Steam Summer Sale 2021 (June 24-July 8, 2021)

i dont know buy games or not what a dilemma XD i dont know expend money now or later on 2 games XD


I am gonna wait for a bit and let the dust settle. Plus The Humble Monthly is coming up. Getting Civilization :crazy_face: :shushing_face:


strategy games like age of empires is bored me and i die quickly (more fast than normal ) jajja


I canā€™t remember the name of the game but it was a sandbox game. And it took me forever to have a family of rabbits survive and prosper in a hutch.


Took me a minā€¦


i love have street of rage 4 but in this ocacion dont hahha i dont have money


So my brother let me play Loop Hero on his PC while he was out and I gotta say, that game is pretty damn fun.

The music is phenomenal, sounds very old school, and the graphics are even better. The mechanics themselves leave you without direct control of your actions, with all your control resting on equipment and where to place ā€œresource cardsā€ on the randomized path. You can choose to rest every turn, or keep going, building more and more resources and getting more powerful equipment.

I spent about 4 hours on it, which I guess isnā€™t enough for a lot of people to determine a game, but if you were on the fence about the game, it is definitely something I would recommend. xD


Not that many games I really really really want this year, got Noita and Creeper world 4 but thats about it, great art style on this summer sale, better than any year I can remember.


I have been having plenty of fun with this title lately, thereā€™s a lot more to it than initially meets the eye.


Uh i search creeper world and i not good in games with strategy component ( i bad in decisions) and it end in death jajja i pass


This game looks interesting:

Might give it a go, casual style is definitely fitting for me.


That does look like it might be really good, I might have to pick it up myself. Going to give the demo a whirl.

Not sure about it, the demo did not allow me to earn enough money to get into any upgrades or expansions so just having managed this one plot of land it turned a bit stale rather quick. Managed to produce two batches of 5 star wine, mostly by guesswork as you have to take actions in spring that canā€™t be undone through summer and youā€™re entirely at the whims of RNG whether summers gets too sunny or too rainy and whether you could have used those leaves you cut off in April or not. Old farmers had a lot of different observations and ideas about how to divine the weather next month, this game could have used such a mechanics layer, or just a weather channel subscription.


If thereā€™s someone here who played bothā€¦ what would you advise to pick on the sale, Skyrim or Death Stranding? I cannot decide, both games look great. I didnā€™t like Skyrim much on console, but itā€™s been a while ago, my gaming preferences broadened a lot since then, and the remastered graphics looks awesome. Never tried Death Stranding, but the gameplay loop sounds like it can get me hooked.

Cannot buy both, because there are also some nice indies Iā€™m 100% getting, including the brilliant

So it comes to ā€œ1 big game + some nice indiesā€. I cannot choose based on what would I want to play right now, bc Iā€™m in the middle of Kingdom Hearts III, and I donā€™t play more than one big game at a time.


Iā€™ve played both, like both, but if you didnā€™t like Skyrim on console and are not sure youā€™d enjoy the new version, I say go with Death Stranding. Skyrim almost always goes on sale, everywhere, so youā€™ll never miss your chance later.


Theyā€™re both kind of boring games in my opinion. Depending on what you didnā€™t like about Skyrim when you first tried it, that aspect is likely to still be in the PC version, the combat is still shallow and uninteresting. Mods might fix some things but the basic nature of the game remains.

What about the gameplay loop of Death stranding did you find appealing? If youā€™d describe your experiences and expectations with either of the games itā€™d be easier to advice you. Otherwise weā€™d just be talking about our personal opinions here.

But as Rhyagelle said, skyrim is frequently discounted so if itā€™s really between these two games for you and you think youā€™ll play the one you pick before the steam autumn sale then sure go for death stranding. If you think you might already have games enough to play for the summer however then I doubt this is going to be your last chance at either of these games at a discount. Might even find a better one.


@joxter I find the Bethesda formula a bit boring, they require you to make your own fun to get the most from them. If you do decide to get it i would really recommend taking a look at Enderal, itā€™s an total conversion mod. Much better than the base game IMO.

@Fraggles Not a video game, but if you want to make wine i really like the board game Viticulture. Itā€™s a Euro game, not too long and not too complex.


Viticulture is pretty good, itā€™s also available to play on BGA
Itā€™s premium, but that just means you canā€™t start a game if you are a free account. You can still join an existing open table.

BGA has been a life-saver for my regular board gaming group throughout the pandemic. So many nice new games to play :slight_smile:


Donā€™t forget cardsā€¦ @Danacscott , @Animosity :crazy_face:


A couple of old timey feeling games I bought earlier:

This one seems too cool to pass up:

And this is purely for historical and nostalgia sake, played Larn a long time ago (I think you still can play Larn for free, though I hear this is a much more expanded and modified version, so itā€™s not the same. I still bought it though):


Thanks for the advice! Skyrim is just something that most of my friends enjoyed deeply, even those who donā€™t play videogames liked this one, and I want to feel that passion. I enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion despite some ridiculous decisions like auto-leveling enemies in Oblivion etc., but Skyrim never clicked for me.
The reason I considered buying Skyrim is KH III. Hated it at first, kept pushing and now love it despite its flaws. What Iā€™m looking for is the next big game to dive into after KH III is over.

Finding the path in a challenging environment with the emphasis on careful, thoughtful approach + social element and story bits with nice delivery quests (instead of murder quests, for example). I loved how early Starbound builds, before the release, made you think where you go, what you take with you, how you prepare. Be smart, and youā€™re rewarded with weird optional lore. Or rush to quick, painful death.

That is also definitely an option. Thankfully, thereā€™s no rush :grinning: Thank you for the advice!