The OT Thread!! Post Here When You Feel The Need!

On Thursday I’ve watched Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness. Really good movie even though the people around me weren’t too motivated like it was with the Spider-Man: No Way Home.

There wasn’t any cheers or shouts but it was a good experience since I saw it in 3D. It was a fun movie! :+1:


Well, for the most part, if it starts with Netflix Original Series. Run! Save yourself!


I made some chicken fajitas today, they were great. Just thought you should know.
In case you’ve never tried making your own (wheat) tortillas before, you should. It’s super easy and even if they don’t end up perfect they’re way tastier than store bought.


How to save money when you’re a figure collector? Make them yourself, I guess


Durn right! Top heavy ain’t she O_O


Honestly, the Ultraman anime, mainly S2, felt like I was given less than what I want, though the animation is really good. Lame it is ending too.
Speaking of Netflix Anime “Originals” (koff koff Komi is a license koff), does Kotaro get any better? Couldn’t get into it much after the initial episodes.


Never saw that one. I was sad that Blue Exorcist ended kinda abruptly.

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I recently watched Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku which is kind of boring tbh, there’s very little really happening and what little challenge or strife the characters goes through are super low stakes. But it is one of the most gorgeous animations I’ve seen in a long time, it’s kind of a joy to watch. Too bad they couldn’t put all this animation effort into a story worth telling.


I see this comment at the same time I’m watching someone doing a review of the last season anime, and he’s talking about Akebi-chan. Your comment pretty much sums up the review.


Dear directors, guess what! People of different races exist! Oh wow, its so true!

Stop casting white stars only in stories that were originally animations. The characters are Asian, or omg, even black sometimes. Can you imagine that! We are a multicultural world.

On the same vein, stop making live action versions of Anime shows. STOP the madness.

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Well I find myself in disagreement, not precisely with what you’ve said but with what you’re suggesting. There’s no end of things that have been ruined by forced “inclusion” these days, it’s hard to find a mainstream production that doesn’t try to shoehorn in “minorities” everywhere whether it makes sense or not.

I don’t find demanding people create art to suit your tastes a reasonable thing to do. Or demand people do not create art as they see fit.

Yeah this world sure has a lot of different people in it but most regions are and more importantly has been for long periods of the past insular and ethnically uniform. It is during these periods that many archetypal stories were crafted. If you’re going to tell stories based or sourced from any folk lore then twisting them so as to fit a the views of a particular contemporary specifically American viewpoint you’re doing a disservice to the story, culture, people of the past, present and future.

Of course I hold this opinion for all stories of all regions and times. The point I wanted to get to is that I wish that rather than forcing “inclusion” on primarily western stories (even though your primary concern here is Anime) we try to tell stories from other parts of the world and in doing so giving all sorts of people and voices a place to perform.

While I agree with you however that making live action shows of Anime is a horrible idea in general. The way to approach it is not to demand it stops being done, it is up to us to simply not watch it.


No cheers or shouts? there were some in my cinema when a certain members of an organization were introduced and shown. Never really understand why people shout and cheer in a cinema anyway, I guess they are just invested, but to each their own.


Yeah, my public wasn’t too excited for the movie so there was only some “Oohs!” and “Wows!” here and there but other than that nothing compared to what I’ve saw in Spider-Man: No Way Home which was very exciting to watch mostly because of the cheers, aplauses and shouts during it.

Below is an exmaple of what happened on December last year in a theater:

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Yes. I don’t watch. Just going through Netflix and Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, and a lot of other anime is only live action there.

And I’m not talk about inclusion. I’m saying Egyptians back in the day of Moses weren’t primarily Caucasian. It’s wilful misrepresentation.

Back in my own history classes in school, oh the people were Cannibals and it’s so great that the fake discovers wiped them out. There’s no reason to pretend there’s only Caucasian actors for stories.

Avatar the last Airbender, should never have been live action, but damn, two of the main characters were people of colour. Both of the Water tribes were mainly a certain hair and skin colour. It ain’t right to just represent what people are used to seeing.

In Barbados, we are mainly a black society. We have Chinese, Guyanese, Jamaicans and a lot the disgusting colourism and “foreigner” talk that comes with it. Basic respect for others’ culture isn’t asking a lot.

I’m done with this though. I’ve seen other convos get out of hand and I can’t deal. Just stated a feeling and observation that annoys the heck out of me. I’m sticking to watching BL and the hell with despicable, inaccurate representations of people even within their own settings and history.


I understand and agree there were more cheers and shouts during Spiderman, cheers in that were kind of like similar to when Cap lifted the hammer and in Doctor Strange it was far more subdued. Overall I felt Spiderman was a better movie, just thought I should mention there are some moments like that in Doctor Strange. I feel though they kind of wrecked some of the surprises from that organization members quite obviously in some of the trailers, though there was at least a few I didn’t know were coming.


Yeah, they gave away almost the entire movie through the trailers, while with Spiderman they’ve kept Andrew and Tobey’s appearance on the movie a secret until the very last second.

Even those who followed the leaks and rumours started doubting if they were really in the movie, which made people theorize that all three Spidermen were played by the same actor, who was Tom Holland. Needless to say that this theory was dead on the water since the beginning.

But Doctor Strange was a good movie, and had no pretensions to be bigger than actually is. Not as “epic” as Spiderman but a fun movie nonetheless. Mostly people were disappointed because they tied their hopes to supposed leaks and rumours that this movie would be an “Avengers: Endgame 2” with lots of special guests and post-credit scenes, which were all proved to be false, and in no way they could’ve done so in a movie which lasts no more than 2 hours.


I totally agree with you, @Danacscott :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: We are all different and we should see that in our entertainment. I don’t watch Anime shows but I understand.

I remember the uproar when they made The Wiz. How dare they remake The Wizard of Oz…etc etc ??

I think we got some kick ass music from it.

I think Diana Ross was too old to play Dorothy but hey she helped bankroll the movie…

I liked Stephanie Mills rendition better. Even tho this video is her grownup…

And then…Lena Horne…is…Just LENA!!!

Demanding is good. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. More voices need to be heard. How can the world change if no one says anything and lets it continue as it is? I get very annoyed when I watch Biblical movies and everyone is white. Drives me nutz so i won’t watch them. If you don’t like the change, then change the channel or don’twatch/partcipate/read… There is plenty of the old stuff

We need the new stuff to show children how we are, maybe, different but we still have to live with everyone and respect them. If they are not expose to differences, how can they relate?

I grew up in a small Southern racist town. I had to hide all my black music from my dad and could NOT play it when he was home. I was on a street corner with my best friend and we ran into out algebra teacher, who was black,. We were just talking for a few minutes and someone threw a drink at us as their car past and they shouted “N_____ lover!” at us. I had a black friend in school call my house and My dad hung up on them and said some pretty nasty things to her and I had to go to school the next day and figure out how to deal with that.

So I don’t pretend to get your pain or your frustration because I don’t have to live it. But I have seen it and it’s not pretty.

Now if you want to talk about being beat down because you are a woman, I have a lot of stories. I am sure you do too.




Always hungry ><


Less than 2 weeks ago we were wearing winter coats…

80 F =almost 27 C