


oh please let one of them be

just for lulz :joy_cat:

(secretly hoping for 2 more games from my wishlist tho)


I was about to post the same thingā€¦ :smiley: One can only imagine what the 2500 coins one will be in this case :joy:

Jokes aside! GG chrono, hope some ppl will be really happy with the new games.

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Probably could of just gone with

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yea but that game isnā€™t from the same guy that made Poop in my soup or Pooping with friends, and could be kinda hilarious to stick with that ā€œseriesā€ of dank poops :joy_cat:


I never realized there were so many games centered around ā€˜pooping.ā€™ Who is buying these games? Is there like a huge audience of people who secretly want to shit on other people? :confused:


Well Iā€™m off to bed, lets see if thereā€™s any of them left when I wake up.

itā€™s 12 year olds and thatā€™s it

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Anyone know exactly when they drop?

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Not even, itā€™s probably all youtubers making videos for said 12 year olds.

I think the concern is that if Poop in my Soup is 3000, then what could possibly be 2500? Unless the value of Poop was misjudged I worry that 2500 might net me Poop in my Shoesā€¦or perhaps even Soup in my Poop!


Iā€™m going to guess Mount Your Friends

Iā€™m pretty confident that the director of Human centipede is a fan of the Poop franchise. Thatā€™s one.

Why is there not a dislike button, Iā€™m taking a coin from you.

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Donā€™t spread your hate wide open ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā° ). Was :poop: soup game always cost 3000 :vhs:

Games are up

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I think Iā€™ll pass this time