Crazy News Stories

Spoken like a true defeatist. Why would anyone ever take a risk try to change anything for the better? Mindsets like that is why oppressive religious regimes, dictators and despots manages to keep ruling over countries and regions both large and small for generations. Just keep your head down and maybe once all your neighbors are dead they’ll be happy and leave you alone.

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Tell it to all the children whose parents are either dead or in jail while nothing changed. It’s also very easy for you to talk like that while you’re not in such a situation yourself. Experience shows it’s usually those who talk the loudest while not in a situation who become the quietest when shit actually goes down.

Millions upon millions of people in history have died for nothing, obtaining nothing at all.

And i’m not a defeatist. I’m a realist. Action should only be taken under the right circumstances and when there’s an actual possibility of a positive outcome. Otherwise it’s mere stupidity and lack of patience and insight.

If I were a defeatist I’d be saying the Ukrainians shouldn’t fight, for example. While I’ve several times stated already that while Putin might take the country, he will not win this war, which clearly means that they should fight them as much as possible because imo they will win in the end.

and yes i know, this is about racism while what u said is not, but it’s exactly the same; his “choice” he speaks of is the same you speak of

and at least he eventually apologized for saying stupid shit like that


I’ve been politically active essentially my entire life. I’ve been in protests since young years as my family did, continued doing so on my own later in life. I’ve written letters to politicians both Swedish and European, articles sent to and published in Swedish news papers regarding issues I care to try to change. On this very forum I have spoken up against things I find unjust and support and argue for causes I find matter.

I operate within the systems I have available to me and I take actions that I can take. I’m not going to jump in a boat, row across the Baltic sea and try to assassinate putin though. Even though he has made direct threats to my nation’s security, if war comes here I will do what is required of me.

You clearly have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, and your attempted analogy shows it.

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You call life in russia now ’ life ’ ? Yes you are technically ‘alive’ but that is about it :slight_smile:


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Um maybe we should steer away from this topic. I understand its a topic at the front of peoples minds right now but maybe this is not the forum to be discussing it as this is trending to go over the line of what is appropriate.


yes, obviously Stalin and Lenin did not kill enough of their grand parents and great grand parents and great great grand parents

obviously they should have done more against them




Were done with talking about this in this capacity. Want to talk about how we can support those who are suffering though this conflict go here: Info On How to Donate or Help Ukraine - #12 by DontBeSilly. I feel for you @joxter that is a sucky situation to be in.


I am so sorry, @joxter :hugs: I know there is nothing I can say or do to make it better.


They are not my favorite animal. But this has gone too far!


Feels like the world want another North Korea


It is another North Korea already :slight_smile: and even worse version of that .


the world has had another North Korea for a very long time now already. It’s called Eritrea.


'nuff said…

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I can’t stop laughing :rofl:


I assume this means they are losing players? Anyways, good luck.