Steam Summer Sale 2021 (June 24-July 8, 2021)

This actually looks groundbreaking. Would you recommend installing this mod after finishing Skyrim main story, or just to play it instead of the main game?


Well i never actually finished the story in Skyrim, despite playing the base game for over 100 hours. The map is big enough that travelling to the various cities and doing quests etc. was all i did after a while.
But if you want to play the base game, do that first. Enderal has its own world and story.


Another reminder…CARDS!!! :exploding_head:

@Danacscott and @Animosity :rofl:


Just a forewarning, I was greatly unimpressed with Death stranding, it’s been a long time since I engaged with it so the reasons why are not fresh in my mind but…

That is not really going to be the experience with Death stranding, the path you’re meant to take is pretty straight forward and obvious there’s very little in the way of preparation or planning needed or possible. The “social element” is not there for you to have a meaningful social experience, in fact it is there as a mockery of the idea of having social experiences through screens, “likes” and metrics. The few ways the player interaction is actually useful kind of just takes away the challenge of the game as in it just makes the paths easier to cross as someone else already did the work for you.

If you’re going to try to be smart playing this game, you’re likely only going to be annoyed as the game wont reward you for it and then it’s going to treat you like you’re dumb anyway.

Story… well there’s certainly a lot of it. It’s always fun to discuss stories like these because they hide behind a facade of “complexity” or rather convolution and it’s defenders will just say that “you just didn’t get it” no, I got it I had a perfectly full grasp of it at the time and it is largely bs. “That’s just your opinion…” no you can actually objectively analyze stories and you can point out why something is not good. This of course still does not mean you can’t enjoy a badly written and presented story, especially when there’s just, so, damn, much, of it.

Anyway, you do what you want to. It’s a tough game to approach because of course finding out whether you will like it or not before hand spoils a lot of it and then you probably wont enjoy it as much as you might have. If anything much of the enjoyment this game can grant is from finding a lot of the dumb arse shit it does for yourself.


Looking at this too, maybe…


I couldn’t resist it, specially after they finally removed frigging Denuvo from it. So I reunited what was left of my budget and got this.


they finally remove Denuvo from a game, but then they do that in one which @Fraggles wouldn’t even get close to even if they paid him :joy:


Yeah, it’s been removed since the beginning of this year.

And I wonder which game you’re talking about, @M00 ? Would this be a triple A game from Ubisoft or EA ?


no, 2K Games actually


Oh, ok, I guess. :sweat_smile:


So I wanted to play Diablo II or III but not at no good sales on a different platform, so I remembered Grim Dawn. And that someone here played it quite a bit. lol Hopefully my refund stuff gets to my account tomorrow, but yea, looking forward to it. aRPGs have always interested me, but never thought about committing unless it was really low in price. lol


I can attest to how cool Grim Dawn is. If you enjoy games like Diablo, Torchlight, Titan Quest and others this game is quite a treat. :+1:


I’ve never played any of those games before, but I’ve heard Diablo is a lot of fun. I just didn’t want to put $30 down on a super old game and on a different platform, so I thought might as well try Grim Dawn. :stuck_out_tongue:


Blizzard does sales like once or twice a year, so it’s not often you’ll see Diablo titles on sale. So yea, Grim Dawn is a great option to start from, since it’s not super fast paced like some others. And the person you may be thinking of is @Gnuffi, he’s really into GD. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I buy zeno clash and man what a great game


Yea, I know it was Gnuffi. He’s got 2.5k hours into it. hehe I guess that means I’ll get my money’s worth, at the very least! :slight_smile:


Grim dawn is by no means a bad game and if you want to try your hand at aRPGs for the first time it’s a decent pick. But as far as value for money goes it would be vastly overshadowed by Path of Exile, after all free is infinitely cheaper than any other price tag. It is however worth mentioning that it’s owned by Tencent. You can still try it out without funding the Chinese cultural subjugation of everyone and everything, but still it’s a tentative recommendation.

Neither game measures up to Diablo 2 though, there’s just no competing with perfection.


Unfortunately I have about $8 waiting to release on my bank right now. Diablos games are about $20 on their platform, sadly. I’ll have to check out D2 later, so hopefully Grim Dawn can be something I can put hundreds of hours into myself.

(I’m downloading PoE right now. Hopefully it’s fun too!)


So pretty but very negative reviews reporting a point where the game simply breaks. T_T Pity. I dreamt about this one and was going to buy just this on sale. Maybe it will be bundled some time?


My $$$ went through so I was able to get Grim Dawn! It gets better too! I still had funds on my Paypal from surveys so I was able to snatch Diablo II (Original, not the remaster coming out) as well. Sadly it doesn’t connect to Blizzard client, but oh well. :metal: