Cyberpunk 2077

I think it’s this part that seems to imply that the opposite was once true, or is now true. So simply striking the phrase helps for clarity, but there are other ways it could have been made more clear.

the best phrasing I can think of is:
“Also worthy of notice, like The Witcher 3, this game doesn’t use Denuvo.”

Got to love English.


From my point of view I understood the sentence fine, yup it’s okay english wise though maybe a few minor improvements. I understood it pretty easily myself.

Maybe it was the fact you were comparing the two like that in a sentence that confused people and so people assumed you meant that one of the games had denuvo or did so in the past.


The reviews are in.


This is NSFW so be careful.

I just can’t…Too funny…:joy:


That part was to draw a parallel with the Witcher 3 release. That back when Witcher 3 released it had no Denuvo attached to it, and it still sold really well. And now the same is happening with Cyberpunk.

But reading what you wrote, it makes sense that that part can cause confusion.

Like I said, English is not my native language, so sometimes there’s a bad habit of formulating the sentences on our own native languages and then translate them to English, which in turn can cause these problems.




These type of games, massive open world rpgs, are always prone to have lots of bugs. It’s a real bummer when they’re game breaking, but on the other hand, we get these hilarious ones.

Skyrim, Fallout, Witcher 3. If these games were almost bug free, we wouldn’t have so many funny videos around.


Yeah, when I went through character creation last night, and I had to pick between having no genitals, a circumsized vs non-circumsized penis (with sizing options), or a vagina, I took a moment to look at my wife and laugh about how far video games have come…


Yeah I have played for quite a few hours already and only bugs I have seen so far are strange clipping issues. Nothing at all game breaking and very playing FPS on high settings even with my older system. Having a blast so far.

lol my wife and I were saying the same thing, never really expected video games to include those options.


I got some glitches too :stuck_out_tongue:


They’ve just started allowing smoking indoors again, everything is fine.


I got it on GOG, because I love their stance on DRM and all of the money goes to the devs–devs which I like and think make great content. I’m sure the 1m on Steam didn’t harm profits though. If 1m is playing on Steam, there’s probably just as much on GOG or Epic. And that’s awesome for them, at the end of the day. They can continue to keep telling amazing stories.

I’ve been having a blast in the game, despite the bugs. It is a great game!


as LevelCap says here (and mind you, I know he hypes shit up too much, and it does often bother me), “it lives up to the hype”

the first day, i only had 1.5 hour to actually play the game, and after just playing through the very beginning (nomad), i did feel this game had been overhyped, but now that i had time to put in 5 more hours yesterday and was able to get more into the gameplay systems and world exploration, I have to say I am blown away by this game and can’t wait to further develop character skills, see more of the world, and see where the story will take me, and it’s funny saying this so early in, but by the time I’m done with it, I feel like I might have to conclude by saying this might be my number one best game ever, without competition.

i’ve seen some bugs here and there, but nothing game-breaking thus far


It lives up to the hype for sure. The combat is solid and very fun, the modification system is really cool, the story is engaging, the music screams synthwave and 80s, the characters actually FEEL like they have a personality, and the setting is immersive.

The only problem I have with it right now is the bugs, and the lack of a few setting options, perhaps even the more limited creator (but I’m okay with it to be honest). But it is exactly what I hoped.


yet somehow there is room for a genitalia slider? :thinking:


i honestly was wondering about that too; i use the no-nudity option (more like limited nudity) but ofc heard about that, but somehow there’s only 1 body type, so apparently u can customize yr peepee but u cant be fat or skinny? (isn’t that a bit weird? certainly in this day and age where u must have the option to be an alien-attack-helicopter-cactus-hominid, but oh boy, u better have “perfect” body measurements; and it’s not like it’s cuz it’s 2077 and anyone can look however they’d want; plenty of fat/skinny ppl running around in the city too) And there’s no sliders for how big or small u want facial aspects etc. to be either.


There are Mantis Blades, why not Elephant Sausage?
What if there’s a cybermod - later on - that lets you use it as a bludgeoning weapon.
I bet you’ll appreciate that slider then.


I feel like this was added solely to stir up some conversation about it and in turn give game even more publicity.


It would be fun to run the whole story as a fat character. Like there’s no obligation for the games to have this level of customisation, but many modern games let you play with body type freely. I, for one, would 100% do a run as a big hero in a cyberpunk world.

Maybe they needed to cut on these options to put more resourses into gameplay stuff. or had troubles with adjusting everything, or just decided it’s not that important for the main experience (I would argue here, but it’s for the creators to decide). On the other hand, a slider for a glitching dick takes practically no resourses to implement, doesn’t really affect how the character looks in clothes\augmentations or how they collide with the world, and creates a viral theme for media and players to marvel.


That thing better have both world collision and utility!