Annual Jinglejam giveaway

Hello again everyone!
It is that time of the year once more and I feel obligated by my title to do this giveaway but his time the ‘collection’ contains much fewer games than ever before on the other hand the quality seems to be of a generally higher tier. So to make things easier for you and more difficult for me I opted for rolling for the prizes with discobot’s help.
To enter for a chance you will need to reply with the number of the game you’d like (maximum four) and a two page story about the best present you have ever given.(the story and its length is not mandatory but I would love to read about some great gifts)
I’ll roll the dice at the end of next week (fourteenth or fifteenth) so you have time to write your stories:)
The keys expire at the end of the year so if you win please don’t forget to redeem them.
(I hope there are enough of you that all these complications actually serve a purpose)

01.Another Crab’s Treasure

02.Citizen Sleeper

03.Death Sprint 93325

04.Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

05.Fights in Tight Spaces


07.Hadean Tactics

08.Orcs Must Die 3

09.Patrick’s Parabox


11.Shadows of Doubt

12.Sticky Business

13.Submachine: Legacy

14.Two Point Campus


There are a few other things which i will just send to the first person who wants them:
MCC Island Jingle Jam Rewards Pack
Displate 40% off discount code

Happy merry have a nice end of year holiday the best I wish upon you and your families


Thanks for the giveaway, and welcome back! :grin:

I’d like to go for 01, 03 and 15.

Happy Holidays!


The greatest gift I’ve given is probably my sunny disposition and jovial presence upon this world.

I’m putting my chips on the numbers 04, 02 and 11.


11,12,10 ,13


gift its a teddy bear and buda for mi mother its sad she not here but i great memories about presents actually i have in my room


Thanks for doing a giveaeway =)

Put me down for:

02.Citizen Sleeper
09.Patrick’s Parabox
13.Submachine: Legacy

As for my best gift given, well, that’s difficult to say, but I think I’m currently happiest with interpreting and learning an obscure piece of music from one of my wife’s favorite paintings. My recording is her wake-up alarm now XD. I wrote a post about it in the OT thread, so I’ll just link that post so I don’t fill this thread with pictures of butt paintings:


Thanks for the giveaway!

I already have the games I would have been interested in from this bundle, but I would take the Fanatical wheel spin.


Wow, thank you @anyamtikja that’s sweet. :people_hugging:

I’ll try for 01, 07, 11, 13.

Good luck everybody. :four_leaf_clover: :christmas_tree:

(have to think about the story for a while) … Ok, it was a Christmas shortly after we were married in the late 70’s, and I got my husband a high quality black leather coat from Sears. We were on a tight budget in those early years, so this was a luxury but it just jumped out to me when I saw it. Well, he not only loved it, but still wears it all these years later, and it still looks great on him.


This is super cool of you, thanks Santa Chronos! :gift:


My story isn’t too entertaining, I think. But here it goes!~ My father grew up playing arcade games, but is not a gamer in any capacity today. His favorite game of all time is Galaga. A few Christmases ago, I got him one of those Arcade1Up Galaga cabinets. But I didn’t stop there! I made sure, of course, to build the darn thing so he could play it on the spot! I also purchased some mods from an eBay seller that spruced the cabinet up a little more (brightness control, some better audio and visuals, and even a couple extra versions of Galaga and other games). Installed those too. It was a lot of work besides just buying the present, but definitely worth it! On Christmas there was this huge present wrapped up with his name on it. There was no telling what was underneath the wrapping paper. The shape was so perplexing. It was really awesome to see my father unwrap a big present like he was a kid again. Especially since the present itself brought him back to when he was one. Needless to say, he played with it that whole day trying to set the highest score he could. He even had the whole family setting their own so everyone could see their initials on the leaderboard. At least for as long as they lasted there! :sweat_smile:

It is definitely one of my proudest Christmas presents and I always get a kick when I hear he has set a new high score. :space_invader:


Thanks @anyamtikja :sparkles: :dizzy: :sparkles:

Welcome back and thanks for thinking of your Chrono family, and the effort of this kind of giveaway. :sunglasses:

I’d like to try for these:

  • 05 Fights in Tight Spaces
  • 03 DeathSprint 66
  • 14 Two Point Campus
  • 09 Patrick’s Parabox

The special memory for me is actually about a “small” gift. I was about 8 years old. I wanted to surprise my mom with a gift, so I used my small savings to buy a cookware pan (not fancy, but what matched my savings). On Christmas morn when she saw a present from one of her kids she was surprised (usually we kids were on the receiving end of getting presents), and when she opened it she cried (with joy) because of the thought behind the gift. So, thanks for your question since it made me search my memory for that moment long ago.

Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays this year. :drum:


01 Another Crab’s Treasure - my :star: sign, ^^
13 Submachine: Legacy - Lighthouse: where I ended up after falling asleep on the bus
15 Wildfrost - Snow - wish I could experience once IRL
07 Hadean Tactics - Challenge: Fell Seal with cards

Best gift I’ve ever gotten is a fruit basket, oh ages ago.
I got to witness 2 people smile this year after giving simple, well appreciated gifts. My board gaming friend was delighted to get packets of mixed herbal teas - usually sold one flavour per box but I got the connex, :rofl: The other was on my mother’s birthday - she loved the religious themed trinkets and the purple teddy bear keyring. It’s not often I get a positive reaction from her, so yeah, that’s a good memory.

You guys have sweet stories here. Gave me them feels :heart: Thanks for the GA @anyamtikja.


you have friends ajajja i have 2 and only talk in internet with they jjaja


Well, I only have less than 5 super close friends, tbh. This one is from a group that is happy to play board games IRL, not digitally. Sometimes we do a group event together like watching the Dnd movie.

Speaking of Digital, our group on Chrono had a ton of fun with Love Letter and Orange Juice on Steam, remember @Fraggles ?


I sure do, would love to get to play those games more at some point. I just can’t muster up the logistical effort to try and gather people up anymore. Tried to get a mahjong group running a few months back, managed to round up 6 people spread across timezones so that we could only get 4 to actually meet up twice over a span of 3 weeks and then it just petered out into nothing.

It’s just so much effort getting people organized.


Man, these giveaways remind me of the early ChronoGG days, there used to be so many of these.
and the coin shop, great memories!

I would love to join for these games

01 Another Crab’s Treasure
05 Fights in Tight Spaces
09 Patrick’s parabox
15 Wildfrost

Good luck everyone and happy holidays!


Welcome back @Riouz - NOTE: The numbers next to the game titles you pick should match the numbers in the giveaway post.
For example Wildfrost is 15, so you should edit your post (though the giver might notice anyway).


pets the wee wriggly Hope you’re been doing fine. ^^


Story time!
A long time ago, I was moving away so my friends came with me to the airport. I was taking as much as I could but this airline didn’t want to let me take my guitar into checked luggage or onto the airplane I asked my friends if any of them know how to play guitar, none of them did. So I asked if any wanted to learn how to play guitar, one guy did. So I gave him his first guitar.
I found out years later, since he had a guitar, he would take guitar classes. In his guitar class, he met a girl. I went to wedding a few years ago.
I told them how my unlikely gift let him find his future wife but they didn’t take it too seriously. But it is still the best gift I’ve given someone.

05.Fights in Tight Spaces
09.Patrick’s Parabox
02.Citizen Sleeper


yo, 100%, yr gift led him to her, man, great story!


That is weird, I did put it like that, but if you add brackets it automatically goes 1-2-3-4.
So I had to drop the brackets then it turned to the number I put in front…
Weird, but thanks for bringing it to my attention!