You are worried about Discobot and a raccoon when @PeteMcc is a turret?
Even though I’m late, Congrats to all the new leaders.
not late, you are just in time
great f***n job acb234. now everybody sees how late I am
Congrats ppl, even though ALL OF YOU ignored my make the world better thread
But I said congrats nonetheless, because I’m FORGIVING you
No problem that is why i am here.
Well Done @delenn13, @PeteMcc and @KSib, proud of you all.
Marvin Moment
Here I am, brain the size of a peanut, still stuck with this Nostradamus of Poop badge and everyone else is getting promotions. I am unhappy, in fact, my capacity for happiness, you could fit into a matchbox without taking out the matches first, that is how unhappy I am. Let me give you another example… I can’t think of one because my brain is the size of a peanut, don’t you see?
Chrono, don’t talk to me about Chrono.
Okay, I’m done.
(this is a joke, not funny granted, but that is what it was)
If I knew promotions were a possibility, I would have given away my car! Though I’m not sure how many of you would appreciate my old playtoys.
notice how there are no hoomans…other than the one dying?
… doesn’t terribly object to that idea
-as a gnome
well there are no gnomes either
cuz the gnomes are chilling in the garden, duh
so where are the cows?
sadly, the aliens took em all
interesting how cows are so popular with aliens, what if cows are aliens? do aliens keep them as pets? maybe cows are a power source…ok so what was this threads topic again?
I take offense to that, I am a sentient turret
I’m sorry oh mighty Community leader, please forgive my feeble-mindedness
Punkster to the Chrono guys tomorrow