Please add PayPal

I wish I could use this, however I don’t think I can ever trust PayPal again. They limited my account due to moving over 2500$ during this year and now I have over a thousand in my account, completely inaccessible. Doesn’t sound that bad, right? Oh it gets worse. The account has been locked for 13 days as I’m writing this. I’ve contacted them with an email every other day and I’ve sent countless of tweets at them, even waited 30 minutes on their Customer Support number. No replies at all. Definitely THE worst customer support ever and I honestly feel like I’ve been scammed/robbed by a big ‘‘trustworthy’’ company.

I’ll edit this post once/if I get my money back, so far it looks like I lost a fortune for nothing.

Also, I understand it’s probably not that much for working people but I am a student without a job so this is definitely impacting me severely and I’m honestly stressing out a lot.

Great can’t wait!


lol a reply a year later.
Paypal has been there for quite some time.


But are you guys adding paypal soon or what? :smiley:


I dunno, that’s asking a lot.


ok but is that a yes or a no

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Do I gotta be the guy who explains that it’s already added? Like months ago? Everyone at Chrono deserves a pat on the back for it. Next time you see them, don’t just spit in their face and kick them while they’re down. Help them up, and then continue berating them for some additional nonsense about leaderboards or lost streaks.

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i think the more important question is:

When are you going to convert to the galactic gold standard and add interdimensional-subspace-transmatter-4d payment??? :thinking:

people are sitting here throwing their monies at their screens and nothing happens.

No courier service to deliver me gold bullions to yer in time either,

At least direct us to the nearest long distance pigeon coop, so we have alternate means of transportation of payment, other than currently flushing bills down the toilet and then just pray+hope Mario or Luigi comes through in time before the deal is over

your payment schemes is obviously out of touch with you consumer base!


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