New COD has battle royale with land, sea, and air vehichles

Just like driving on the highway. Neat!


The lootboxes won’t drop any items or weapon skins like COD WW2, instead it will drop on disk DLC codes to unlock textures and animations for the Battle royale mode.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have reached level 3, and you get… (hastily rolling dice like a forgetful GM who just realized monsters have to have loot)… Oh! An epic texture, now you can see the blades of grass in full 4k detail! Shame about that duplicate reload animation though, ah well here is a single point of currency.


y so it has been calculated that this map’s size would be less than half that of Fortnite, which is pretty underwhelming to say the least!

Can you imagine having vehicles in Fortnite? The map already feels too small for that rly. Now imagine the map only being 40% of what it is and u add sea, air, and land vehicles to that??? That sounds vry weird to me…

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I’m gonna necro this thread, the new CoD features a season pass that goes up to $130. DLC maps aren’t free and are less than usual, 12 instead of 16. Activision at it again :smiley:

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now ask me if i’m surprised :smiley: :smirk:


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So, tell me Mr. Gnuffi, are you surprised. Like, at all. A tiny bit?


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so unsurprised;
-not even worth to get out of bed for :wink:


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apparently not just that
sooo…, you won’t be able to buy dlc individually, but will have to buy the full ridic overpriced season pass? to get anything past the base game ? :thinking: :man_shrugging:
*Activision, shareholders meeting 2019; how quickly gamers forget :smiling_imp:
-“Introducing the lootbox season pass, the only way to get your season pass! :smirk:
But which will you get?, and how many “pass boxes” will you have to buy to make sure you get it all?!” :sunglasses:
:heavy_dollar_sign:“Cha-ching!” :heavy_dollar_sign: “it’s raining :dollar: down the streets, straight to the bank bois!” :money_mouth_face:

:champagne: :clinking_glasses: :fireworks:

-i have no sympathy leftover for anyone feeling miffed or getting burned buying call of duty games anymore, you knew who you were getting in bed with long ago :wink: :smile:


The Pass, formerly known as Season Pass.


That one already had land, sea and air vehicles. Never thought a cheap copycat would be the innovative one.

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But are they innovating clever new ways to sell content?? I think not… in that field COD is forever King…

And thankfully the only place COD has been king for a while. Now we just wait for the new King Shooter to invariably poison themselves and maybe we can stop crowning monarchs and just have a nice little shooter democracy with regionally elected representatives and reasonable business practices.

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