Okay so the first time you said this:
I was like Heh! A bear 
Time passed and… yeah, I think I’m a bear hahaha
Okay so now the actual thing and you tell me what It’s not a thing, also help pls.
Story or whatever pitch for my char dunno
So, what I had in mind is a merchant bear, like typical brown bear with his own not-so-big-ship (You can make It crash or whatever If It doesn’t suit the starting point)
Regular stuff for the most part, people/things, not into illegal stuff that much but will do If is easy quid + a lil’ bit of exictment, nothing to gruesome tho.
Because my dad was also a merchant and he grew up in this like enviroment of cool stories of his dad and all and… yeah It’s ob way more tedious than those tales.
I really like the idea of selling shit and smuggling even If he doesn’t need too, like he’s not rich or anything, but still.
By shit I mean not like "Hey, this stone will make your illness go away " but more like:
“This stone was used in this planet to see trough the clouds (like the vikings) in a planet with gas all over It, and I was tiny so I can’t really tell you where the planet is, but we lived and fend with them, and learning the trade they gave this to my Dad as a rite of passage and a sign of respect.”
“My father died a while back… (Not really, dunno where he is but… he’s cool hahaha) so this brings me pain and It’s not like I don’t know the story by heart… mmmmh yes maybe we can make an exchange”
And It’s a random stone that looks the part, and even does It!
I’m selling stories you know, ob I’m full of shit but It’s clear that he can’t use this Item, I also thought of him filling a jar with dirt hahahah and tell the same story but is waterworld 

and they gave us the dry land as a token, this ancient merchant civilization.
I feel he got easy quid for that, not to much trouble and a good laugh ^^
Not disrespectfully tho… they bought the story, It is what it is, charming in a way, I don’t think I’m better or anything is a cool story and you pay for that conversation piece.
And you know… I’m a freaking bear so people don’t give me shit, wich I think is a cool thing to have going on for you as a merchant, but I can be nice and chill, and ob I don’t think I can beat another bear unless lucky or whatever.
Long story short, I’m bored and stuck with this life, not that I don’t like It, I certanly embrace routine but yeah maybe too much, but I won’t do super illegal stuff on my own.
I had in mind a pilot/merchant kind of guy, can tinker around and repair stuff I guess but not too much. (again this is like the idea hahah maybe the idea he has of himself, maybe he can’t repair for shit
) a cool guy but could be intimidating.
And the name is Bagheera (See what I did there?
) Baloo was to obvious + he’s not really that chill, minding bussines and that.
I looked some things in order to ease your pain slightly. But I have doubts, for example, I need to take one genotype aspect, that’s outside my 2 aspects?
If I need to choose one tho
Genotype aspect
Eats Anything
You’re descended from omnivores. You might not know
whether you can eat it, but you’ll try.
Invoke: To forage easily, have no trouble eating “foreign”
or exotic food, wrestle down things which most
people would consider toxic or disgusting.
Compel: To eat something that’s going to do you no
good, or that wasn’t even supposed to be food; be
unable to resist eating something that looks tasty,
whatever the consequences; make a pig of yourself.
And I have the mandatory extra: Large* bc I’m a thicc boi
I guess my occupation is Merchant, New Trader.
My aspect (If I understand this part correctly)
Could be “Bullshit” and the idea is that I’m good at bullshit like in the selling stuff, car person kind of vibe hahah but I’m not so good at straight up lyign, like yes or no questions, so I guess those would be the good/bad of that.
And my 1 stunt could actually be really scary.
I don’t want to go further so you don’t have to read stuff that probably needs change and I need to read the guide again hahaha so many things there, and no bears!
But so you know what I have in mind ^^
@Inferry Your character looks super cool btw