【Steam Winter Sale 2020】

Ohhh that’s what it does? Well dang, really stupid its not a feature.


specially since it seems like something that would just serve to make steam even more money :rofl:
would think they had :money_mouth_face: and jump on the feature asap :grin:


Is there some sort of fee they gotta pay to have a feature like that? Because otherwise, its just really stupid its not there.


What’s really stupid is. I have about 200 or more spare keys and I am willing to buy a few games on Steam for others and they just ignore me. I thought Steam was all about the money…


no idea,
with Valve i think it just boils down to one or two things, “didn’t think of it”, too “lazy”/the implementation would not be worth it “to them”
^speculating on the “not worth it” could the additional trickyness in adding and calculating VAT, tax and dev/publisher share. I’m sure there could be someway to simplify that calculation/process making the potential for 3 extra cents added not be “costly”, but it might just be too much effort for Valve :man_shrugging:


Another good sale where I’ve managed to buy some good games which I’d have, well, “set sail to find them around the seas” otherwise.

Don’t forget to get those Steam Award cards!

(Definitive Edition)

(Only base game)

(Base game + DLCs)

(Only base game)


excellent choice :ok_hand: :+1:


Hasta ahora solo he recibido regalos de países que no tengan mucha diferencia de precios, en mi caso recibí uno de alguien de peru y funciono sin problemas, pero no puedo recibir de argentina por su diferencias de precios, ya lo intente

Seems that u can only gift steam games if the prices are similar, use steamdb to seek for a game then see the differences between countries, but there’s something I don’t get it yet, these people that trades steam gift how they manage to get them?


Thanks. :+1:
I’ve been wanting to buy Grim Dawn for a while since I love these kind of roguelike games.
As for Hollow Knight I’ve had some doubts in buying it or not since I’ve seen people commenting how much hard the game is. But after seeing the trailers and screenshots in the Steam I was convinced to buy it due to it having some interesting content.


The girl is dedicated. O_O


slight disclaimer, Grim Dawn isn’t exactly a roguelike, it’s an ARPG - suppose you could grant it some roguelike flavour if you play Hardcore mode tho

And Hollow Knight isn’t as such “hard”(later parts are for sure) it’s just about being willing to “practice”, since it basically boils down to pattern recognition/learning a boss’ moves

much fun to be had, in either, i love them both aaa lot :blush:


I see. I’ll have fun with them for sure. :+1:


understatement of the century

if you could, you would’ve married Grim Dawn and kept Hollow Knight as your mistress :joy:


I think I bought Grim Dawn during one of Chronos deals because of that Gnome’s(@Gnuffi) insistent praise.

Don’t tell him I haven’t played it.:pensive:


LOL really ? :smile:

Well I can’t blame them since the game is really good, specially with some mods to help.


i use none of them (they aren’t mods they are tools)
specially item assistant i’d be weary off, it collects user data/system information and sends it to the tool creator (doesn’t tell you about it) - highly recommended to disable that information gathering via some reg edits(i think it was)
^+ it’s (imo) much much better if you play the game “in the beginning” without a stash tool, since it just encourages you to store everything, even trash

Grim Internals can do a lot of stuff, and many people like it, personally i don’t feel you “need” those functions, but moreso i feel they clutter the UI and lowers immersion
Rainbow filter i don’t use because i’ve no trouble “seeing” items, and i’d just get confused with the “weird” coloir scheme it uses now that i’m so used to GD item rarity colours.


I also rather not use mods and tools for a first gameplay but they seem so convenient that I decided to try them out.
Also I’m a legit hoarder so I like to use stash tools while playing such games. I’ve been doing this since Borderlands 2, where I have a bunch of mules, heh. :sweat_smile:

Hmm, so this tool has hidden telemetry. Where is this registry key, since I couldn’t find it on Google. I think I’ll be using GDStash instead, I guess.
Grim Internals is a good tool, in special because of its auto-loot feature, saving me some clicks.
I’ve picked Rainbow Filter for the sake of organization, and it’s been helping me so far.


reason i say don’t use stash tool from the getgo is it can give you some bad habits, (and clutter your endless stash with trash items) - better to “learn” what’s worth keeping and what’s not before diving into them

i would “caution” the use of GDstash, since it also has character editor capability, and some “fall” into it, and then blame the tool/game for ruining their game/enjoyment because they started editing/“cheating”
^if you can keep a cool head and just use it for stashing it’s fine
if you want to use IA and disable telemetry here: [Tool] Grim Dawn Item Assistant - #301 by _nX - Utilities and Resources - Crate Entertainment Forum


I see. I’ve been selling items I don’t need anymore or are not useful to me to avoid this from happening.

Thanks for the link. I’ve decided to block it in my firewall using Windows Firewall Control instead to avoid screwing things up.
I’ll be using GDStash mostly for stashing items.


Is it really that fun? I’ve been looking at it for a few months, but I’m a bit skeptical. Hmm.