[Ended] It's PAYBACK time baby! đź’« (Enki's Lazy Giveaway)

Hello everyone, it’s time for me to thank this community for being so awesome and generous. A personal thank you to all the gifters that came here in the last months making our day a little more happy, and guess what? I’m going to join this group of fools too! There’s no other reason, maybe I’ll include that I received my “Regular” badge today, so wohoo to me! (k)

I’m not the kind of person that buys lots of bundles, but since the last days I’ve been thinking about doing this little thing, so I decided to share the contents with you guys and I hope you enjoy!


How is this going to work?

  • Everyone will be able to choose up to 3 games from the list. Please refrain from asking for what you don’t really want just to fill the 3 choices, let others have chances.
  • I’ll be using RANDOM.ORG to roll a number between the maximum # of posts for each game until there’s a winner for the chosen game. (I know, there are more efficient ways, but I am a sloth).
  • Winners will be announced June 7, 2017 at 9:00 AM Pacific (Coin Time!). If everything goes according to plan, so, patience!
  • If you’re one of the winners, make sure to reply to the PM sent confirming that you’ve got the game, please.

This way more people will have a shot a winning, since I’m one of those who is always late at first come, first serve. And hey, competition and RNG! Something that I hate, haha oh well… me wishing that I could give everyone something to smile.

Anyway, lastly but not least, I want you guys to share something in return. I want to know what makes you happy, yeah, just that. Your lovely pet that always make you smile when you arrive from work/school? :dog2::pig2::cat2: A cool new meme made you giggle, m8? :joy: That song that makes you feel good every time? :radio::notes::relieved: A tasty dish, on nom nom~? :kissing_smiling_eyes::cake: The love of your life? :couple_with_heart: Give your best, it doesn’t need to be personal though, I’m sure there are plenty of things that you enjoy in life. Pictures, texts, everything works, just share the love! :two_hearts:

Now, to the games! :space_invader:

Games List

Info: Humble Bundle gift links with Steam keys! Check game links to see if it’s Linux/Mac supported.

Small Radios Big Televisions


Westerado: Double Barreled

Völgarr the Viking

Duck Game

Rise & Shine


Glittermitten Grove

Worms Clan Wars

80 Days

Her Story


[Enki] Starring in: The Good, The Generous, The Kindhearted.

Definitely some games I’m missing from that list, but i’d be dishonest if I chose more then only “Rise & Shine” as that’s the only one I actually want, so i’m fine with going for the one choice handicap if that’s a-okay.

Also there’s nothing that makes me happy. I’m an emotionless husk with a heart of stone, well… that’s not entirely true… others anguish does give me a slight chuckle…


Only interested in worms clan wars

But I also want to mention how funny that picture is, thanks for the laughs.

Edit: Thinking about what makes me happy would make me depressed afterwards so I’d rather not say it.


I’m interested in:


Her Story

80 days

Benfica makes me happy. Yeah. I would put up a picture if I knew how.


i’m interested in duck game (i played it when it was free in steam and is very fun)
It makes me happy having free time to dont be stressed and playind some games or read :slight_smile:


Games = Wasted, Westerado, and duck game
The things that make me happy is playing online with my friends.


I would be interested in

Rise & Shine



Free games makes me happy, also people appreciating a post of mine really does as well. Weather they recognize that I’ve made a good argument or found some information I provided helpful or just simply enjoyed a joke I’ve made, showing that something someone posted had it’s desired effect can really make their day. Or maybe I’m just exceedingly starved for approval and acknowledgments.

So thanks for doing this @Enki, there’s few things that gets this place jumping like giving stuff away.


Im interested in Worms clan wars! :slight_smile:
When school is over that is what makes me happy =) :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


I would be interested in:

Commending you for a great giveaway and
Making things clearer than @Gnuffi (don’t take it the wrong way gnuff) for people who are too eager to get a great game and/or aren’t native english speakers and have some difficulties.

Playin’ games ans chillin’ with mates makes me happy. My female cat acts like a stereotypical male cat i guess, i’m into older memes and 4chan greentexts and i’ve been listening to The Reaper song someone posted in Gnuffis birthday thread a lot (just not the gun sync version)

Also where’s Rain World you cheeky bugger?

Edited to add the Kappa as was my original intention, just seems rude without it. :stuck_out_tongue:


@FornnhecaCunha it says how just before typing mate, drag an image into the field or paste a link. :wink:

@Fraggles It’s definitely the maybe option. :grin:


interested in duck game, worms and headlander

the thing that makes me happy is my family


Westerado seems fun, I’d like that pls.

Unless if I lose in which case I get nothing, whoopsie daisy.

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hey hey whimsy and complex, confusing and lost in translation is perfect for mass giveaways :smile_cat: but i hear ya, no offence taken

and kudos on the giveaway @Enki :+1:


That PS skill, I like it :joy: About what make me happy question, good food definitely. nothing better than eating / finding / trying new food everyday.

My entry:

  • Westerado: Double Barreled
  • Small Radios Big Televisions
  • Volgarr the Viking

Duck Game
pls, thx homie ur a real g

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My Entry :slight_smile: , Thanks
Duck Game

Her Story


80 Days

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Völgarr the viking
Her Story
Duck game

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Only interested in Duck Game for now, good luck to everyone.

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I’m interested in:
-Her Story
-Völgarr the Viking
-Duck game.
Those are really great games. gl to everyone.

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-Worms : Clan Wars (been a fan of worms series since the ps2 era, man playing this kind of game with my siblings is really fun!
-Westerado : Double Barreled: it has local coop!
-Wasted : seems like a fun game!
The games im interested in are started with the letter W. Coincidence? I think not!