I Am Back!

It was vacation time.
Went camping for 17 days and just got back about 6 hrs ago.May post some pics later. Got a lot of work to do and a lot of catching up/reading to do…

My GMail:…

My RSS feeds…

The WiiFi was bad/spotty. But I managed to take about 3 mins a day/afternoon or night to visit a few sites to make sure I got certain points. Some days were really close.But I persevered.

Anything i should rush to read here? I know I missed a few games…Oh well…Missed you all…


guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back, guess who’s back.


Welcome back! Where did you spend your vacation? :slight_smile:

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Welcome back! Good to see you have your priorities right… collect the coins, ignore the nearly 2000 emails :smile:

Not much has been going on since you’ve been gone. @PeteMcc got close to 60 likes for observing that the like button was changed to a Chrono coin. @Nintendude794 and @Gnuffi have been debating whether or not there will ever be coin shop games worth spending coins on. Nearly a month later, people are still reminiscing about the first game they have ever played. A handful of people have explained their icon. Some of us have posted images of our desktop, for whatever reason, while others have been bragging about their streaks/coin accumulation.


Welcome back Delenn, I hope you had a great time running away from bears! :smile:

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Welcome back @delenn13, your absence was noticed and I’m happy to hear it was merely due to vacation time. I hope you had a great time camping I for one would love to hear more about it, when you got the time of course.

It’s actually been pretty quiet around these parts for a couple of weeks, I was getting a little concerned in fact. But maybe people are just outside doing vacationy stuff instead of sitting here posting silly stuff on the internet.

Really glad to see you’re back.

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Why not just focus on the vacation and break your strike :sob: stop being so dedicated to the site. I envy you :sob:


Hell if I had a streak as long as delenn13’s there’s no way I’d break it.

Welcome back btw! :smiley: :smiley:


Being away from the internet for a few days can feel great, coming back to your backlog is less great.

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Gotta give props where props are due…kept the streak going. Nice work!

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I read this as: it was vaccination time

Was not sure what to think…

Wel done for surviving :grinning:

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Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed.

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We went to Rock Point …on Lake Erie On the Canadian side.


Here is their Flickr account.

OK…back to reading…got my emails down to approx. 400.


Welcome back… sad news… Madway has lost their streak T_T

Oh yeah and some other people too.

I was wondering why you didn’t claim Jotun when it was free while you had it on your wishlist. Sorry you missed it…

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Welcome back! Congrats on maintaining your streak!

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And now you know. I let one person know I was gone and why but i have known him since 2006 on the net.Thanks for the welcome.

I was determined. . We had 1 gig of data on our phones between 2 people and we came home with .96 GB left. Data is so expensive in Canada.

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Did you mean GB or MB? Because I read .96 GB as 960 MB, meaning you only used roughly 6% during your trip, which is impressive.

(Also I broke my streak again today. Sigh… 2 and a half months of restarted effort, wasted again for the second time. Back to square one…)

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Don’t make my head explode. We had about 6% left.

Sorry about your streak…:sob:

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