Steam new Remote Play Together Feature

Own Degree of Separation and Moon Hunters.

Notice Cuphead isn’t on sale, but in the list. Herm.


Dont really know if someone mentioned but Obscure games are viable with play together, as far as I know they are the only survival horror games that can be played cooperative. Playing it right now with a friend without much problems except the ocassionally lag spike on me (the one is looking the stream)


Realized @Pylinaer didn’t post here so I’m going to.

He and I played a bit of Broforce – I’m so bad at this game I want to evaporate – and although it was quite fun, I did notice some sudden drops in quality, AKA: pixelation. For example, you know when you’re streaming a video and suddenly the quality drops to 360p and you’re brutally reminded of how YouTube looked in 2008? That.

Worth noting he’s in the US and I’m in The Banana Republic Brazil. Our average ping was 182.

Playable, but not as smooth as a baby’s butt. 3/5. :baby:

Yeah! Noticed Children of Morta is on an all-time low at 25% off. Really tempted to get it but, then again, would only be able to play it a week’s time, and by then it’ll be Black Friday… so might hold off.


“The full launch extends remote local multiplayer to iOS and Android devices using the Steam Link app.”


Double posting because I’m a heathen.

I’m going to be posting some logs. please read above to understand what they mean.

Logs take up space

[2019-10-27 20:24:53] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “Distance”
“appid” “233610”
“TimeSubmitted” “1572225893”
“ResolutionX” “1366”
“ResolutionY” “768”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Game polled D3D11 NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “15000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0.109010294079780579”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “98.3621139526367188”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0.217658773064613342”
“AvgClientBitrate” “17.1371593475341797”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “6.28505754470825195”
“AvgServerBitrate” “11794.642578125”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “47191.76171875”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “36400.87109375”
“AvgPingMS” “99.5999984741210938”
“StdDevPingMS” “2.51686334609985352”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.147134244441986084”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.0257272832095623016”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.00305100996047258377”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.158658206462860107”
“AvgEncodeMS” “2.92851519584655762”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.278996437788009644”
“AvgNetworkMS” “61.8879470825195313”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “7.49963903427124023”
“AvgDecodeMS” “2.50032854080200195”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “4.45227813720703125”
“AvgDisplayMS” “6506.59326171875”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “137360.125”
“AvgFrameMS” “79.8481979370117188”
“StdDevFrameMS” “15.6665096282958984”
“AvgFPS” “39.9459724426269531”
“StdDevFPS” “4.56660890579223633”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “0”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “1”
“GameControllerVID” “1118”
“GameControllerPID” “767”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

[2019-11-17 20:24:53] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “Distance”
“appid” “233610”
“TimeSubmitted” “1574042919”
“ResolutionX” “1366”
“ResolutionY” “768”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Game polled D3D11 NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “15000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “93.644378662109375”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0.557568132877349854”
“AvgClientBitrate” “24.5672969818115234”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “34.4787101745605469”
“AvgServerBitrate” “3858.290283203125”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “34772.93359375”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “14783.7568359375”
“AvgPingMS” “182.81036376953125”
“StdDevPingMS” “153.947601318359375”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.149565696716308594”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.182847410440444946”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.00719891628250479698”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.319228202104568481”
“AvgEncodeMS” “2.72132563591003418”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.319569200277328491”
“AvgNetworkMS” “100.740554809570313”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “161.99822998046875”
“AvgDecodeMS” “2.51634120941162109”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “3.96913051605224609”
“AvgDisplayMS” “157993.046875”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “2039890.375”
“AvgFrameMS” “106.207649230957031”
“StdDevFrameMS” “57.7529220581054688”
“AvgFPS” “39.9031257629394531”
“StdDevFPS” “6.63135194778442383”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “0”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “1”
“GameControllerVID” “121”
“GameControllerPID” “6”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

[2019-11-17 20:27:57] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “N++”
“appid” “230270”
“TimeSubmitted” “1574044077”
“ResolutionX” “1280”
“ResolutionY” “720”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Game Delayed OpenGL NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “10000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “32.2722282409667969”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0.549543857574462891”
“AvgClientBitrate” “18.9451808929443359”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “18.4466037750244141”
“AvgServerBitrate” “758.984130859375”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “0”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “100000.0078125”
“AvgPingMS” “107.478042602539063”
“StdDevPingMS” “41.6679878234863281”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.119489766657352448”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.0598582997918128967”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.00371478521265089512”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.184188544750213623”
“AvgEncodeMS” “2.65036773681640625”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.0531296767294406891”
“AvgNetworkMS” “56.1774482727050781”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “38.7760772705078125”
“AvgDecodeMS” “4.3032984733581543”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “5.74291801452636719”
“AvgDisplayMS” “129782.2421875”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “1883369.125”
“AvgFrameMS” “79.7126541137695313”
“StdDevFrameMS” “36.0493736267089844”
“AvgFPS” “40.0317230224609375”
“StdDevFPS” “6.07209396362304688”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “0”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “1”
“GameControllerVID” “121”
“GameControllerPID” “6”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

[2019-11-17 21:03:54] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “N++”
“appid” “230270”
“TimeSubmitted” “1574046234”
“ResolutionX” “1280”
“ResolutionY” “720”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Game Delayed OpenGL NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “10000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “4.20566177368164063”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0.447277456521987915”
“AvgClientBitrate” “15.5667991638183594”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “12.0530490875244141”
“AvgServerBitrate” “629.774169921875”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “0”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “100000.0078125”
“AvgPingMS” “97.9089126586914063”
“StdDevPingMS” “21.4145641326904297”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.184033885598182678”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.025694478303194046”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.0026815938763320446”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.153918728232383728”
“AvgEncodeMS” “2.2702324390411377”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.184464916586875916”
“AvgNetworkMS” “49.8320388793945313”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “16.7007999420166016”
“AvgDecodeMS” “1.45523667335510254”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “2.95603656768798828”
“AvgDisplayMS” “99564.984375”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “1711913.125”
“AvgFrameMS” “61.6420135498046875”
“StdDevFrameMS” “18.2210636138916016”
“AvgFPS” “39.9660568237304688”
“StdDevFPS” “3.64494538307189941”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “0”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “1”
“GameControllerVID” “1118”
“GameControllerPID” “767”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

[2019-11-02 15:58:09] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “Distance”
“appid” “233610”
“TimeSubmitted” “1572728289”
“ResolutionX” “1920”
“ResolutionY” “1080”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Game polled D3D11 NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “15000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “0”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0”
“AvgClientBitrate” “130.62860107421875”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “35.8607635498046875”
“AvgServerBitrate” “8230.9365234375”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “0”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “100000.0078125”
“AvgPingMS” “47.29620361328125”
“StdDevPingMS” “3.9420320987701416”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.2647838294506073”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.028567187488079071”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.00337976240552961826”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.0961158797144889832”
“AvgEncodeMS” “4.33460855484008789”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.314698547124862671”
“AvgNetworkMS” “27.9070777893066406”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “3.57515358924865723”
“AvgDecodeMS” “0.401411950588226318”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “1.38836264610290527”
“AvgDisplayMS” “4.06650924682617188”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “4.5781712532043457”
“AvgFrameMS” “38.3991432189941406”
“StdDevFrameMS” “6.78633546829223633”
“AvgFPS” “60.0093955993652344”
“StdDevFPS” “4.817291259765625”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “0”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “1”
“OtherControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerVID” “1118”
“GameControllerPID” “767”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

[2019-11-20 19:05:13] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “Broforce”
“appid” “274190”
“TimeSubmitted” “1574298313”
“ResolutionX” “1920”
“ResolutionY” “1080”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Game polled D3D11 NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “libavcodec software decoding with 4 threads”
“BandwidthLimit” “15000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0.0354704521596431732”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “99.8709640502929688”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0”
“AvgClientBitrate” “200.948135375976563”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “59.5236282348632813”
“AvgServerBitrate” “5420.73681640625”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “27708.939453125”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “8595.556640625”
“AvgPingMS” “182.25”
“StdDevPingMS” “5.03604412078857422”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.25852733850479126”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.0332542881369590759”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.00296221859753131866”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.0627337619662284851”
“AvgEncodeMS” “4.08220577239990234”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.10436229407787323”
“AvgNetworkMS” “95.9673385620117188”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “6.88568210601806641”
“AvgDecodeMS” “4.55675649642944336”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “1.36122786998748779”
“AvgDisplayMS” “-11889.5126953125”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “596233.5625”
“AvgFrameMS” “110.299636840820313”
“StdDevFrameMS” “8.86266899108886719”
“AvgFPS” “61.7151260375976563”
“StdDevFPS” “17.4158287048339844”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “1”
“SteamControllerInput” “1”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerVID” “10462”
“GameControllerPID” “4354”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”


[2019-11-22 20:36:40] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition”
“appid” “275390”
“TimeSubmitted” “1574476600”
“ResolutionX” “1920”
“ResolutionY” “1080”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Desktop NVFBC NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “15000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “0.204203218221664429”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0.0548609234392642975”
“AvgClientBitrate” “77.93511962890625”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “17.8432445526123047”
“AvgServerBitrate” “2038.0703125”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “0”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “100000.0078125”
“AvgPingMS” “56.8059310913085938”
“StdDevPingMS” “3.60254240036010742”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.543019235134124756”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.0666689649224281311”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.188095375895500183”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.0242638029158115387”
“AvgEncodeMS” “4.07810592651367188”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.277154743671417236”
“AvgNetworkMS” “20.6842422485351563”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “1.12266933917999268”
“AvgDecodeMS” “7.01513576507568359”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “6.33007717132568359”
“AvgDisplayMS” “11.7668008804321289”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “5.75412225723266602”
“AvgFrameMS” “101.19842529296875”
“StdDevFrameMS” “60.3850860595703125”
“AvgFPS” “93.8672409057617188”
“StdDevFPS” “41.2278671264648438”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “1”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerVID” “1118”
“GameControllerPID” “767”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

Take aways:

  1. AvgDisplayMS and StdDevDisplayMS are garbage metrics and will be tossed out in future test runs. If you can have a negative DisplayMS that means something is affecting it that throws it way off.

  2. Internet connections are the limiting factor. You can see that SlowNetwork was the #1 cause of problems. I believe this is also what causes the DisplayMS to go wild.

  3. Steam can potentially stream up to 144FPS! This happened with ksib. I think this is a client setting.

  4. Ping and lag, thus far, have been relatively under control. @coralinecastell has had the highest ping yet. I still need someone from the EU & NZ/AU to volunteer themselves though.

Edit: Other places are fine too btw. If you live in Africa or something you’re not excluded from volunteering.

By the way, volunteering just means we find a game I have and play it for a while. It’s not like I’m rigorously testing anything.

Yeah so this is a host setting to keep performance. I have turned it off if you want to get more Americanized for your trip here (BROFORCE!)


I wouldn’t mind testing things out with you from the EU side, most nights this week would work for me.





Frag's Stats

[2019-11-25 19:37:18] “SessionStats”
“GameNameID” “Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved”
“appid” “310790”
“TimeSubmitted” “1574732238”
“ResolutionX” “1920”
“ResolutionY” “1080”
“CaptureDescriptionID” “Desktop NVFBC NV12 + NVENC H264”
“DecoderDescriptionID” “DXVA2 hardware decoding”
“BandwidthLimit” “15000”
“FramerateLimit” “0”
“Transport” “4”
“SlowGamePercent” “0”
“SlowCapturePercent” “0”
“SlowConvertPercent” “0”
“SlowEncodePercent” “0”
“SlowNetworkPercent” “48.7725715637207031”
“SlowDecodePercent” “0”
“SlowDisplayPercent” “0”
“AvgClientBitrate” “130.533859252929688”
“StdDevClientBitrate” “72.4309844970703125”
“AvgServerBitrate” “13420.9521484375”
“StdDevServerBitrate” “0”
“AvgLinkBandwidth” “100000.0078125”
“AvgPingMS” “142.383468627929688”
“StdDevPingMS” “0.97602999210357666”
“AvgCaptureMS” “0.586116433143615723”
“StdDevCaptureMS” “0.03667435422539711”
“AvgConvertMS” “0.203978464007377625”
“StdDevConvertMS” “0.018159797415137291”
“AvgEncodeMS” “4.29694747924804688”
“StdDevEncodeMS” “0.17152094841003418”
“AvgNetworkMS” “79.6628494262695313”
“StdDevNetworkMS” “3.90762758255004883”
“AvgDecodeMS” “0.544649243354797363”
“StdDevDecodeMS” “1.41824150085449219”
“AvgDisplayMS” “4.2162022590637207”
“StdDevDisplayMS” “4.3737483024597168”
“AvgFrameMS” “90.6693038940429688”
“StdDevFrameMS” “7.15653848648071289”
“AvgFPS” “59.8707084655761719”
“StdDevFPS” “2.84892153739929199”
“BigPicture” “0”
“KeyboardMouseInput” “1”
“SteamControllerInput” “0”
“TouchControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerInput” “1”
“XBox360ControllerInput” “0”
“XBoxOneControllerInput” “1”
“PS3ControllerInput” “0”
“PS4ControllerInput” “0”
“OtherControllerInput” “0”
“GameControllerVID” “1118”
“GameControllerPID” “733”
“WasSpectating” “0”
“RemotePlayTogether” “1”

Again see that Network is the primary slow down.

However, 142 MS is decent for EU to US, not amazing, but decent.


@Pylinaer My dude, where should that log file be again? With luck, I’ll have a bit of trial run with a friend in Spain - he’s hosting of course.

. Fossil Hunters - we got in game, but he needed to delete his save to play with me, then it didn’t work.
. Aqua Kitty - I couldn’t join as player 2 for some reason. No sound.
. Pang Adventures - no sound and couldn’t set up myself to play with controller as 2nd player.
. Then his controller batteries died, lol.
. TowerFall Ascension - no sound. Controls in game unresponsive. He’s restarting his system.


First 10 seconds:

(Thank you for thinking of me :sunflower: - Infiltration of Africa has begun)


This is what I think about when I think “Africa.”

This was in the comments of one of the videos. I watched 3…LOL

Fun Fact: This song was so popular they named a continent after it. :joy:


Happy you linked to the original and not the weezer cover.


Weezer is just…no.


But Weird Al is so good…

But I am very biased, I have liked everything he has done, for many years now…


I wouldn’t call that biased, his body of work is frankly startlingly prolific both in quantity and quality.

He has, in my opinion, somehow become a pillar of American Musical Culture simply by virtue of reinterpreting and working through the medium of others.


Not a big fan of cover songs…

I love him too. He does more parody or satire.