Steam Summer Sale 2018 - Salien Minigame

no because the badge back then didnt actually lvl up beyond a few stages, only the “display” changed, but everyone got the same xp/participation badge after the first initial stages was done
was so easy to even do manually, hell i did it without a clicker even -and continued to play it past just to see how much i could get my “display” up to regardless
(tho maybe i should have just caved and used a clicker at least, since i did have to replace my mouse afterwards lol)


I remember something about wormholes and people complaining about it back then, i’m not sure if it was a strategy to hold back other players or boost other scripters…

Doesn’t matter anyways.

if you want your try at a boss, but don’t want to use the auto bots to do everything for you including keeping track
you can now follow the big bad duldrum bosses on twitter (apparently) lol
so check that out if you want to know wen/where to fight a saliens game boss, or just want a notification in the middle of the night :wink:


So fitting that i got that shirt when i hit max badge…

I’ll own it proudly anyways… :smiley:


Saw you hit level 6…congrats! o7



But to be honest, it was the most anti climatic thing ever… Went to play some paladins, when i got back to the desktop, i was a 6… Whatevs…

Interestingly enough, the badge keeps racking up Xp… Not sure if i leave my boot running or what.

And i still haven’t bought anything, ffs!

Since i’m kinda short on change, i’ll have to pick between the orange box or Deus Ex: HR, none of wich i played to this day… Also FTL… ugh choices.


after they changed the boss mechanics, or whatever is going on, -i’m just getting more and more disappointed by this event/game lol :confounded:
i was “lucky” enough to only get xp enough for one lvl, and go to 16, that seemed to have fixed my badge or something
-then ofc i’m disappointed about no retroactive fix/rewards of cosmetics from the 7 lvls i didn’t receive any…:disappointed:, so that sucks a little since i’d like to have maybe gotten something better/more (without spending money lol), liking to play dress-up and that

having been in a couple of boss battles since, just to see if i could get lucky to hit the 4mill reward again, i don’t know if valve changed the game/rewards, or if it’s just rng+luck, or what is going on
long ass battle, 300k… waste of time (sorta, -“compared”). then i’ve been in 2 battles where i don’t know if it’s bots or what, but people don’t seem to be healing, making “me” die insanely fast at times(combined with the weird “random” boss dmg)
can’t really figure out how the bots are approaching the fights either, if some are aiming for slow battles, or some for fast, like what actually gives xp isn’t agreed upon lol

the whole premise of “you really should be botting this” is just so thoroughly discouraging this event… and i refuse to give in… i’d rather not get a rank 6 badge (measly 200total/50xp diff anyway) than give into Valve’s low effort bs idea this time… :triumph:
sorta a shame, the first 3 boss fights were sorta fun to manually play, now it just feels like an utter waste :confused:
-very grumpy this event :smile:


I feel you there especially now that the scripts have been perfected, Valve could take some time to give some love to all the people who didn’t use bots…

Edit: I wonder why volvo didn’t make a unique badge for the people who hasn’t used any bots…
THAT would be really fair and cool for everyone…


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Gosh, that looks so odd…

My initial post was something along the lines of:

“The start game, refresh, start game, refresh strat for the Saliens game isn’t working for getting cards any longer.”

then I tried it again and it worked, I realized that I tried to get my daily cards too early, so I edited my post explaining that the initial version was useless…

Then I thought, why does it need to sit around, lol… so I deleted it. Now looking at the post history, it just looks like there’s one edit, showing me writing a useless post then deleting it. :rofl:


No shame in that! Know that us card-idlers appreciate the effort!


y the thing is apparently if u edit something within a few minutes it doesn’t register it, it just keeps it with the change as the OP


I just discovered that the Salien Event game can partially run on the Steam Android (don’t know if it works on the iOS version) companion app, you know that Stupid app Valve has put out and rrquires its users to download and use for transaction confirmations… Blah blah, partially because you can tap on the monsters as they pass through but you can’t use the ability skills as they require a physical keyboard for it to work.

Reason for edit: Addendum

Okay I tried it again and I can no longer click on a tile on any planet :frowning:



Oh the android app actually works well for this garbage. I wish I had noticed that earlier before I was done, could’ve been a neat way to grind at work.


They’ve nerfed the boss XP…looks like Level 6 Badge is forever a dream…


That’s a really weird dream to be having.


I haven’t been sleeping too well…I think it’s all the probing.


decided to finally sit down with steamtrade matcher today and got my sale badge up to level 7 and now my inventory is so much tidier. Though for some reason there does not appear to be a lot of trading of emoticons going on. I have 3 of these things Capture and apparanlty no one wants them.



y gl with that


cuz they succ :thinking: