Steam Challenge

i think it’s because i missed/mixed up that giant center room with “boss”/shaman
i kept confusing it with the other “boss” path that was locked off (because that guard kept balling up and be invincible), so since i thought “that” was his room, i kept avoiding it, not realizing i had confused its location a biiit off to the left :wink:, making me miss something pretty fundamental and significant to the gameplay/advancement lol :man_facepalming: :rofl:
i think if i had just realized the center wasn’t the guard/that armadillo thingy, i could have spared myself the wasteful purchase of the compass, (and other markers lol) as i would have gotten in there a lot sooner instead of keep going around like a tosser :smile:

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y i srsly don’t know what’s wrong with me; i never finished Borderlands 1+2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Subnautica, Dying Light, Far Cry 4, Hand of Fate, Hollow Knight, Mark of the Ninja (this will elicit some type of reaction i guess :roll_eyes:), Hotline Miami 1+2, Battleblock Theather, Pit People, Bastion, Brothers - A Tale…, Kingdom Come: Deliverance etc. etc., and these are just those that i keep installed cuz i keep telling myself i absolutely must finish them

and then i casually tell myself: hey, time for Path of Exile



i think that’s why i at times get to play so “few games a year”, because i stick with those, and end up spending x0-x00 hours in them, which then doesn’t exactly leave much time for the rest/anything else in the bunch
-i decided to sorta wrestle myself free off skyrim remastered, having to remind myself the minor graphical upgrade didn’t warrant me “starting over” down that path when i somehow went down that deep well
some games i’m downright “afraid” to touch, thinking of how much they might suck me in and the amount of hours i could waste on them, Civ5 being one for instance,
big strategy games can sometimes make me disappear for hours on end into the wee hours of the night, -or until dawn :grimacing:
that meme thing with people taking off work/planning vacation/leave days or suddenly “falling sick” around the release of Fallout 4 didn’t make me bat an eyelid, -i knew that sentiment far too well from previous “long”/hooked games :blush:
so “only” tasting them/playing them in bits, probably isn’t too bad a thing for you, at least you get to experience them + others that way, vs having a backlog endlessly pile up because: hey; just sank another 1000 hours into X game :smile: :+1:

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Eh, I’ve got backcatalogue problems already without working on achievements. In particular, I’ve been taking my sweet time with Quantum Break-- about one episode (complete from the moment you play as Joyce to the moment the live action cutscene ends), in one sitting, per 2 or 3 months. I’m finally on Act 5, and s___ is seriously ramping up. I was only moderately impressed with the game during the first act-- as a Remedy fan, I loved it, but I could also see the main complaints that others seemed to have with the game. Now, my expectations have been blown out of the water and I’m dying to finish the game this weekend.

Maybe it was mostly just the fact that I was amazed to see a game where choices actually mattered. You have certain decisions to make outside of the Joyce gameplay, and my jaw dropped when


I got to the super-edgy firing line from the E3 demo, where Monarch is executing witnesses on the bridge. Instead, people were out of their cars on the roadblock, willingly cooperating, hanging out and taking selfies with Monarch soldiers, and all treating the main character like a terrorist… Monarch troops were the good guys, catching this very bad guy.

THAT IS SO DAMN COOL! These small choices just keep piling up in ways I never could have expected, even in live-action cutscenes (which is probably why they wanted to stream them so badly, there’I’d imagine there’s a lot of variations you probably won’t even watch). It really is an exceptional game, despite some of my complaints about the lackluster puzzles and the kind of strange power-progression.

Anyway, enough Quantum Break praising. After that, I’m probably going to marathon through Deponia 2 and 3, possibly going back to ELEX while I’m at.

Siege has been a nightmare for this. I haven’t had too much free time this year, but every second of it has gone to that game. Ever since Operation Chimera, the game has been functional enough for me to finally enjoy all the unique mechanics it offers, and squadding up with some friends, it may be some of the most fun I’ve had online.


Not a wasteful purchase! I doff my cap to fraggles pathfinding ability but the only time I didn’t have the compass charm equipped was during tough battles.

Just you wait until I get home and post my system specs…your terribad and my terribad are in completely different universes. I just dropped one setting by one slot and aside from getting a little hot (~92°C) I don’t think I had too many problems.

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gps, as in “i can’t find my way around even with a map and homing pigeon on a leash”, not gpu :wink:

just got myself utterly splatted… it’s funny how the game gives you “tools” to get around, and get to places, even places you maybe shouldn’t be, and before you know it, you find yourself in the deep dark bowel of a Mantis hell, just to maneuver all the obstacles unscathed, having gotten all the riches,
-just to somehow find 3 freaking bosses! at the bottom of a pit you accidentally felt in :dizzy_face: :scream:
-bye bye geo :smile:

(ps can i just say how evil it is the game mildly conditions you to whenever there is a prompt to press the button, -expecting a 2nd/“final”/“commit to this action” prompt. But no it ofc just starts the fight immediately -thoroughly spanked) :face_with_head_bandage:


Just noticed in the quote…perhaps my gpu is actually great and my eyes are failing! And if you think that area with the 3 respectful bosses is bad, just be grateful that you haven’t got to the realm they guard just yet. That place is awful!

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The mantis lords is a very fun fight, though it took me a few tries to get them. I have a feeling you’ve ignored the advice of an NPC you passed on your way there though. Maybe heed it if you’re feeling too outmatched.

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I think I actually upgraded my nail once before I took them out, although that was probably unnecessary.

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it’s that darn wanderlust, i haven’t even upgraded my nail yet :rofl:, i just keep getting deeper and deeper because “oohhh, shiny around the corner” :smile:
even gotten myself killed places even my dash/wall jump couldn’t cover, i’m guessing there is some upgrade to the dash later to traverse those really long stretches,
-but nooo, i juuust gotta try “once” even tho it looks so obvious i don’t belong in X room :joy:


Which looks AWESOME!

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Hey man here is a couple things you might want: 1 Neversink’s Lootfilter the most used lootfilter this a must have. u can even build one to suit your own needs but i just use neversink’s.

2: Path of Building a offline build planner used by everyone now this one is more optional. In case you plan to play long term it will help a lot after you get an understanding of the game.

I got 1,200 hours in it right now i know thats nothing in terms of arpgs but it’s impressive for me considering i get bored of things easily. I’m by no means an expert but if you got any questions i’d be happy to answer them or point you to someone who can if i dont know. Anyways welcome to PoE and remember this world is an illusion, exile.


k, thx dude, for the moment i’m just playing blind, though from what i understand i’ll supposedly get to a point where that is no longer viable

I’ve also heard ppl say u should play blind till level 20-25 to get to know the game and then start over and use guides, i’m currently level 9 i think, i’ll see what happens…

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holy sht it does! :+1:, -and makes traversing some areas in 1go a breeze :astonished:

ps, YOU CAN FREAKIN SWIM IN DIS?!?! :triumph: :dizzy_face:
omg that’s sooo mean, :hushed:
conditioning me to believe liquids are disastrous for cute little bugs in the first couple of areas,
-which then makes me stress to traverse some others, when it wasn’t even needed and i could just have plopped down with ease and grabbed my mask frag with 0 sweat, fooling me like that :confounded: :man_facepalming:
god this game is amazing, :heart_eyes:


As the resident entomologist I can say with some certainty this is not the case…

For evidence:

Beetles especially are quite efficient at avoiding watery peril, as anyone in the Midwest near water in June can attest to.


You should notice that the water you can’t at first swim in is boiling, or it might be meant to be acidic, either way it’s bubbly and nasty. The water you can swim in is still.


very true, i think it was just the platforming segments combined with the water that made me disregard its actual appearance and just figured “surely they wouldn’t have bothered with platforms if what’s at the bottom wasn’t lethal” :wink: :smile:
did feel nice like semi getting the wool pulled over your eyes/“doh can’t believe i didn’t realize sooner”-moment :confounded: :+1: :joy:

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