The people behind mini metro went and released a new game, mini motorways. So now that I’ve resolved my game buying issues I had to grab this one. What you quickly learn is what American city planners seem to not figure out, the more capacity you provide the more demand is created. There’s no winning in building bigger, wider, faster roads, not that you “won” in mini metro either.
Just a first attempt of course, so I’m betting anyone who tries will beat it. Who will do it?
Edit: The first game had a very pleasant sort of expanding noise scape based on what was going on, different trains made different sounds and it all came together beautifully. Not so much the case in this title, the same idea is present but the execution is a failure. It got annoying quickly and even worse any time you pause the game the sound doesn’t stop, it just freezes and continues to play whatever tone was playing at that moment.
Looks like all of your yellow cars were stuck in a traffic jam by the traffic lights crossing. Was highway 2 a fairly recent addition?
One problem I run into myself is that it takes a LOT of time for an attempted fix to actually work and most of the time it’s already too late. In mini metro you could throw an extra train on a line or toss another carriage or two at a troublesome station and get a little leeway to figure out a more sustainable solution. Even massive redraws of your lines were possible to be accomplished in very little effective time. But in this game you have to prevent a problem before it is a problem.
Monster Hunter Rise (Switch). I really do regret getting it on Switch. I can only play for thirty or forty minutes before that performance makes me yak! lol
Now I just have to work towards a 0 gold run, and an 8-minute speedrun. Because I will 100% this game if it’s the last thing I do, then I’ll shift my sights on Spelunky 2.
It’s actually really good…though it does have some annoying bugs. Like in the menus. It’s not breaking, just annoying.
The soundtrack is amazing, and the voice acting is actually really good and the story seems interesting so far. Best character so far? Illaoi. I love her characterization, and her accent.