Just another key giveaway thread (ENDED)

Unfortunately not. This is to prevent people from creating multiple accounts, so you need to have at least 100$ of games on your account.

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Ok, what a shame, I’ve lose in a previous giveaway here on chrono forums and I was hoping to join this one for the flame on the flood. Guess I won’t :disappointed: .

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If you have a game priced at 10$ but bundled before, the Current Value (CV) for Steamgifts is 15% of that, so 1,5$. If a game has been giving-away for free (ie, Indiegala ones) CV will be 0. You need more bundled games, or a few Full Value (never bundled).
Guess which site has often really good discounts on Full Value ones…



Thanks i only joined Epic Battle Fantasy 4 this time (it looks cool) as i already got the other ones after i posted my comment (the other games on the current giveaways).

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Thanks for notifying me! I’d love to be added to Caveblazers! Thanks

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Hey chrafxx first thank you very much for these sensational giveaways S2, and can you add me to The Flame in the flood? :smile_cat:

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@cowmilk @Agetime

Hello, I need your Steamgifts usernames to be able to add you to the whitelist. Please PM them to me if you’d like to enter. Once I’ve added you I’ll let you know and you can use the links at the top of the main post to enter the giveaways you’re interested in. Thanks :smile:


I really think we should create a Group, or something, call it, say, Chrono.SG and have some good fun :smiley:


My issue with a group for giveaways or any sort of offsite giveaways is that it creates its own seperate community and isn’t nessicarily benefiting the users of the site.


That’s completely understandable, IMO. I know nothing about selling games, but, still, I understand that.


Boo Hoo…I didn’t win Caveblazers… :frowning:

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The third round has ended! Keys have been sent to the winners.
Winners include:
Please send feedback on Steamgifts when you activate the key so that we can start the next round. Thankyou :slight_smile:


Who ended up winning Neon Drive and why hasn’t it been claimed yet?

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Someone named pableke. I’ve tried contacting them but they haven’t responded. Steamgifts requires you to try and contact someone for a week after the giveaway ends, and it’s only been six days since that one ended. If they don’t claim it by tomorrow, I’ll re-roll it and give someone else a shot at winning it.


The most interested-in games are currently these:
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide + 2 DLC: 3
The Flame in the Flood: 3
Kentucky Route Zero: 3
Beholder: 3

They will be given away in the next unless more people express interest in something else :slight_smile:


here’s the winner! :smiley:

but, i’ve sent you a consolation prize in your inbox here, and whitelisted at SG… take a look!

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Round 4! This is a shorter round, so get in quick! Again, if you want to enter and you aren’t on my whitelist already, shoot me a PM with your Steamgifts username.
@Vandem @Jdawgr @minimodgamer @GRLoRz @Agetime @PineappleChrono @darkshadow @Madway

This time around we have three new games and a duplicate from last round! We have Kentucky Route Zero, Beholder, Warhammer: End Times Vermintide paired with 2 DLC to go with it, and The Flame in the Flood is back so if you didn’t win it last time, now you have another shot. Good luck! As always, links to the giveaways are at the top of the thread.

Due to a clerical error I mistakenly advertised Cook Serve Delicious as a game being given away when I in-fact did not have any unused copies. I apologize for the mistake and I am working to rectify the situation with the winner. I guarentee it will not happen again for the remainder of these giveaways. Sorry :anguished:


Also, due to the winner for Neon Drive being uncontactable, the winner for that is @DanosaurJr! Congratulations, the key should now be available on Steamgifts. Please let me know if there are any issues with activating it (hopefully the original winner didn’t sell it or something).


Thank you again!

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I entered for Warmammer as it seems like it could be fun with hubby even if he’s not much of a gamer. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m thinking about trying again for Flame in the Flood as it really seems interesting to me and I love the concept, regardless I am definitely adding it to my wishlist for a future purchase. Thanks for these chances at getting some really good games and good luck to those that enter.

On a side note, Beholder is an amazing game, even if I found some moments very depressing at times and love, love, love the Papers, Please references in it. :purple_heart:

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