Game Dealz

Oh well, the offer is there for a wee while longer if you change your mind.


Hmmm probably be like Delenn, that Punkster is an arsehole.

Would you like one then? Here’s what’s left, assuming Delenn doesn’t want them?

Neon Drive
A Story About My Uncle
Legends of Eisenwald (from an older bundle)
JumpJet Rex (also from an older bundle)

Alternatively you can just wait for potentially something better until I do another competition/giveaway but I’m waiting until the other lad is done with his Part 3 Extravaganza Giveaway first.

For anyone else reading, I will gift more games soon when I hear back from and know which ones my Steam friends want from me or not. (They are not ones featured on this list or from that Indie Bundle 18).

At least this way you are guaranteed a game.


Egyptian Senet is now the giveaway on indiegala

About 3/4 down the page and close the youtube/twitter thing.


Yo I don’t know what’s going on but I want jumpjet rex if that’s a thing I can do

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Yeah I’m confused about it too, I wanted to ask for Ziggurat, but wasn’t quite sure if @Punkster plans to give the rest away to other people after @delenn13 makes their choice (if they choose) or put them up in a giveaway or something…

Thanks again, @Punkster. Go ahead and have your giveaway. I like to see others get games they want. I have almost 800 games on Steam and I don’t have a clue as to how many other games I have, And most I haven’t finished…or even played.

Guys…let him set up his giveaway. OK?


Not like I (we) can stop him if he wants to…

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I was giving @SSepiroth the chance of a game out of those choices, evident by the fact I was replying to him/her. Who then sent a PM in response. To be fair, no one could know this.

Then to prevent a flood of people asking for games I said this, [quote=“Punkster, post:63, topic:3563”]
For anyone else reading, I will gift more games soon when I hear back from and know which ones my Steam friends want from me or not. (They are not ones featured on this list or from that Indie Bundle 18).
All the info you needed was there if you read it properly but I’m guessing some saw FREE GAMES and didn’t bother with why it didn’t seem to make sense to them personally and asked anyway. lol.

I wasn’t planning to gift more than one but…

Check PM’s. :v:

EDIT: To any NEW readers, I have no more to gift at the moment. Sorry.


Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition is free on the Humble Store for a limited time!


Indiegala giveaway changed to Sleengster

(near bottom of page, close the box with share links, must have an account that’s linked to Steam)

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Free download of Bio Menace


If no-one here has played Life is Strange yet, do it. It’s a really good adventure game, and the season pass is currently $5 on Humble Bundle. Link Here.

I paid the same amount for it in a Steam sale, then felt guilty as I wanted to give the devs more money for it.


Valkyria Chronicles for 4$ on the Humble Store, worth it!

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Torch Cave is not the giveaway on Indiegala.

(Near bottom of page, close the box with share links, must have an account that’s linked to Steam)

Edit: Lol, took me this long to realize that I typed “not” instead of “now”


So in regards to Indiegala I have 2 games from previous giveaways that I’m not interested in.

Games are: Rage Parking Simulator 2016 and Egyptian Senet.

Either reply here or pm me I suppose if you want either of them.

Edit: All gone


Hi Madway,
I would really like Egyptian Senet.

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Are we allowed some Android love here?

$43.00 worth of games…for 5 bucks…for the entire lot.
Never Alone: Ki Edition, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, LIMBO, Gunbrick, and more games for Android.

This week we added VVVVVV and Goo Saga!


You mean there are Android Games out there that are NOT just Shovelware? Well, I learned something new today. JK.

Thanks, Delenn.


Actually, yes. I have a lot of games on my tablet and phone from Humble Bundles… Like World of Goo.etc


Indiegala giveaway changed to Torch Cave 2

Same as last time. Near bottom of page, close the box with share links, must have an account that’s linked to Steam.

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