Gaming News Thread

I think this is related to PSN not being allowed in those countries. A PSN account is required to play Ghost of Tsushima co-op. It would probably be considered fraud to sell a game in those countries that the user can’t play due to not being able to create an account. Valve is probably just covering their rears in the eyes of the law in those countries.

I don’t know why PSN isn’t available in these countries, but I have feeling it has a lot to due with those countries governmental regulations.

Though, now that the PSN account link is no longer required for Helldivers 2, it’s odd that those countries are still blocked. Maybe Valve is waiting for the second wave of changes. They’ve said that they are going to continue discussions, so their might be another attempt in the near future.


I’m not sure that matters, might depend on why PSN isn’t available. If the country itself has decided to ban PSN for some reason then I don’t think sony would be found in breach, like some games can’t be sold in Germany because they’re kind of weird about certain things. But if sony is the reason PSN is not available then I think that as well might be a breach of this law and by extension of course so would not selling the games in the Baltic states.

Someone actually affected might have to report it for anything to come out of it though.


Yeah it’s difficult to say without know who is actually preventing PSN from being available and it very well could be a combination between all the countries affected by this.


Another community backlash win, less prominent from the size of the indie game studios but also worth celebrating:


This really sucks. I have so much money invested. Makes me think about not buying from Steam any more…


Guess which game also requires a PSN account now ?

Sony be like:




Yeah, I knew you’d be angry again. :sweat_smile:

Be ready to get used to it.


like max payne 3 requires a rockstar launcher and sims 4 ea launcher to play a pain in the ass :unamused: