that we need to be extra careful with Sony from now on. Who knows what they might do in the future.

If only they were open about this since the beginning it would save a lot of trouble for us and ArrowHead. At least with games like Halo: Master Chief Edition and Forza Horizon 5 they were upfront with the required login since day 1, so if you didn’t like from it you’d just add them to your ignored list and move on.

But because of “technical issues” they made this optional so many people skipped it, which leads us to this mess in the present.

Account Linking

Some players are having trouble linking their PSN accounts to their game in the initial setup screen. They may see an error code indicating a server request problem. For now, you can skip that screen and play normally. Later—after we resolve those server request errors—the game will ask people who skipped that screen to try linking their accounts again.

This doesn’t justify the horrible stuff they did but like I said: if this wasn’t optional, maybe the game wouldn’t be as popular as it nowadays but it’d save everyone a lot of trouble.

Hopefully they don’t do stupid stuff like this again but that’s a pipe dream when talking about corporations.


And then it got worse


ok, here’s a question though, how do i check whether I’ve linked an account or not? I legit have no idea. I imagine I haven’t but the game isn’t telling me to do anything and at the same time apparently I’m among the countries where you supposedly can’t make a psn account, though i think that information is incorrect. Ppl do buy playstations here so i think that would make little sense if they couldnt use them online.

but so i legit dont know how to check whether i’ve linked an account or not or how i should do it if not


I think this has the info you need: Steam Support :: How To Request A Refund : )


well, if they lock me out, that’s what I’ll do. I honestly don’t even play the game rofl, though i do want to

I don’t rly have time to play off-stream and i can’t play co-op without a vpn, but then using a vpn messes up the stream, and i dont rly feel like streaming me play solo either, though i might now and then regardless


To add to that, there are countries where a facial scan or photo ID are required as well


Well that’s unexpected.


Hard to see it as anything but a temporary retreat though. “still learning what’s best for PC players” no one is buying that they care what is best for PC players. And I wouldn’t buy the game without knowing what their “future plans” entails.

This still requires you to trust sony wont try again and as I said above, you can’t trust sony.


Sony is not allowed in my house…Never trusted it!


As someone who never bought the game and is just watching this from the sidelines, what’s also disappointing to me is the accompanying wave of bootlickers pointing to this response as a “see, you all overreacted, you just needed to give them time to sort it out.”

When obviously, they only conceded because of the backlash.


Exactly. As they say in Brazil, once they *“sentiram a água bater na bunda”(felt the toilet water hit their butts) they decided they’ll “think” about their decision.

*same as something which comes to a pressure point.


Personally, I don’t think they conceded from the backlash from gamers. Their PR department did an incredible job spinning this to make Sony look like the good guys for “listening to the community.”

In reality, I think they only listened to one group of people…their lawyers. Their lawyers came in and gave them an analysis of how much this was going to cost if they proceeded. Legal fees, settlement payouts, fines from gov. agencies around the world, and the bill Valve was going to send them for being forced to offer refunds on sales regardless of playtime. Sales that they have surely made a payout on to Sony. They usually do a payout 30 days after purchase (this could be less through some sort of contract).

The account linking was stated, though not very noticeably, as a requirement from day 1. The problem is that it was not enforced from day 1. In the eyes of the law of many countries, if something is stated as a requirement but not enforced from day 1, then it is considered optional. If it is then later enforced and that enforcement would result in the loss of the product, service, etc. without the ability for the consumer to opt out or be refunded, then it is considered fraud.

Sony is going to do this again, there is no doubt about that. The only thing that will change is that they will state it very clearly and enforce it from day 1.

They won’t do it again with Helldivers…the devs have said they are going to begin work on some in-house tools similar to what they would have gained by linking to PSN.

At the end of the day an evil corp is going to evil corp, even when it looks like they’re doing good.

But hey…we might get a snazzy cloak from the devs that looks an awful lot like the steam review chart from the past few days :joy:


While this is true the lawyers only had a reason to fear settlement payouts, fines and other costs because the backlash got as big as it did. Without the backlash from the player base none of those other consequences would have materialized. So it is still entirely due to the reaction of the consumers that this decision was rolled back.


I didn’t even think about it from that perspective, but you’re right! They probably tried to get it passed the majority and it blew up in their face. The lawyers probably told them what could happen beforehand which is why they were able to pull the plug so quickly.


“Oh, but Microsoft would never do such horrible things like this.”

It’s Microsoft turn!:

Now you know why Hi-Fi Rush is in this Humble Choice.

As they say in Brazil: “Se ficar o bicho come, se correr o bicho pega.” Don’t trust corpos!


Personally I’m most disappointed about Mighty Doom shutting down :joy:

Redfall probably could have been predicted, updates have been few and far between.

I am a little surprised about Hi-Fi Rush though. That was rather successful :thinking:


Looks like Ghosts of Tsushima is the next Helldivers 2 :rofl:


Yeah I think that might just be against the law.

Regulation (EU) 2018/302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 February 2018 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market and amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Text with EEA relevance. )

.Regulation - 2018/302 - EN - EUR-Lex

Essentially I believe that if you’re going to sell anything in the EU, you can’t pick and chose which EU member states you’re selling to.