Steam Friends?

I got that thing where I feel like I’m bothering people if I say hi, and then, when someone does talk to me, I feel like I’m a bother when I won’t stop replying. :laughing:


even if i’m a shy guy, by all means feel free to bother me if you feel like it (or have a random thought that “needs” to be voiced into the aether :smile:)
i might be “offline” a bunch, but i always respond to messages when i see them, -and don’t worry about “being too chatty”, i’ll have no trouble slowing it down if i want to focus more on something else :wink:
i wouldn’t have put anyone on my friendlist if i wasn’t willing to get “moderately” harassed by you chronies from time to time :blush: :joy:


Don’t you DARE speak to me if you have nothing of absolute and utter importance to say! Waste my time and you shall face the full wrath of… sorry I’ve been playing a lot of Tyranny recently.


By all means feel free to say hi. What I meant was that I don’t really start conversations.:ok_hand:t3:


Fraggles! Fraggles! Fraggles! Fraggles! Fraggles! Fraggles!





If someone spoke to me on steam it would be the highlight of my week.
But I don’t go on steam very much, soooo, if you are insane enough to attemp and befriend me, I might not respond right away.

Moral of the rant, feel free to talk to me :stuck_out_tongue:


I am pretty quiet too… usually if I am sitting at my computer, I am trying to maximize my playing time… :sweat_smile:


Hi guys. Been a bit withdrawn lately. Doctor appointment coming up. Ick.

@GanbaRANGER I deal with anxiety and depression too. Sent ye a friend invite. Sorry it took so long. I tend to disappear sometimes. :slight_smile:

Anyone else here ever played or still plays Yugioh Duel Links? Just started lately.


If you ever want to talk about that stuff, it’s cool. That goes for anyone. I’ll probably understand and won’t think it’s weird. Some of us can be really isolated.

My Steam profile says I put in like 2 hours or something. It’s a lie. I was going to try it out, got distracted, never left the title screen.

I might just give it a try in the next couple of days. If I do, I’ll let you know if I like it and am looking to play.

Thanks for the friend invite! :grin:


I’ll throw my Steam account on here again for those looking for “cool” friends on Steam. Don’t be afraid to add me. (I do delete people with offensive names though so be warned.)


Hi there! I just added you, thought I would throw that out there. :slight_smile:

I got the same name as I do here… hopefully not offensive to you in anyway. Who knows with which languages people speak and what is offensive.



Just added you :grin:


I’m not going to call anyone out but I did have some people on here add me but when I looked at their past names on Steam it was “N word this” and “N word that” (obviously not going to type what they actually had for names). Those people tend to be gamers I stay away from :smiley:


I would like to admit I was one of those people (I decided it was a good idea to let a certain friend of mine use my steam account for a few days and I know it probably looks like I’m trying to pass the blame.)
Edit: I seriously apologise for anyone who did see what my previous usernames were they were completely inappropriate so i have covered them up the best I can and I appreciate that @Twistedgerm reminded me of this so I could remove them.


Edited by Mod: Removed Video. Too many flags for being inappropriate.

Merriam webster gives 3 definitions for the N-word:

  1. offensive: used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a black person
  2. offensive: used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a member of any dark-skinned race
  3. now often offensive: a member of a class or group of people who are systematically subjected to discrimination and unfair treatment

thus, it is a purely racist word; there’s no way around that fact

but y, let’s pretend there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that word (nor with calling black ppl apes) and just forget about whatever’s related to it, like hundreds of years of organized international slavery (for those who survived the trip and conditions in which they were captured/held in the first place)

and y, let’s just make it mainstream and innocent while we’re at it


Who said that?

that’s what he’s doing in that clip; he tries to make the word completely innocent by pretending there doesn’t have to be any racist connotation whatsoever hence his story about how the (white) barista was a N in his story

he does exactly the same thing with the word “faggot” btw, again, the definition by Merriam Webster:

  • offensive: used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a male homosexual

but he explains how it doesn’t mean that at all unless u mean it that way

that’s not how language works, words mean what they mean and are judged and understood according to their meaning, remember last time when i said that if it was as u said then someone could actually use the N-word but say that he didn’t mean it in a racist way (and that in fact the one who understood it that way was the racist); i even said that that was an extreme example, but here u came and actually proved my statement with that clip


Incorrect, but hey, at least you tried.

The it appears the moral of the clip is that “the N word” has the same connotation as saying “N.igger”, just more cowardly.

I am not sure why you continue to project your own beliefs onto others and try to twist what they mean to fit your own views.

“That is what he’s doing”. Incorrect. That is what you want him to have done to suit your own beliefs and justify your proselytising. The exact same thing you did with the Roseanne person’s tweet.

Kid, I have no fucking idea what you attempted to say there. Take your juvenile trolling elsewhere.