Steam game count decreased recently? Find out why right HERE!!!

The whole achievement locking thing is most likely because it became a selling point for a bunch of those 99 cent asset flips.

The latest examples featured something like 5000 + “cheevos” wich was becoming ridiculous, especially when you looked at the “upcoming” tab on the steam store…
Wich, even if they were removed from the store, people would still get them on giveaways etc, just to farm the cheevos.

It’s probably not retroactive to users accounts, but some of those fake games achievements pages are getting disabled, stopping people from completing them. Because the game isn’t connected to the steam API anymore.

It’s not very clear if it affects total cheevo count.

Not sure now Valve changed it or not, but before this, we still can get achievements from removed game. Yeah I got your point about the selling point, even when there are few more giveaways, they will be stopped very soon, because 2 reasons:

  1. Developer can’t generate keys for removed game.
  2. Developer with mass giveaways usually get money from trading cards, but clearly now they can’t be marketable, almost no profit for them anymore.
    The problem is that these achievements were never published, now suddenly they showed, and they affect Average Game Completion rate. That would be nothing if we still can get those new achievements, but no, we can’t. This is very disappointed for everyone that finished those game before and want few perfect games that they 100% cheevos.


Well, the only information we have been given is that our games were consistently at the top of user reported titles primarily for practices that are deceptive to the customers. This did not fully explain the reason for complete account and business termination

yes, yes it does… But, even then, you idiots uploaded, multiple instances of the same game, that alone would be enough too.

“Silicon Echo is an account completely separated from Zonitron Productions even though it is connected in some ways

their own fcn words! :joy_cat: lol, if you are "connected"m in any way… then you are not completely separate, ya dumbass

and the reason why we continued to create small games is to found our first bigger game and this dream game was supposed to be The Herbologist

because all devs know the way you go about funding your “main project”, is dump a ton of direct asset flips, add expenses on fees for doing so, questionable quality that might not be likely to recoup their own costs from direct purchases(so only by “other” means).

been buying fees on daily basis, but the moment we stopped buying them and had about 40 or them unused,

holy hell they had another 40 just lying in wait, ahahahah,
serious, what “legit” dev would ever buy that many fees, and in bulk, when most devs don’t even get to release that many games (for fees these guys have left), in their entire lifetime

i swear this response is comedy gold reading through

i really really hope these jackasses are so disconnected from reality that they mean everything stated completely, rofl

(PS, wait, you changed the cat emoji chrono?? what gives :confused:, it’s now less furry, fluffy and cuddly )


How about we all get together and trade our cards for these games to either complete these sets or other sets, and thus eliminate these dead cards? I’d love to either complete or eliminate some of the Goo game sets (or the other Zonitron games) so that I can be rid of the games after that point.


That sounds like a great idea.
Make a dedicated trade thread for it. I don’t have any of these games myself so no cards to trade. But by the sounds of it a fair few of you guys do.

Good riddance. I’m glad those games and devs finally got taken down. :bow_and_arrow:

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y i could swear my games owned total went down a bit about a week ago