Statistics on streaks?

@Fraggles 31.953 coins

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20535 current and 31785 total, slightly less.


@Fraggles 31,956 coins in total

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Here are my stats (210 days)

All → Total 31642
30-Days → Total 15511, Average 2215,86
14-Days → Total 6459, Average 922,71
7-Days → Total 2414, Average 344,86
3-Days → Total 1041, Average 148,71
Daily → Total 5467, Average 26,03
Starter → Total 750

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I like that breakdown. I will do the same. My Legendary doesn’t pop for another twenty minutes.

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Looks like I AM the big winner:

210 days:

All → Total 32300
30-Days → Total 16143, Average 2306.1
14-Days → Total 6426, Average 918.0
7-Days → Total 2422, Average 346.0
3-Days → Total 1138, Average 162.6
Daily → Total 5421, Average 24.0
Starter → Total 750

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All → Total 31454
30-Days → Total 15774, Average 2253.43
14-Days → Total 6158, Average 879.71
7-Days → Total 2342, Average 334.57
3-Days → Total 1038, Average 148.28
Daily → Total 5392, Average 25.67
Starter → Total 750

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All → Total 31831
30-Days → 15705 avg: 2246,57
14-Days → 6551 avg: 935,86
7-Days → 2393 avg: 341,86
3-Days → 1011 avg: 144,43
Daily → 5421 avg: 25,81
Start bonus: 750

@Whitishmink we have the same daily sum, but I don’t get your average when split on 210 days, how did you calculate that? You did not include the 750 bonus in your grand total? I think most of us have done so and that would put you ahead of everyone else.

I’m on a 6 days streak I just want more 80’s music recommendatioins lol

How about this?..

I was actually looking for She Blinded With Science(because I am having my eye surgery tomorrow). I am not going to junx it by posting the William Shatner version…OMG…

@Fraggles I retired from accounting…I am tired of Maths…K…so not adding anything…


Good luck, my Dad had eye surgery last week, been having lots of fun calling him panda but the bruising will probably be gone either tomorrow or the next day :panda_face:


You are correct. I forgot to add the starter in the final total. My bad. Edited. Now I’m the winner!

For those who want’s an easy way to get your stats, I’m willing to share my excel file (you can import it in google calc).
All you have to do is copy the entire coin summary, replace the one in the document and remove the purchases.

WTH did he have done? I had my preop and they said nothing about bruises and neither has anyone that already had the cataract surgery done. No one even feels pain…just scratchy eyes and a bit of blurriness at times. Plus you have to deal with the fact your other eye has not been done yet Gonna see a bit one sided at times The worst part of the surgery is having to keep track of the scheduling of all the eye drops you need to use. Sorry for the OT…

I had my 210 day today…Yea, ME!!!

I had implants put in, and they had a week between each eye surgery. Had no bruising on left eye, and then right eye ballooned out. Sometimes, even the same person can have bruising and no bruising…

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It was eye surgery but actually on the eyelids. His bottom eyelashes had curled inward and were constantly rubbing against his eyeball irritating him. Completely different to what you are having. They actually cut all along the eyelid and then at the side, hence the bruises.

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OK. Now I feel better.

My 210-day Total: 31658.
30-days: - 15901. - Avg: 2271,57
14-days: - 6174. - Avg: 882
7-days: - 2352. - Avg: 336
3-days: - 1014. - Avg: 144,85
Daily: - 5467. - Avg: 26,03 (not counting starter)
Starter bonus: 750
-Average legend streak: 4419,71(not counting starter)

ofc just so happened to be i got my lowest 30-day chest today lol,
still not under 2k tho, but dang was it cutting it short :smile:

if anyone has gotten a 30-day chest below 2000 or above 2500 do let me know
same if you got a 14-day chest above 1000


210 day total - 31395

Guess I low-rolled everything :crying_cat_face: