Gaming News Thread

Good, securom infection finally being cleaned out.


At least in the first game people are claiming in the reviews that the SecuRom was “fixed”. I’m tempted to get it soon.

I’m not gonna even bother myself with the others.


So, an update on the Garry’s Mod situation: near as we can tell, there was a little of A and a little of B. There was indeed a troll going around issuing spurious takedown orders, but then for real Nintendo joined in on the fun. The Venn diagram caused by the situation led to a lot of confusion, unsurprisingly.


This is going to cause a lot of people to lose access to the game entirely due to PSN not being available in their country. Super shady of Sony to do this 3 months after launch when people can no longer get refunds.




I was very suspicious on buying this game or getting keys for it. Thank goodness I resisted getting it and got Sand Land on pre-order instead.

Bullet dodged!


And then you couple this news with this, and you have a tenebrous start of month for gaming.


i love dragon quest and sandland but i dont have money jajjaja nice games a rest in peace akira


Even PirateSoftware is pissed about this:


Yeah, the game is really good and has zero bugs so far. It’s a good mix between Dragon Quest, Body Harvest and Front Mission games. :+1:


im glad you like it enjoy the game dude :smiley:


Also it’s not “just an account”. It is placing yourself into the watchful ‘care’ of Sony’s online environment where they decide what you can say, do or think. Only just recently with Ubisoft openly saying they are reporting their customers to law enforcement for gamer words, I would be surprised if Sony has not already been doing so for a while already. Sony’s TOS already contains ways for them to ban you for insulting your friends in jest in game and they can change and enforce their TOS however they so chose in whatever way they want at any time for any reason.

It’s never just an account.


I’d be wary of PS Plus now after what Sony did to Helldivers 2.

Cute change from Sony.

Next on the chopping block: Ghost of Tsushima. I guess I’ll go for Black Myth:Wukong instead. :-1:


PS+ has nothing to do with Helldivers though. Other than needing it for online access on PS5.


But it’s giving Sony money and right now Sony doesn’t really deserve our money, in my opinion at least.


I am curious to see what Valve does with all of this, they could issue mass refunds for people that wont get to play anymore because their country isn’t allowed on PSN. They could also start wiping these reviews since technically review bombs with reviews like “Sony is bad” are not allowed, or they could do nothing.


To each their own. I’ve already paid for the next year. I play on my PS5 regularly, for me it’s worth it. If I get rid of it, my PS5 becomes an $800 brick until another game releases that I want. And who knows when that’ll be.

I get that people are upset about the situation but I’m still going to pay for what I want. Since we’re on this topic, I hate that I have to have a Microsoft account to play Minecraft on any platform or Sea of Thieves on PS5. I hate that I need a Ubisoft account to play Ubi games on Steam. I hate that I need an Activision account to play COD. I’m not sure if EA still does this but they required you to have an account at one point too. I deal with this crap anyway 'cause I like games.

For the people who can’t create an account, they deserve a full refund. For the people in the UK and anywhere else that requires a picture of your face and ID, you can’t blame Sony for your government’s decisions.

Also, I want to direct people towards a few things. Upon the first launch of Helldivers 2 on Steam, if you read what pops up you’ll see it said at launch and now, that a PSN account was required. You can also see it in the fine print on several Steam posts (Some even before launch) and the Steam store page. They’ve been working on this since before Helldivers 2 even released. It’s not a new development, players just ignored it.


While that is true, they should not have allowed the purchase of their product in countries they knew they were going to block months later.


Yup, that’s definitely an oversight on Sony’s part. I think we can blame Jim Ryan for that one. Hyper-focused on making money. He’s the one who wanted Sony to get into live service games. They usually only release single-player stuff. This is pretty much new territory for them.


This is not meant to be an attack on you personally, just that you represent a certain viewpoint and behavior pattern here.

I too hate that I can’t play my decades old copy of Minecraft now without logging into a microsoft server, so I don’t. I hate that I can’t play EA titles without needing to sign up to origin, so I don’t. I hate that I can’t play Ubisoft games without a uplay account, SO I DON’T.

I love games, I have more games than I could possibly complete in my life time and I have not bought a single EA, Ubisoft, Microsoft tied title since they started down these anti-consumer paths of locking everything down into their own little boxes into which they can chose to deny you access.

We all love games and if more gamers had stood on some sort of principle at some point in the past 15 years then maybe the mere idea of a “gamer boycott” wouldn’t be met with ridicule and we might have had a far healthier industry today. Maybe we wouldn’t even need to beg multinational megacorps for permission to play our games.


One more thing, it seems to me that, at least right now single-player Sony games won’t be affected by this. So those interested in Ghost of Tsushima can still play that without creating an account. Unless you want to access the multiplayer mode. This is a quote from the Ghost of Tushima cross-play and system requirements post they made on their Blog…

“You will be required to sign into your PlayStation Network account to access Legends mode.”

Legends mode is the multiplayer mode and there is no mention of the PSN account requirement for single-player (Unless you want PSN Trophies/achievements). I’ve played it, you’re not missing much. It was just a cool free update to the original game.