Do you remember the first game you ever played?

That looks a bit like Pipemania!


both of those start up menus PALE in comparison to MY favourite xD

everyone know that Leonard Nimoy was put in a Dreamcast game?


Oh the blue version. I think I had the red one. Was The blue one for PAL or JP maybe? I really miss having a VMU and raising my Chao! The little battery sucker :smiley:


it says it in the video title as PAL xD

(I had to show off my regional version :stuck_out_tongue: It’s how I saw it as a kid.)

bluestinger was my favourite game as a kid, I struggled to complete it and that made me love the game, and the christmas themed place always enthralled me, oh yeah and that game got me addicted to games with money that you can farm in xD I spend MONTHS killing the big zombie in the mall so I could maybe buy the laser cannon XD

(video below is not exact but I’ve made it start at 11 minutes cause thats where the big zombie is in the video xD I would respawn this place over and over again cause I worked out he gave the most coins. There’s NO videos of it as a farming spot :open_mouth: Though if it was me, I’d kill it with my BEAR HANDS because thats cheaper and you save money on bullets so myeh) I could actually have a bash at the speed run for this game xD I could tell you everything you need to do in the game, now, in text, it’s such a good game if any of you have a dreamcast but have never played this please do it xD its like watching a B movie xD

nowadays I have quite a few more, I found a game called “evolution” which (was expensive as fuck) is a JRPG that is so good I can barely describe, the best character is a butler with a gun. :smiley:


D’oh! Right in the title. :hushed:

Oh I had that game as well, Evolution. Gre Nade, Linear Cannon, Chain Gun, Mag Launcher, etc. It was grindy and repetitive but back in the day when we didn’t have a million games on Steam, it was great to have something you can play over and over. I never did beat that game. I don’t think I grinded enough to make it past a certain boss and got in over my head haha.

Blue Stinger looked cool. I only ever rented it from our local video store once. I think someone scratched the disc into oblivion so i never got a chance to play it again.

I just did some google research and I completely forgot there was a second one.


yes all the names were crappy gun puns! xD gre nade was the butler xD I forgot all their names haha also Grindy huh?.. I don’t remember grinding very much at all to be honest but maybe I was lucky, I also have a prima strategy for all JRPGs in that format. just clear every floor of every enemy and every item and if you can’t reach the boss after doing that you’re not worthy xD I have completed the MAIN game but here’s a little secret… evolution has a new game + :open_mouth: at least… you can keep on playing and there’s actually new stuff xD I never actually played much after that cause I mean, the main story was done xD

also you unlucky sonofagun if you still own a dreamcast you need to swoop in and get that :smiley: you will have a journey, I still enjoy it as an adult that knows every turn, because even now, Bluestinger can surprise me and an enemy I forgot about attacks me and I diegle. xD

also come on you can kill a JEEP crab and he gives you a gatling gun.

(sorry the only video was with some sloppy nerd.)


I don’t have my dreamcast anymore. I donated all of my old systems (gamecube, dreamcast, n64) so hopefully someone out there is enjoying all of those classics :slight_smile:


ah well you should get a new one then…

a new old one xD

I never got to play an N64 once I have no idea whats even good on there they all looked like crappy platforming games >.>


It’s probably too hard to go back to a lot on N64 now, but that’s where Smash Bros started, there was eventually a Megaman 64 (Megaman legends), Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Gauntlet Legends, Super Mario 64, Bomberman 64, Bomberman Hero, Star Fox, Mario Party, Mario Kart. I’m sure I’m missing obvious ones like Banjo Kazooie and whatnot as well. I had plenty to play on that. It helps when your neighbor is also into it and you have someone to play with as well as a bunch of cousins otherwise I wouldn’t have played some of these.


my sole reason for getting an N64 back in the day; I later traded it for a PS One with a classmate


I had no friends growing up learnt that multiplayer games are shit, single player is the only way, then you only have yourself to blame. I played a gauntlet game on PS1, with my sister, she was rubbish at it so she never completed it, got to the giant demon boss on my own, loved that when you killed him the bosses body parts all turned into ultra items xD also the only one Im really bothered about there is smash bros, I didn’t know what that was until the gamecube had been out 2 years. we had bomberman on ps1, star fox is LAME, so really not very much I missed out on xD I mean I was playing bluestinger from maybe the age of 10 up so I would have been fine with doom at that age as well, seemed my mind was beyond its capabilities, I’ve never liked bright colourful games aimed at kids. Totally never liked sonic and his bright blueness oh no, definitely never fell for that and grew up drawing sonic fan fic OCs where he was a Saiyan. Goldeneye was pretty good too but I played the superior PS2 version <3


it isn’t when yr a kid rly, then it’s



Oh you weren’t a starfox fan? I loved it. I think the best part about it for me was that your performance was directly tied to the difficulty so you saw completely different levels (and ending) depending on how well (or poorly) you did :slight_smile:

:smiley: lol


that was my opinion from when I was a kid xD I didn’t even want it, I’d heard of it and I said “what do you do in it?” and you know what they replied? “B A R R E L R O L L” so I discovered a meme, then, in 19 whenever. and knew, “huh, I want nothing on this conformist bullshit” and became a fascist piece of shit there and then xD

not that it’s a bad game, just the hype killed it. the gameplay is adequate, to this day.



I have such fond memories playing goldeneye multiplayer vs my class mates; that was huge back then


“class mates”?

what are those?

have you ever spent maybe collectively a year playing multiplayer games by yourself? running around the world finding the weapons then firing them into the void?

syphon filter I spent the most time on alone in mutiplayer maps, goldeneye being the second, my sister would play that occasionally but she hated the fact I could win, like most other people.


lol, u didn’t go to school either? too conformist for yr liking?


I wasn’t allowed friends.

friends need to like you back, that never happened.


I mostly had class antagonists myself, but we did play Quake together now and then which was and remains the best multiplayer experience I think I’ve ever had.


k well now I don’t know whether yr joking or not…