Tired of this..

Not a bad idea, I’d definitely throw coins at small dumb cosmetics.

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I’m with you on this, but at least this complaint is attached to some kind of suggestion to make it more constructive :relieved:

To be honest, these complaints will keep coming unless the coin system ends or the underlying problems are fixed. Either Chrono.gg have a pretty good idea what to do and they’re just in the process of implementation, or they don’t yet have a solution, in which case suggestions from the community can help.

Two things are entirely unhelpful:

  • Complaining without suggestions or ideas
  • Attacks on other forum users.

I think chrono.gg is just in the process of implementation. Values will be tweaked, new systems tested. It’s not a complex issue, just one that takes a bit of experimentation. But possible solutions are plenty - scaleable prices! Lower Supply, Bigger Coin-Pricetag! Bidding System, highest bidder wins! Optional other coin-drains, cosmetics or a dibs system (I pay %coins to reserve keys until noticed. These % of coins are gone, whether I buy one of the games or not), and so on. It’s a solveable problem, but until it’s solved, it’ll keep coming up and no amount of getting angry over that, will change the issue one way or another. In both directions.


what low cost item?
have you not been paying attention, the cost of games have been steadily increasing exactly to account for this, started out low because it was new, then rose as people got more
and, why should a user that have not found anything interesting the previous weeks get punished if Chrono happens to put up 2-3 games the same week that this person are interested in, and can afford, why should said person be penalized, going 100+days without a game, while other people that spend coins each 2weeks (even if not caring about the game) could have bought what would/could add up to much more than the games released that week, or even next one included
why the heck should a high coin member get “punished” more than a person spending their coins on each release? that person spending is actually getting more, because the coin saver is more frugal/“quality conscientious”

Inflation alone would/could solve these issues in time, the main reason for all this is limited keys,
punishing loyal non buying users is about the stupidest idea since they are the people contributing least to the problem, by not spending coins, your idea would actively reward those contributing to games selling out (such as system/bot abusers too if those are still an issue too)
and again, with current prices, (and rising), “max” avg avail coins per users to gain, it’s gonna be handled automatically in time, but again, requires patience from users

you might be making suggestions, which is almost always commendable for trying to improve upon something, but any “negative” improvements, such as anything that “punishes” people, is not laudable at all and is worthy of all criticism received
i think the max streak possible is around 104 days about now which would add up to roughly 21000 coins give or take
this would require you to not only have been there from day1, but also never missed a streak, (and ofc never bought anything), now, even with that, the most possible avail coins, still couldn’t have bought 1 of every game released,
why? because there have been games for 53300 coins worth! over 2½times as high a cost as the possible MAX obtainable amount, and yet you would punish these people, either for being loyal, or just saving up waiting for something they actually want, vs just spending it on whatever gets released.

I find the whole notion and thought process despicable and way too flawed to even begin and comprehend, how there could have been put more than just a glance’s worth of effort into it, -beyond just “gimme gimme gimme, wuah i didn’t get X or Y because of mean other people beating me to it :sob:
next time, try just begin adding 2 and 2 together before you throw around disciplinary actions or baseless assumptions because of something you “think” is an issue

steps of soapbox


I agree that any solution that punishes users for not using coins is bad. But price inflation will not solve all the problems. Denamio ideas are good. Auctions for games could be fun.

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agree, inflation alone will not solve all and any issues (even if many), now, or potentially arising later, especially for newer/growing user base that might sign up
hence why many suggestions have already been made previously (including myself), most of which doesn’t “punish” people, and certainly not to such ludicrous degree as this

since the main “problem” is limited keys, supply/demand, this will “always” be a problem, no matter what system gets eventually put in place,
because with limited keys, it’s simply just impossible to satisfy everyone, even more if the userbase continues to grow,
so all people will have to be able to deal with this “issue” happening no matter what might replace it, because everyone can’t get everything, even though a lot of people want it
the one “true” solution would be to “get enough keys to sustain your userbase”, but since we can’t reasonably demand that, (and it might be unlikely/impossible to happen even if), then we have to accept the deal we have here, current or future system in place, you wont get everything and sometimes not even something you really really wanted

positive improvements are always commendable, and only encouraged, ofc even by a cynic like me, just not some of the above drivel tho, highly worthy of instant rejection


There is nothing we can do with a limited number of keys. We can only be polite to others and to the staff. I think they are already working on a solution. We must be patient and offer our ideas. That way everything will be better for everyone.

Well you found it, “mate”.
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. Your ‘suggestion’ is naught but a thinly disguised whine which is instantly betrayed by your choice of rubrik.
“Other people are more vigilant than I, they need to be punished so my lazy ass can stroll up whenever and be catered to.”

You think that’s a suggestion with substance? I provided a counter suggestion that would provide for your problem idea that didn’t hinge on the explicit punishing of other people.

We’ve dealt with entitled brats for 102 days now and their complaints comes in 3 main flavours. “I don’t like the games offered”, “Other people have more coins than me” and “I snoozed and lost, whaaah”. Precious few have bothered to even add a hint of a useful suggestion. That’s not even counting the people who’re using multiple accounts to scam the system then complaining when they’re banned.

Solutions? That implies that there is actually a problem to fix. There isn’t really, the store’s mechanics are obvious and clearly signposted. If you don’t want to play the game then feel free to sod off, it’s not going to change to be 100% tailor made for you.

I’ve been plenty patient with the throngs of selfish people moaning on this forum, I’ve tried my best to be helpful and pleasant. But then here you come along and think that you’re reasonable and beyond reproach while demanding that other people be kneecapped for your convenience, hell nah “mate”.


It’s currently 5:00AM from where I am so I apologize if I sound quite rambly on this post.

woah woah woah woah woah hold on a sec.

Did you just hear or read yourself there correctly? A person who buys a game from the shop should not be able to buy a game on the next rotation?

Dude you have forgotten the most important things about this site:

  • The coin shop is optional.
  • ChronoGG is still a business whether we all like it or not.
  • Not all devs are gonna let there games be on the coin shop (WHICH IS TECHNICALLY FREE BTW) because game devs need to make money.
  • Whether we like it or not, ChronoGG is seling TWO products, 1) US who are being sold to the game devs because ChronoGG is providing the game devs an audience (this line of thinking is thanks to TotalBiscuit, blame him if you think this certain argument is too damn cynical) and 2) the actual games on the bloody store.

Now that I’ve gotten those things out of the way, let me point out what is messed up about your argument (that I’ve quoted).

Whether we like it or not, ChronoGG is part of the games market. The games market - despite being plagued by piracy, and game key resellers, and the bad games brought by Steam Greenlight (may the devil have fun with those souls) - HAS ALWAYS BEEN A FORM OF FREE MARKET. This means we the consumers have always chose what to buy and the gam devs try their best to market their game. This has been the way it is for years now.

Imagine of Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft said that "Oh you just bought our first console exclusive for the year? “GUESS WHAT DUMBFUCK! You ain’t getting the next console exclusive! WAHAHAHAHAHHA HARDIHARDIHAR NOW GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!!!”. That would be ludicrous, freaking insane. You might even go as far as to say that they are disturbing the status quo.

“But Ken, those games are paid with real money” well then lets go to this actual perimeter then. We’re now in the coin shop environment, a game is technically free because we are “buying” the game with software money - a numerical data stored in a variable. Even then, I won’t see this happening. “But why?” Well first of all, NO GAME DEV WOULD BE SO FUCKING DUMB (unless you are Konami) to tell you “DONT GET A FREE COPY OF OUR GAME” or “Oh you got a copy of our game this week? No game copy for you next week then”. That would be bad publicity, the devs would be branded a bunch of fucktards, and even I, an unemployed bastard of a man over the internet would scratch my head and say “dont these people like money?”.

“But the issue isn’t about the game dev publicity” alright then. Ever heard of consumer responsibility? Look, if some of you believe that ChronoGG should try to email us every time that “hey coin shop games are up! have a look at them” then I won’t argue about it because in fact that sounds fantastic! BUT - CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITY!. Even if I did get the email, if I decide to shrug it off, it’s my fault. If I decide to buy a game knowing someone else might not get a copy, that’s on me, not the ChronoGG Staff, and most certainly not the person who wasn’t able to get a copy of the game.

And remember? Time zones exist. It is the ChronoGG’s staff to inform us that the game would appear every 2 weeks at whatever PST or GMT but IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO TRANSLATE THAT GIVEN TIME ZONE TO YOUR TIME ZONE - NEVER CHRONOGG.

“Ken you’re kinda rambling on and kinda digressing” Alright then. Let me put this bluntlier (<— this is not even a goddamn word) than usual: The market will never punish those who procure products this week by removing their priviledges of procuring stuff the second week. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Not in a paid environment, and not in a free environment.

If some of you can’t even still see the damn point, then let me cheat by using a very exaggerated case:
Imagine going to the grocery store to buy food that would last you a month ONLY to be told by the manager that “Nah, sorry you can’t buy food from us for next month because we have to give chance to those who wasn’t able to buy the stuff you’ve bought”. No matter what perspective you twist your eyes into, this will always look off.

tl;dr - Why the fuck should ChronoGG punish those who procure any product by revoking their privilege to products on the next chance?!

Also, I hate clickbait articles and titles. The way you said “(click bait wins you views mates)” just sounds like you want attention. Don’t do that.

And another thing

Wondering if responding to this part will bite me in the butt but meh, I’ve written a lot, might as well go up to 11 on this.

This would be too much work because ChronoGG has to program this thing from how to do this(sending the email isn’t really that hard but more of how to do it on the background of their whole system which is admittedly going to be a pain in the ass) to the fail safes (like what is the default response if the user was too lazy to respond to the sent email). Then making a shit ton of instances of this (because on the top of my head, simply making a for-loop of this would take too much time and might cause errors and shit) with a 1:1 ratio (one user account is to one instance of the sending to the fail safes).


Everybody please take it easy. I’m glad the community understands the pressure and work Chrono.gg goes through with this experimental coin shop (and I believe it’s still experimental, since there aren’t a lot of examples to work off of, and the ones that do exist don’t offer something so high in value for minimal participation without a purchase requirement). And for that, I thank you all for being so understanding (I know I sound like I’m speaking from Chrono.gg’s perspective, but I’m speaking as a fan who is comfortable being in this community when the internet “society” is… Bad).

With that said, I do see the point behind an issue being the games never lasting long enough to tide us over until the next cycle. It’s like a store that keeps running out of stock, and the example I’m thinking of (that I prefer not to mention) caused bankruptcy within a year. So while Chrono.gg won’t really go bankrupt from this, it does put the shop at jeopardy where demand far exceeds supply. And unlike PAX badges, this demand can reduce the longevity of this loyalty program. Furthermore, if the coin shop goes away due to publishers/developers not offering enough keys for free, then this also means angry customers may have a reason to stop visiting the main page and miss out on future daily deals, causing fewer overall customers and affecting Chrono.gg’s main business model.

So the complaint about the free games going away may not necessarily be about privilege alone, but rather a legitimate hidden complaint about how this can affect the overall business model due to angry customers no longer caring about the main page which shows the daily deals. It’s a domino effect. However, I like the fact that people aren’t just complaining, but are also giving out suggestions so you guys are being proactive rather than just saying the sky is falling. While it’s possible and probably likely that Chrono.gg already thought of this, I do like the idea of staggered key releases where there will be two or three days of opportunities to get it. Keep in mind each day will end up selling out in an hour when keys are divided. So three days, where each day gives a one hour window of opportunity for games that are popular. I doubt it’ll last as long as it did this time, where all the keys are available on one day.

Hard to say if this will reduce any of the issues where it won’t last long enough to tide us over until the next cycle. Which may or may not be 2 weeks because well… How thrilled are publishers and developers over giving away free keys? Do they get a whole lot of word of mouth in return? I don’t know the statistics, but as a personal, uneducated, and inexperienced opinion, I feel that it would take a LOT of convincing to the publishers/developers to make it worth their while. And we don’t even know if Chrono.gg pays for these keys at a “bulk” price (but they should NOT tell us for business reasons).


Just regarding the staggering aspect: I’d rather see the keys staggered in a way that makes the system more timezone independent while keeping it as simple as possible (second batch at +8 hours, third at +16 hours). Spreading it over many days seems a bit excessive. Your point about the keys becoming more scarce still stands though, and they might have to adjust the batch sizes depending on how the traffic is spread around the clock.

And then regarding the willingness of publishers/developers to give away keys: If the There’s Poop In My Soup devs are reading the forums, I don’t think we’ll see new games from them in the coin shop :disappointed_relieved:.

While reading the topic I came up with one (new!) solution to the lack of keys and the abundance of coins. User based giveaways (like indiegala)! I for one have some leftover Steam keys, that I would be willing to put up for grabs even without any coin rewards for myself (I believe there was a “game hole” system on the site at one point? What became of it?).

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The game hole was an april fools thing but i’ve thought of it too, maybe the Chrono guys could fish out the legit looking keys and make a mystery game thing, pay X amount of coins and you’ll get a key that may or may not be fake and if it’s real you still dunno what you’ll get. But what you want is that we send spare keys to the staff (paging @lonin ) and labeling what game they’re for i assume and yeah that’s cool too. My idea + the added keys from your idea is a good idea, by me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dont like the idea of possibly getting a fake key, that would just suck to put coins in and get nothing back and really just sounds like G2A but with fake currency. But a mystery game for a set amount of coins doesn’t sound bad.

That is indeed a possibility with user contributed keys. I think indiegala does a good job of combatting this with their giveaway level system, which basically shows how trusted the giver is based on their previous giveaways. If there is no incentive or perhaps even a punishment for sending fake/nonworking keys en masse, I think it would mostly work out okay.

but then i coudnt do mad giveaways like i am right now :wink: #ad

I didn’t think you meant that kind of system, thought you meant giving keys to the staff to put in the shop as “Mystery Game” or something for a lowish amount of coins.

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The giver level could very well not be visible at all and just tracked by chrono (“We got complaints on keys A, B and C, which we received from the same person, maybe we should inform/warn that person. Especially since these are the only keys they have gifted thus far.”). Making it as simple as possible for both the giver and the participant is a good goal. So yes, I think our idea of the system is still similar, although I might have presented the idea of levels poorly.

Nah, i just blanked out, you clearly said what you meant in the post i originally replied to. My original idea was just fish out legit looking keys from the Game Hole :tm: and charge a small amount of coins for a mystery key that may or may not be a dud.

Also, first time i get this, i think:



I think you could still make giveaways like this along with the new system. It’s a lot more involved after all and helps engage the community. I was also going to make a giveaway to celebrate my birthday a few days ago (inspired by an earlier reverse birthday presents thread by @Gnuffi), but in the end starting a topic and handing the keys out to the winners seemed like too much of a hassle. Would’ve been nice to just dump them into an anonymous game hole though.

This is my second givaway, tbh its not that hard to do, just a RNG and a few PM’s at the end of it